Wolf hunting on elk refuge (or nearby)


Very Active Member
I found on WY game and fish, 2012, no wolf hunting on elk refuge. Is this still true?

Long story short I will be on the refuge for bison in December. What are my chances at taking a wolf? Is the quota in that area (wolf units 9 & 10 mostly) typically reached?

I have a cow bison tag, so if there are no cows on the refuge I could go after wolves.

Worth it or are the odds of seeing, let alone taking, a wolf really low?


You'll see them...a lot!

I'm not positive but I believe if you shoot a wolf on the refuge you'll be in big trouble!! In prior years the refuge website has said (and may still) you can only shoot at elk or bison and no other discharging of firearms is aloud. It may have changed, but I highly doubt it.

Good luck out there.
The wolves only started coming down onto the refuge (during the day anyways) about three years ago. I think they have figured it out that there is pretty easy picking on the refuge.

I would think if you got on the east side of the refuge on the big ridges it could be fairly likely to kill a wolf.

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