Wolf Fight Round 2 SW States


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Wolf Fight Round 2 SW States

Wolf Battle - Round 2



US Senator Orrin Hatch played a MAJOR Role in getting wolves removed from the ESA in Idaho, Montana, and parts of Oregon, Washington and Northern Utah. Senator Hatch has written this editorial about the next wolf war, round two, see his editorial below my comments.

Senator Hatch will lead the fight to keep Mexican wolves from being dumped into Central and Southern Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. Current proposed plans would overrun 97.5% of America's elk populations with wolves. Moose and mule deer are similarly put at risk. This will be disastrous for hunting and conservation in America.

The agenda is to get wolves into Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, the Dakotas, and connect them with Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan. These Mexican wolves will also spread to the heart of Nevada's best elk and deer hunting. Wolves reached recovery levels in MN, and MI more than 20 years ago, and they are still not in the hands of state wildlife managers. After 20 years of comments, USFWS once again has once again delayed delisting in the Western Great lakes. It has become clear that Congressional Action is THE ONLY SOLUTION to protect America's wildlife populations.

If sportsmen care about the world class mule deer on the Arizona strip, Paunsagunt, Henry Mountains and Colorado wilderness areas. If they care about Colorado's abundant elk herds, and Utah's world famous elk herds on the San Juan, Book Cliffs, Boulder, Pavant, Beaver, Manti and others, if they care about the great elk herds of northern Arizona and New Mexico, it is time to rekindle the fire and get ready for the wolf war round two.

This whole Mexican wolf recovery is a farce from every standpoint. It will be another brass knuckle political and legal fight. No other way about it. The enemies of sportsmen and ranchers are relentless in their agenda, sportsmen must be as well.

SFW State Chapters and SFW members, joined with Mule Deer Foundation, Wild Sheep Foundation and its chapters, along with the Montana chapters of SCI, Arizona Elk Society and many other groups under the banner of Big Game Forever to fight the last wolf war in Congress. These groups were great allies in the West during the last round of wolf delisting. We are continually reaching out to others to join us in the fight. Ryan Benson has been preparing the strategy: legal, biological, and political for this next fight. Ryan will need thousands of sportsmen willing to engage one more time. We did not start this fight, but we will not allow wildlife in America to be unnecessarily destroyed without the united outcry from tens of thousands of sportsmen across America.

For sportsmen who don't live out west, but dream of coming out one day, we need your help as well. Sportsmen of Idaho, Montana and Wyoming received major help from sportsmen from all over America in round #1, now those same sportsmen need the help from Idaho, Montana and Wyoming Sportsmen in round 2.

If you are not signed up for the fight on the Big Game Forever website, please do so by signing the petition at http://www.biggameforever.org

Don Peay

Big Game Forever

Photo courtesy of mexicanwolves.org

Mexican Wolves don't belong in Utah's Dixie (OPINION)
Written by Sen. Orrin Hatch <http://www.stgeorgeutah.com/news/archive/author/ohatch/> on October 25, 2011 in Opinion <http://www.stgeorgeutah.com/news/archive/category/opinion/> - 4 Comments <http://www.stgeorgeutah.com/news/archive/2011/10/25/mexican-wolves-dont-belong-in-utahs-dixie-opinion/#comments>

EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is an editorial submitted by Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) and does not necessarily represent the views of St. George News.

When people say the wolf is at the door, they are typically using a popular idiom to indicate they have fallen on hard times. But that expression could become more than a figure of speech in southern Utah if the Obama administration has its way.

With the federal government falling short of its goal to reintroduce 100 Mexican wolves in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Arizona and New Mexico, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is now proposing to greatly expand their numbers and place them outside their historic range where the consequences could be dire. And the scientists appointed to look at expanding the scope of Mexican wolf reintroduction efforts have Utah's Dixie squarely in their political crosshairs.

As part of their proposal to "reintroduce" 750 Mexican wolves, these scientists want to have a self-sustaining population of 250 wolves in southern Utah and northern Arizona ? places that fall well outside the predators' historic range. How can you "recover" Mexican wolves in areas where they have not been?

Now I realize geography covers too much ground to be understood by many in Washington. But I expect better from the Administration and its appointed scientists, who are kowtowing to environmental extremists and ignoring multiple scientific studies that confine the northern extent of Mexican wolves' historic range to Arizona and New Mexico.

