Wolf Hate Mail

LAST EDITED ON Apr-13-11 AT 07:13PM (MST)[p]It looks as if CUPSY has made several Replies!:D


I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Did you mean replies? Or is relies telling a lie over and over again?
LAST EDITED ON Apr-13-11 AT 07:10PM (MST)[p]P (threw it in for ya Bess):) LMAO I Love the first comment!!! Sounds like MM, someone is bitchin about their post being deleted!! Good stuff HH!
I love the one about "opposable thumbs". Hilarious! Those wolf lovers are morons.
Like our brothers and sisters on the Howling for Justice website, I also pledge to NEVER vote for any of those worthless Democrates that voted to allow the states to manage their wolf problems. Never thought we would agree on anything, but there you go - I'm with you guys !!! Of course, I never vote for worthless Democrates anyway. Sometimes I don't even vote for worthless Republicans.
-- Bob

BTW, I hope to make that wolf killer list some day myself!
Here's a post that made me lol...

"They are too entangled in elk dogma to open their eyes to other possibilities. When you live in a bubble and never talk to anyone outside your circle, this is the way you think. Wolf advocates on the other hand have had to watch as over 500 wolves lost their lives. I wonder what they would think if the state reduced the elk herd by 1/3 and all they could do is sit by and watch. All hell would break loose."

Traditional >>>------->
I've got a pretty strong hunch many of those supposed hate mails were written by the anti's themselves, attempting to make us sportsman all look like the stereotypical "illiterate road hunter drinking beer and shooting out the window" which is what they believe all sportsman are.
Too funny. A wolf lover starts a blog page and then fabricates responses claiming they were posted by hunters.
We all know what wolves are doing to game populations, just to bad that the tree huggers refuse to see the truth. They try to humanize these predators to gain sympathy for them, but could you imagine if hunters took to the back country and killed as indiscriminately and just for fun(as it seems some packs have done) as wolves. They would scream bloody murder, but when a wolf kills they love it. Funny how they vow to protect this vermin but don't give a rats a$$ about how it is impacting deer and elk populations, that is because we as sportsmen care, and if anything negatively affects our way of life the antis and wolf lovers take pleasure.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-23-11 AT 08:11AM (MST)[p]Knowing full well that's there's no reasoning with these people, I'm doing battle now on a couple of the blogs. Can't stand to let them lie outright. I set the record straight on a few of their fantasies.

I wanted to take a scalp,but the kill was not mine.
I really tried to read through all the posts they made with an objective mindset.

Here's a couple of my thoughts...

For some reason, we as humans need a cause to fight for. We as hunters do it as much as they do. If a person doesn't hunt or have the desire to do so but loves the outdoors, its fair to say that you might be one that takes the stance that these people do. I can understand that what we do would make no sense them. They seem to have a wide range of belief systems. Those that don't mind hunting but love wolves, those who hate hunting, those that use God to demonize hunting.. so on and so forth. I saw in many places where they made reference to trophy hunting and technology used for hunting. (Interesting that we fight amongst ourselves on these subjects.)

Honestly except for the extreme fringe(on both sides) we are not that far apart in many cases from reasonable discussion. We want to see more Elk, they want to continue to see wolves in the wild. If I step back and put myself in their shoes, I get where they are coming from. I don't agree but I do understand. Honestly, I have a tough time with ranching (that being part of the wolf argument). I get sick of seeing Elk country torn up by cattle. I get tired of ranchers being allowed to run cattle all over public land but us hunters not being allowed to hunt their huge ranches, even if we pay to do so.

If the wolves are over-populated, by all means, lets manage them. But, realize that their love for nature differs little from our love for it. The divide between us and them isn't as vast as some would think.

Flame away!

