Wolf Hunts?


Very Active Member
Any guesses as to if the hunts will be approved for this year? Would the proposed start of Oct 1 still hold if so? I'd love to have a wolf tag in my pocket on my sheeep hunt :) It wouldn't be worth waiting to hunt sheep, but I still could be there in Oct...
Not in 2012 Eric....

The Lawsuits are already lined-up....for filling in September.

I am tottally depressed about it...


PS: I am up in Cody the 26th thru the 29th....you gonna be up there on any Ram-Scouting trip?
I would certainly spend one of those days--- day hiking/scouting with ya as 62 elk/116 deer are my old haunts...overlap of your #5 Ram tag....non-wilderness type deal.
Robb---Just because there may be some lawsuits doesn't mean there won't be a season because the Judge it would go before would have to rule in favor of the plaintiff and issue an injunction. Any lawsuits this time should go to the Federal District Judges in Cheyenne, rather than to the nitwit up in Montana, so there may be a lot better chance of a ruling in favor of the state.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-06-12 AT 07:03PM (MST)[p]nfh---There is a Game Commission meeting scheduled in Lander on 7/9-7/11 with one thing on the agenda being a discussion on the wolf situation. Hopefully there will be posted minutes of the meeting to see what they have to say.
Well, one way or another the Wyoming season will be open. Wyoming residents and sportsman are being patient for diplomacy to work. Most of us have followed the rules to the best of our abilities, waited for politics and agendas to play out. BUT, I can tell you that if the courts intervene this time it will not matter. Many, Many residents and local sportsman have decided that if the season gets closed this time. We will be forced to take matters into our own hands!!!! We have got to be willing to stand for what is right!!!!!

They do not call this the cowboy state for no reason!!!
I know one person that will squeeze the trigger on any he sees that are outside that recovery zone and open to shooting all year long!
I respect your theory wolfhunter.....


No way in hell am I going to Federal Jail and all the fine$ to be the poster boy for SFW-Wyo piggybacked with BGF .....$cam artist$.

I will play by the legal rule as always.


I promise you will not be our poster boy!

I cannot speak for BGF, but WY SFW is not looking for any poster boy's.


You are welcome! After all, everyone will benefit from WY SFW's position to defend Wyoming's ability to utilize the dual status wolf management plan; even those that demonize us.

Go ahead and see where that gets you Robb. I think today you can not count on the officials in charge to do the right thing any longer. I bet there are a few hunters in other parts of Wyoming, Idaho and Montana that wish they would have had a little more spine in the early days of this debacle. Just wait and see Robb, you will have some in your Utah back yard soon enough. I'm not going to sit back and wait until you and Obama tell me that those Canadian Lupus are not good for our wildlife and need to be controlled. I am afraid your Just another Sheep Robb!!!

My line in the sand is clearly drawn........Trust me I am not alone!!!!!!!! Because of the Federal protection I have sat on my hands too. NOT ANY MORE!!! Some times in life you have to just do what is RIGHT! EVEN IF THEIR ARE CONSEQUENCES!! To me the loss of our hunting heritage is worse than the consequences!!! Because our heritage is what is on the line whether you are willing to admit it or not. I would rather go down fighting for what I believe, than join you with the sheep!

Side note; I went to Yellowstone this summer and glassed from a pull out just below Mt Washburn and from one vantage point I could see about 20 skulls of bull elk. They were obviously lobo kills. Pretty sobering view to say the least. Twenty years ago I use to see fifty big bulls from that same pull out. NOT ONE ELK IN SIGHT!!!!!!!!!
LAST EDITED ON Jul-07-12 AT 05:28PM (MST)[p]Wolfhunter, i dont believe your thaat stupid to post on the internet the intent to break a federal law, you will make some guy(s) very happy in levinworth federal prison....

leaves out the defense it being a BIG dog...

i dont know PLEASDEAR but i KNOW he is a sheep HUNTER, not a sheep.....

How to start an argument online:
1. Express an opinion
2. Wait
I hope they open the season and you kill a bunch, it would be a good start....and you will have plenty of help thinning them out

How to start an argument online:
1. Express an opinion
2. Wait
Hi Robb,
Thanks, would love to but I can't then... I think I'm just going to take all my leave and go hunting. Unless I get lucky in AZ, I can devote 6 weeks to WY 5 sheep alone......
Speaking of sheep---the Baa-baa type, man there sure are allot more this year up grazing in my Wyo-elk hunting area.

It would be great to hunt wolves with ya this fall wolfhunter in Wyo.....I will fuel your truck.

My deer tag is in a Wolf Quota area and they will most surely have that quota filled by the time I get up there to bow buck hunt......don't know if I will buy a tag or not....

Now the Predator Zone is a different story!


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