Just as egregious, the agency wants to list Mexican wolves under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) as a "subspecies," which will prevent Utah and other states from managing the predators if they wander outside of their historic range. Utah wildlife officials say this could lead to a re-listing of gray wolves in parts of Utah where they have just been delisted because the ESA requires unprotected species to be treated as endangered if they look similar to protected species such as Mexican wolves.

Furthermore, the ESA prevents a species like the Mexican wolf from ever being delisted and turned over to the states for management until it is no longer endangered in "all or a significant portion of its range." Since 90 percent of the Mexican wolf's historic range is in Mexico, which the Administration's recovery plan does not address, there is virtually no prospect of that ever happening.

So what would be the consequences to southern Utah? Without any means of controlling the Mexican wolf or protecting livestock, the losses to our state's farming and ranching industry, which accounts for $1.5 billion in sales every year, would be severe. The same is true of elk and other wildlife in southern Utah. The reintroduction of gray wolves in Yellowstone has taken a big bite out of elk numbers there. Placing a similar number of wolves in and around Utah's Dixie, where elk and big game animals are not nearly as numerous, is irresponsible. Once the elk are gone, the wolves will move on to livestock ? just as gray wolves have and continue to do since their reintroduction in 1995 to Yellowstone and northern Idaho.

It is past time for Washington bureaucrats to turn wolf management over to the dedicated state professionals who have a proven track record of managing elk, deer and other wildlife. The federal government has no business foisting Mexican wolves and other non-native species on Utah. I am committed to continue to do all I can to ensure that they don't.

Mexican wolves clearly do not belong in Utah. State officials say they don't want them. Neither do ranchers, sportsmen and others in southern Utah ? and they are not just whistling Dixie.
? Sen. Orrin Hatch is a member of the Senate Western Caucus

About the Author
sen hatch

Sen. Orrin G. Hatch is the ranking Republican member of the Senate Finance Committee. He also serves on the Judiciary and Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions committees and Joint Committee on Taxation. Long recognized as a principled conservative, Hatch has been at the forefront of the battle in the U.S. Senate to rein in the ever-expanding federal bureaucracy and costly, burdensome regulations. Recognized recently by U.S. News & World Report magazine as one of America's top 22 leaders, Hatch's legislative achievements and initiatives include the balanced budget amendment to the Constitution, the Strengthening Our Commitment to Legal Immigration and America's Security Act, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act.
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RE: Wolf Fight Round 2 SW States

I wanna puke! we gotta stand up guys this is bad news! We cannot give an inch to these guys. Remember they dont stick to their agreements! One wolf is too many! we cannot allow what happend in Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana happen again.
RE: Wolf Fight Round 2 SW States

The fight has to be taken to them NOW, instead of after the fact, like the last wolf circus. The writing is on the wall. The opposition wants unregulate wolves roaming our herds.
If you think the deer population is in trouble now, just wait for more wolves.
We'll all hear the promise of wolf number caps but we now know it means nothing.

The correct number is ZERO.

RE: Wolf Fight Round 2 SW States

These people are ridiculous. They are so unhappy with their own lives they have to ruin other peoples to feel better about their pathetic lives
RE: Wolf Fight Round 2 SW States

What would keep us from just saying, no, this isn't going to happen. Get together, either legally or some other grouping, and just saying, we are going to kill every flea bag introduced to this state. They can't arrest the whole state. It's criminal what they've done in MT, WY, and ID, they shouldn't get away with it here.
RE: Wolf Fight Round 2 SW States

I got this off the USFW website, lesson learned: if you kill a Mexican Gray Wolf, make sure you report it, then you only have to pay half as much in fines:


Elizabeth Martinez, Executive Assistant U.S. Attorney, Public Affairs Officer

[email protected]




On September 28, 2011, in Las Cruces federal court, two men entered guilty pleas

to federal misdemeanor charges arising out of separate incidents during which each man killed a Mexican gray wolf. Each man was charged with taking or possessing a Mexican gray wolf that was part of the Mexican Gray Wolf Experimental Population Area without a permit, a Class B misdemeanor.

Jack Bruton, 60, of Magdalena, in Socorro County, N.M., was cited for killing a Mexican gray wolf on April 15, 2010. Court records reflect that Bruton shot and killed a wolf after misidentifying the wolf as a coyote. After realizing that he had killed a Mexican gray wolf, Bruton transported the wolf to his residence where he removed the GPS collar worn by the wolf. After burying the wolf in a remote location, Bruton destroyed the GPS collar and buried it in a different remote location. On April 28, 2010, law enforcement officials interviewed Bruton after recovering the buried wolf?s remains. Bruton cooperated and assisted the officers in locating the destroyed GPS collar. After Bruton entered his guilty plea, a United States Magistrate

Judge imposed a $250 fine on Bruton, and ordered him to pay $4,095 in restitution, including $2,095 to cover the value of the destroyed GPS devise.