"The deadliest weapon in the world is a Marine and his rifle." General John J. "Black Jack" Pershing, US Army
"Most men go through life wondering if they made a difference, Marines don't have that problem." President Ronald Regan
I spent some time reading the drivel on that site myself. The "divide" between me and the idiots on howling for justice is fricken huge. Your take on ranchers is pretty interesting also. Tough to ##### when your mouth is full of rib-eye though. mtmuley
I've yet to understand how pro-wolf and pro-wildlife can go hand in hand. I've seen more animal cruelty come from wolves than any other source. If I did what these animals did it would be a felony.
What they say us hunters are sending them is pretty tame compared to what they sent the people that legally took the wolves during the Idaho and Montana wolf season.
I knew when I posted that I would get hammered so I'm not going to take any of this personal. As I said, there are lots of "fringe" idiots and lots of those posted on that thread. There are always 2 sides to every story and I was truly trying to hear their side with an open mind. As I said before, I do not agree with their line of thinking. I don't feel wolves have any place outside the National Parks. I also don't feel Canadian Grey wolves have any place outside their traditional range. Its not possible for man and wolves to co-exist.

Do I think wolves are murderers? Thats just retarded, you would have to know right from wrong to commit murder. They kill because they are predators and thats exactly how God made them. Calling them murderers is no different than one of those wolf worshipers saying they are the same in value as a human being.

The point of my post was to maybe get some of my hunting peers to realize that sitting across a table from these people and getting angry and calling names is pointless. If you can attempt to see the direction they are going, it will be easier for rational hunters to head them off. We know they run soley on emotion and aren't rational in their thinking on the subject of wolves. BUT, they make the same arguements about our use of technology and trophy hunting that we use on each other!!!!! They know us and our soft spots. We need to know them.

I do understand your point and even though I do like beef,(I eat very little) doesn't mean I have to agree with ranchers use of public land and their ability to shut me out of checkerboard land. That would be like me saying if you don't like the government you shouldn't live here.

"The deadliest weapon in the world is a Marine and his rifle." General John J. "Black Jack" Pershing, US Army
"Most men go through life wondering if they made a difference, Marines don't have that problem." President Ronald Regan
As the oldtimers say "we shot all the wolves for a reason". Without sound management of the wolves, "the reason" will be visible by all.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-25-11 AT 10:17AM (MST)[p]AZWALKER---I pretty much figured out the gist of your OP, but I didn't really go onto the link because I'm so opinionated on anything involving my passion in life that I was scared I might get worked up and do just what you said and it would have done absolutely no good. I think you are on the button that a person needs to rationally look at the other side of anything before opening ones mouth and tryting to debate rationally on any subject. I don't know that I could even come close on this subject with them or the Brady Bunch of wackos regarding guns. Good posts!!!
"Do I think wolves are murderers? Thats just retarded, you would have to know right from wrong to commit murder. They kill because they are predators and thats exactly how God made them. Calling them murderers is no different than one of those wolf worshipers saying they are the same in value as a human being."

I don't think anyone disagress with this. The blood is on the hands of those who put and keep these predators here.

Michael Vick was prosecuted and condemned (and rightly so), but this is OK??? In this fight the pro-wolf crowds' dog always wins.

These people buy into the "wolf mystique". They identify with the alpha-male or the apex predator or the lone wolf. I'd bet most have never seen an elk and can dismiss the brutality the wildlife endures from wolves as "natural". I cannot get past the hypocrisy.

You will get no consideration from the wolf crowd.
I think you are mistaken if you believe these are New Yorkers and city folk. Many of the posts I read were from people that live in wolf country. I lived in Lander WY for a time and there were plenty of wolf lovers who could tell you exactly where the Elk were at any given time.

This is part of the problem on our side. We dismiss these people as city folk. We think they've never seen an Elk. Its quite difficult to have a passion for something you've never seen. These people are your neighbors guys.

So tell me what is better, sling names and mud or get in their heads? Of course they're nuts, nuts about wolves. Are you any less nuts about hunting or guns? We are as emotional about our passion as they are. The trick is to let reason and logic dictate your response to them. Just be smarter. An emotional response always looks crazy, ours or theirs.

