Wolf hunt quota set

430 would have been better but we will take what we can get besides......just gut shoot a couple till you "fill" your tag-Hatrick
> besides......just gut
>shoot a couple till you
>"fill" your tag-Hatrick

no wonder all the envirowhackos portray us hunters as nothing but bloodthirsty savages who only want to wipe out the wolves again, 220 will be a good start and once we prove that the state can and will manage wolves and sustain a population the quotas will go up and they will have no grounds to try and put a stop to the hunts, until then lets just be happy that we may be able to slow down the growth of the wolf population
hey hatrick, comments like yours give all hunters a bad rep. we need to be more professional when commenting on issues of this nature. We all know this is a very heated debate and need to keep our emotions in check, that is what seperates us hunters from the very emotional and liberal non-hunters. Lets just keep our fingers crossed and hope we get a chance to help control the population of the wolves like we do with every other predator. I have not had the chance to see a wolf and I would love to, but they cant be left alone to run rampant, there needs to be some sort of balance in nature.
>hey hatrick, comments like yours give
>all hunters a bad rep.
>we need to be more
>professional when commenting on issues
>of this nature. We all
>know this is a very
>heated debate and need to
>keep our emotions in check,
>that is what seperates us
>hunters from the very emotional
>and liberal non-hunters. Lets just
>keep our fingers crossed and
>hope we get a chance
>to help control the population
>of the wolves like we
>do with every other predator.
>I have not had the
>chance to see a wolf
>and I would love to,
>but they cant be left
>alone to run rampant, there
>needs to be some sort
>of balance in nature.


The only animals that deserve to be gut shot are the ones that walk on two legs and pray on children.
how many deer are gut shot and lost every year,,,,,, are these same hunters going to shoot at wolves,,,,,,, SO I WONDER HOW MANY WILL BE LOST UNTIL THEY HARVEST ONE,
thats not the point and as hunters we should pride ourselves on making clean kills and not gut shooting and losing animals you only give the antis more fuel for their "its cruel" fire when you guys say stupid ##### like this
Well, they filed for their injunction. I wonder how long Judge Molloy will take to issue is decision?
besides the recovery goal established was 300 that was reached 8 years ago doesnt matter if we have 5,000 the wackos will still be saying there isnt enough-Hatrick
pray we get to kill as many as we can. becuase in a couple years it wont matter what the quota is. these critters are smart and you will be lucky if you ever see one again. getting pretty excited...actually have a spot that myself and quite a few other buddies have been consistantly seeing them for a few years!!
we are sure going to try! dont know how thick they up north, but my buddy is flying us into moose creek the last weekend in sept. ill have a bear tag while they are hunting whitetail. you never know, may run into one up there...better check the regs. dont know if its open that early or not up there. we have also seen a BIG pack in chamberlain basin a few times if anyone is headed to that country. about 10 or so. its been a few years though. seen lots of tracks up on east mountain too. i think our "honey" hole/bowl will produce for one of us:)
I read that our wolf hunt might be on hold. I guess that the good judge that shot it down before will be looking at it again. I said it before I will say it again. We should have opened the hunt as soon as we had word. That way the legal fighting would have started months ago.
I hope we have a hunt but I am not going to hold my breath. Ron
i feel there will be a hunt either way. enough people are getting tired of this and fish and game has even commented on this as well. lets make it legal....they are going to get shot regardless.

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