Ron Rains, 57, of Reserve, in Catron County, N.M., was cited for killing a Mexican gray wolf on December 2, 2010. According to the citation, while driving through the Apache National Forest near his residence, Rains shot and killed the wolf after misidentifying it as a coyote. After realizing that the dead animal was a wolf, Rains reported the incident to law enforcement. Court records reflect that, two days earlier, Rains had been notified that a wolf was in the vicinity of the area in which he killed the wolf. The Magistrate Judge imposed a fine of $250 on Rains, and ordered him to pay $1000 in restitution.

U.S. Attorney Kenneth J. Gonzales said that the cases were investigated by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, and were prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorney Jacob Wishard.

Best of Luck,
RE: Wolf Fight Round 2 SW States

"If you kill a Mexican gray wolf, you better report it".

The three "S" may have been more of a benefit to those two guys then reporting it.

RE: Wolf Fight Round 2 SW States

I think the SFW, RMEF, mule deer and sheep foundations should all pitch in and create a general trust fund. This fund will pay anybody that has court restitution fees for shooting misidentified wolves as coyotes.

Im serious Don, talk that one over.
RE: Wolf Fight Round 2 SW States

WAPITIBOB and other nonbelievers.... It's time you wake up and face the facts and stop the division amongst the ranks of hunters!



I personally don't belong to SFW either but I can tell you on this issue they are helping to step up and fight the fight like other groups! So stop bickering and wake the hell up and understand that this threat is probably bigger than the one they just faced up in Wy., Id.,and Mt. If these guys have their way you won't need Wapiti in your handle we'll just call you OLDBOB because you weren't smart enough to realize that sometimes in politics people with opposing views on some issues can actually work together for the common good! I live in AZ and the nightmare is just being reorchestrated and they are looking at multiple locations in multiple states.

SO WAPATIBOB bury the damn hatchet and realize there's vermin coming and they're looking to take scalps.... many scalps and there's strength in numbers even with the neighbors you don't like. It ain't time to bicker it's time to get aligned to fight and take the power away from the vermin that wish to harm us! If you don't want to fight go hide in the corncrib but stop shooting at the guys trying to save your hide!!
RE: Wolf Fight Round 2 SW States

As soon as Buzz and the rest of huntalkers get back from OccupyWallstreet there going to lay into everyone of you.

My codelences to BuzzH though for the injuries he sustained from the tear gas and flashbangs maybe you should follow Oakland PD directions from here on out.
RE: Wolf Fight Round 2 SW States

I have a great idea...maybe the RMEF should get involved NOW instead of waiting until the cause is almost lost. You all think?
RE: Wolf Fight Round 2 SW States

LAST EDITED ON Oct-30-11 AT 08:22PM (MST)[p]
Boskee, I agree the Wolf is a problem and needs to be controlled.
What I don't care for and will never support, is an organization that fought to derail the Wolf Rider, then before the ink was dry, send out press releases touting their achievements in getting it passed.
You can send them all the money you want, they won't get a dime from me.

"SFW State Chapters and SFW members, joined with Mule Deer Foundation, Wild Sheep Foundation and its chapters, along with the Montana chapters of SCI, Arizona Elk Society and many other groups under the banner of Big Game Forever to fight the last wolf war in Congress."

You'll notice there is no mention that "the fight in Congress" was to get the Wolf Rider removed from the Bill.

Like I said, send them all the money you want, I'll send mine elsewhere. They're just not an organization that I can support, seeing how they do business.
RE: Wolf Fight Round 2 SW States

Wapatibob, I understand your point but lets look at this from a different perspective. I'm not a Harry Reid supporter either but he stepped up and passed legislation to protect the states in the Taulman fiasco after USO started legal actions against many states. So should I have stood by my beliefs to not support him when what he was doing was in hunting's best interest?

These guys actually have some people in congress' support and are working at getting some of these issues resolved. NOBODIES ASKING YOU TO MAKE A DONATION BUT WE ARE ASKING FOR YOUR SUPPORT or at the least to rally for the cause not necessarily the organization! I stated above that I'm not a member either so we share some common ground here but at some point we have to stop the divide and conquer and work towards opposing the dark forces that work to end hunting. Sometimes support can be a silent partner as opposed to a voice of opposition. I hope you understand my position and continue to fund those organizations you feel are worthwhile. We have to stand together at some point to achieve the objective at hand.
RE: Wolf Fight Round 2 SW States

LAST EDITED ON Oct-31-11 AT 04:25PM (MST)[p]Big Game Forever, Senator Hatch and Senator Risch had ALL OF UTAH AND WYOMING delisted last March, along with all of ID and MT.