"The deadliest weapon in the world is a Marine and his rifle." General John J. "Black Jack" Pershing, US Army
"Most men go through life wondering if they made a difference, Marines don't have that problem." President Ronald Regan
LAST EDITED ON Apr-25-11 AT 02:10PM (MST)[p]I think you are mistaken if you believe these are New Yorkers and city folk. Many of the posts I read were from people that live in wolf country. I lived in Lander WY for a time and there were plenty of wolf lovers who could tell you exactly where the Elk were at any given time.

I don't buy it. I believe the money comes from the population centers. I believe your observations, but the truth is the demographics of the pro wolf group are largely unknown (to your point).

I never advocated mud slinging or emotional responses. Any response, emotional or logical, is ostensibly futile in the face of such hysterical support.

My response has been a check made out to the RMEF.
Pre64, I don't think your response has been anything but level and logical and I think if there were more guys like you on this end of the issue we would be much farther along than we are now. My whole point is for us as a group to approach these fights like you have approached this discussion between you and me. Level and logical. Whether they hear us or not, we will always have the upper hand if we can approach it like this. That is what wins battles. And knowing your opponent!

"The deadliest weapon in the world is a Marine and his rifle." General John J. "Black Jack" Pershing, US Army
"Most men go through life wondering if they made a difference, Marines don't have that problem." President Ronald Regan
AZWALKER, I'm not gonna argue the pro vs anti wolf thing. You said the divide between the lovers and haters isn't as great as it seems. For me personally, yes it is as great as it seems. I want some of the wolves dead, they do not. Not gonna argue the ranching thing either, but as far as I know, ranchers leasing public lands for grazing have no authority to lock anyone out. As far as being farther along than we are now, de-listed in MT and ID is a pretty good place to be. I think you are fooling yourself if you think level and logical will work with factions that obviously are not those two things. mtmuley
I was refering to checkerboard land and yes they can prohibit access if the road to the public land crosses their private land. Fact! Besides using a helo, there's millions of acres of public land you and I are locked out of.

And no I'm sorry, I don't think Montana and Idaho being opened up for wolf hunts owes anything to hot headed hunters running their mouths and cussing the other side. It happened it spite of them. The reason we will win the battle is cooler heads and well thought out strategy, not ranting on MM. You don't give up ground in a fight listening. You can open your ears and still not agree.
They are passionate, we are too. They think we're wrong we know they are.

We both want the same here pard.
Ok I'm done. Good luck with your draws guys.

"The deadliest weapon in the world is a Marine and his rifle." General John J. "Black Jack" Pershing, US Army
"Most men go through life wondering if they made a difference, Marines don't have that problem." President Ronald Regan
Ummmmm, I wasn't ranting. I also did not state that hot-headed hunters had anything to do with anything. I understand your point about access. Didn't see where you clearly stated that part. mtmuley
The stupidest post I read was a comment stating that the Ranchers "poor animal husbandry" was responsible for the wolves killing their stock.

This has to be the most ignorant and stupid thought on there. This goes to show you they have no idea what the west and big country is all about.

No patience for the morons.
"I think you are mistaken if you believe these are New Yorkers and city folk. Many of the posts I read were from people that live in wolf country."

Funny the assumptions & generalizations people make.
New York & California conjure up the worst images of all.

Here is a guy I know from New York (upstate).
Not exactly what you think of when someone says "New York" eh.



LAST EDITED ON Apr-26-11 AT 08:14AM (MST)[p]Where did I ever say you were ranting???? I think you want to argue for the sake of the arguement. Which is fine, I'm just not interested.

I love having to quote myself...

"I do understand your point and even though I do like beef,(I eat very little) doesn't mean I have to agree with ranchers use of public land and their ability to shut me out of checkerboard land."

Thats where I mentioned checkerboard!

"I don't think your response has been anything but level and logical and I think if there were more guys like you on this end of the issue we would be much farther along than we are now."

In this conversation the oposite of level and logical could be hotheaded... maybe???

If you would like to argue with me great, but please have a point and read all my posts.

