Wolf issue in the 2012 Legislative Session

LAST EDITED ON Feb-15-12 AT 01:14PM (MST)[p]Here is the link to the Governor's State of the State Address.

For those that would like to skip some of his talk, at approximately 32:00 minutes Governor Mead begins talking about the importance of AG in the State. At approximately 34:00 he talks about the Wyoming Wildlife and Natural Resource Trust which the Evil, ner'do-well WY SFW organization helped to establish. Notice how the state has spent over $35 million in Conservation and Habitat projects, combined with other matching grants approximately $200 million has been done since it began in 2004. It has provided an estimate of over 500 jobs annually, and nearly 21 million in labor earnings since 2006. At approximately 35:33, he begins talking about wolves. Keep listening as he actually mentions who some of the major players are in the wolf arena in Wyoming at approximately 38:00.
Thanks for the update MH! If removing what is a measily $200,000 from the bill will get it passed, I hope it will now get a final yea vote to get it to the Governor's desk for signing.
The money was pulled out because it was already included in the Governor's budget. On Friday, it passed third reading on a 24 ayes to 1 no vote. 5 Senators were excused. The only no vote was Senator Cale Case from Fremont County. Not sure why he would vote against the bill but he did. It will now head over to the House for introduction.
March 9th, everything needs to be completed by then. I am guessing that they will introduce it today in the House and the House TRW Committee will hear it on Wednesday. From there, it should go through the process without too much problems.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-27-12 AT 02:46PM (MST)[p]Until the plan is implemented...then the trouble will really start.

Wyoming plan will be in court before the ink is dry in the State Legislature...count on it.

Nothing will happen until around September 1st. That is when the USFWS is suppose to announce whether or not they accepted Wyoming's plan. As you will recall, they are currently reviewing comments which were submitted until January 13, 2012.

The best the environmentalists can do is challenge the actions once it happens. Until then, they have nothing to do. Usually, they start with a 60 day notice of intent to file suit. As we learned in 2008 when wolves were first delisted and management authority was restored to Wyoming G&F Department, it takes about 30 days to transition from federal to state management. Given that, I would expect Wyoming will have about a 30 day wolf season, if nowhere else, at least within the predator zone. It is hard to say without a crystal ball, but I would imagine things should track pretty close to this out come. Hopefully, but doubtfully, environmentalists will allow the process to work. Wolves have met recovery goals, Wyoming's WMP ensures that wolves will be managed for long-term sustainability and will result in a maintained & sustained population.

Wish I could guarantee you were wrong but that is next to impossible. I just hope the USFWS and Secretary Salazar will honor their commitment to Wyoming. The track record for the USFWS is not very good here.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-27-12 AT 03:55PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Feb-27-12 AT 03:53?PM (MST)

I dont think the push-back will come from the USFWS this go-round.

I could be wrong on that, as the USFWS has a track record of not approving WY's predator zone plan.

If I had to bet though, I'd say they will allow WY's plan to be implemented where it will be trounced on in 2 seconds flat by every wolf-hippie group in the U.S. I'm not as optimistic, I dont think WY will even get a 30 day season in the predator zone, I'm sure the Wolf-hippies will file an injunction to stop even that until the case goes to court. Could be wrong about that too, but, the issue is out in the open a lot more these days. The wolf hippies have had an education via the court system as well...and they arent slow learners.

I think the USFWS wants out...and wants the courts to make a decision regarding WY's plan.

Its going to get ugly if WY's plan is accepted...lawyers will be busy for sure.
Thanks for the update MH! It looks like the ball will be within the USFWS court in a matter of a few days.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-08-12 AT 11:47AM (MST)[p]Bill was signed into law yesterday afternoon. Doesn't appear to have been note worthy by the Wyoming press or I missed it while I was following State Cheer competition.

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