BGF for a period of two weeks, this past spring, tried to pull back support for just two states, because of the total for FOUR STATES, plus parts of OR and WA, and possibly parts of AZ and NM. BGF never tried to kill the eventual bill that passed.

Politics is an ART. YOu stake your claim in your end zone, with all you want. then, the art of the deal is get the best you can. had Orrin Hatch not staked his claim for COMPLETE delisting nationwide, and built momentum with 61 cosponsors around the country, no bill would have passed.

In fact, i am sure in some Circles the dems who wanted to help, Reid and Tester, were probably telling Sen. Boxer of CA and Cardin of Maryland, he you don't like Hatchs bill, you dont' want anything, but if you don't support something soon, you will get a really bad bill.

Radicals on the right and left, never win, becuase with them, it is all or nothing, so most often, they get nothing.

When the final deal was cut to accept what is now in place, Sen. Hatch called me at noon on April 13 and said, "I am going up to meet with Sen. REid on the final budget deal (Hatch is ranking Republican on Finance Committee). He said, we didn't get all we wanted, do you want to take what we have, or kill it ?

I said, Sir, thanks for asking. If we don't take what we have now, the headlines will read:

1. Enviros kill the wolf bill at the goal line again.
2. Some sportsmen groups who told us it could not be done, would say, told you so.
3. ID and MT would not be killing wolves.

So, my recommendation to hatch was take what we got, knowing we would have to spend $1 million and fight another day for other states (what is happening now)

Hatch callled back an hour later and said, "Don, thank all the sportsmen who fought for this. Tell them, it is not all we wanted, but nobody has touched teh Endangered Species Act in 35 years of trying. We got a victory, it is not the end of the war. Congratulations, ID and MT will be delisted, it is done."

that is the rest of the story.

don Peay
RE: Wolf Fight Round 2 SW States


Harriet Hageman, the attorney representing the Wyomgin Guides and outfitters, SFW Wyoming, and Wyoming Ag. groups felt the Simpson and Tester language taht was adopted, would threaten Wyoming court ruling taht allowed for Predator Zones.

Hatch was asked to work with Sen.Barrasso and Rep. Lumis of Wyoming to insert one last line in the continuing Resolution (CR) to delist wolves that the Judge Johnson ruling would stand. that was put in.

Pres. Obama signed the CR on April 15, delisting wolves.

Anti's filed suit

Judge Malloy ruled in favor of the hunt and Congress.

Anti's have challenged in 9th Circuit to over turn. Hearing is Nov 7 or 8.

US FWS accepted Wyoming's plan, including predator zone on Oct. 1. The Congressional ruling helped solidify that outcome.

The wolf war is a fight 160 anti hunting funded full time attorneys work on every day, to end abundant game populations and thus, hunting.

There is one sportsmen in teh country - Ryan Benson of BGF working everyday for 10 million sportsmen, organizing and helping other support.
RE: Wolf Fight Round 2 SW States


I have watched wolves destroy my favorite place in Wyoming. Two years ago, up hunting Deer with my son, he said, Dad, a pack of coyotes. I pulled down and had a great big black coyote in the scope at 100 yards. I knew they were wolves, and as badly as i wanted to shoot one, i did not.

When we break the law, we are no better than the occupy walll street folks.

our efforts are to change the law, and make it right.

Getting Congress to Change the law was the focus, it was done. We can win Wolf War round 2, we just need some warriors and some money.

Legal wolf hunting is taking place today in two states, with more to come.

Lets do it the American way, fight to make laws right, and live by the rule of law.

If more sportsmen would jump on board, frankly, the fight would be easy to win. 90% #####, 10% dig in and work. And, even after we win, there are still some who want to distort what happened, and cast stones at those in the fight.

My thoughts, HMan, thanks for the idea.

RE: Wolf Fight Round 2 SW States

wapiti its not whether you support sfw bgf etc its whether you support wolves being introduced and given a free pardon to kill our wildlife we all have worked so hard to sustain. do you want wolves going unchecked and protected? if not than at least do your part in ensuring wildlife for future generations to hunt. put the differences aside and fight for what is right

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