The whole point that I was trying to make is that these are people. People with passion and a love for nature. Now, we may not agree with their view of what nature should be but we cannot dismiss the fact that they love the outdoors too. Knowing that simple fact can give us an angle to maybe, just maybe educate them a little. In their posts they mention trophy hunting and technology as reasons they don't like us, we argue those very things amongst ourselves guys!!! That tells me they know just a little about us. How could it possibly hurt our plight to listen to what they have to say and form a valid inteligent arguement??? I do not agree with any of their reasoning, at all. But I want to know how they think so that if I encounter one of these people, I can form an intelligent argument and not just stand there and say "you're an idiot and I wish the wolves would kill you" Thats counter productive and ignorant. If some of us want to continue with that approach, fine but know that you sound as stupid and uneducated as their fringe does!

This is my last post on this thread. I said what I have to say I don't feel like argueing for the sake of it. Anyone who thinks calling names and slinging mud at the other side or not trying to get in their heads and understand what motivates them will get us anywhere in this ongoing fight (Griz is next guys) needs to stay here on MM and rant here!

"The deadliest weapon in the world is a Marine and his rifle." General John J. "Black Jack" Pershing, US Army
"Most men go through life wondering if they made a difference, Marines don't have that problem." President Ronald Regan
I don't think anyone disagrees with your first point AZ. Belligerence gets us nowhere and is destructive to our cause. Where we differ is that reason and logic will get us anywhere. I don't think it will. We are dealing with fragmented groups with different degrees of hysterical devotion to wolves. You may find one that will work with you, but you will not convince them all and it only takes one to file a law suit. Every single wolf hunting season has been challenged in court. Hunters have been subjected to hate mail and even death threats. There can be no reasonable dialouge with people who will subjugate the welfare of native wildlife, humans, and even life safetly fo the well-being of even a single introduced wolf.
I think I just put a guy on my "thin-skinned" list. Awful damn touchy for no reason. I must be a "hothead". Maybe AZ will read even if he doesn't play. Pre64 summed it up beautifully. mtmuley
LAST EDITED ON Apr-27-11 AT 11:50AM (MST)[p]Ok mtmuley, you caught me. Brother, I'm anything but thin skinned. I'd go hunting with you tomorrow without batting an eye. I just got bored with the circles we were going in. I get what you guys are saying and I'm not saying you're wrong. I just disagree with the approach some seem to take.

I think that there are more than one type of wolf lover out there. You got your geeky little granola's with those stupid wolf howling at the moon t-shirts on. They are loud but in the end they're harmless. Ok maybe not harmless but unlikely to have much power beyond the use of their own mouths. They are puppets used by eco-elite who play on the emotions of wolf lovers to further their own broader agenda.

Then you have your eco-elitists. These folks could really give a rip about wolves. They use wolves for a greater agenda. Re-populate predators. If they can get the general public to believe there is no longer a need for hunting because the predators are keeping the balance, they can then say there's no reason for us to have guns. Their true agenda is fabian socialism. Take away our ability to defend our selves, control the food and control the money. If they can do this they can fully control our country. These are the scary ones.

The first group are the ones that need educated. They don't realize what would truly happen if wolves were left alone. Or mnt lions or bears. They're sheep at this point. If we could reason with them and get them to see the big picture, they may end allies.

Eco-elitists? Lost cause! Bent on control and will stop at nothing to get it. These are the ones with the big money and the ones we need to stop.

I'm not offended at all, I just got bored.

"The deadliest weapon in the world is a Marine and his rifle." General John J. "Black Jack" Pershing, US Army
"Most men go through life wondering if they made a difference, Marines don't have that problem." President Ronald Regan
These folks could really give a rip about wolves. They use wolves for a greater agenda. Re-populate predators. If they can get the general public to believe there is no longer a need for hunting because the predators are keeping the balance, they can then say there's no reason for us to have guns.

Yup, to many people wolves are a means to an end. Shame the wildlife must suffer for their agenda.

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