Wolf Hunt Closure! WOW, OUCH


Long Time Member
No matter how you feel about Big Game Forever,
Take a minute and call the Governors office and express your disappointment!


Sportsmen of America,

Our friends in Montana need help. If you haven't heard yet, on Monday, Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer?s Commission over Fish Wildlife and Parks voted to close the wolf harvest in areas just North of Yellowstone National Park. Here is one story on Monday?s decision:
This decision sets a terrible precedent. Sportsmen and Livestock Producers have every right to be frustrated. Montana's Governor needs to get phone calls from hundreds of sportsmen that they strongly oppose the decision to close these hunts and any restrictions on needed wolf harvest and the way the closure of the hunts was handled.

TAKE ACTION TODAY: Call Governor Brian Schweitzer today and tell him you don't support the closure of the wolf hunts North of Yellowstone. Let's send a strong message by making hundreds of phone calls.
Governor?s office phone number: (406) 444-3111

Talking Points:
1) Sacrificing the recovery of wildlife populations in these areas and closure of these wolf hunts sets a terrible precedent.
2) Considering the devastation of elk and moose populations in the area, there is no biological reason why Governor Brian Schweitzer?s Commission over Fish Wildlife and Parks should have voted 4-1 to close the wolf harvest north of Yellowstone.
3) The head of Governor Schweitzer's Wildlife Commission, Bob Ream, has admitted that the decision to close the wolf hunt was political. This isn't good enough for Montana?s wildlife. Ream said. "Is it political? Yeah, wolves are political." Source: http://missoulian.com/news/state-an...cle_0fb2e7c6-4309-11e2-9eab-001a4bcf887a.html

Please call Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer today. Let him know that sportsmen don't support the closure or unnecessary restrictions on wolf harvest in Montana.
Governor?s office phone number: (406) 444-3111

Please forward this message to friends, family and work associates. Ask them to make a two-minute phone call today. Please keep all calls cordial while expressing your concern. We have heard that the lines are getting busy. If you don't get through at first, please call back later today.

Ryan Benson
[email protected]

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Imagine that. A politition doing something based on politics rather than sound management.


Good one Zeke. :)

I just called, they seemed overwhelmed by the number of calls they are getting.
I wonder. Yeah the decision was/is political, including all the litigations from the greenies to date. I can't help but think this political decision is one whereby Montana is showing they are dedicated to truly managing wolves by temporarily closing down an area that has come under heavy controvercy regarding the collared wolves being targeted. Maybe the line of thought is by doing this, they can stave off additional litigations until this can be worked out. Don't know, just a thought.
I am surprised that there is not room for a lawsuit in this process. Typically a Commission of this type has to have such topics on the agenda for a longer time such that interested parties can then arrange to provide input.

In this case I do not believe that those interested in this decision had any real opportunity to comment on this matter. It should have been tabled and then voted upon after proper public notice was provided. Hopefully we can get our poop in a group and bring forth a suit/injunction to block this... the stupid antis are doing every time you blink we should also...
This has to be over the wolf lovers losing their favorite wolf. Believe it or not, I just got a email from the Sierra Club crying about that wolf being killed and they wanted a 25 dollar donation to protect the wolves.

I do not think they will appreciate my reply. Strongly, but being polite gave them my position on their imported wolf program that is destroying our native elk, deer and antelope herds.


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