Wolf Delisting Update

No doubt they are waiting in the shadows with wallets and purses open to lawsuit/stop the hunt..

Damn the luck...

Thanks for the heads-up mh...

i would like to know who does the wolf count? it seems to be very low in my eyes.....
>Some updated information on the subject.
>Some sabre rattling from the
I am probably going to be heavily criticized for saying this but I hope we (I intend to be right there hunting the wolves with everyone else) don't go bonkers over showing a bunch of over-the-top wolf carnage. I think that ultimately serves as motivation/fuel for the anti-hunting groups to raise more funds and file more injunctions.

Similar to how we strive for good field photos of our other trophy game, "respectful" game photos of wolf harvests will be pretty entertaining to start seeing on these forums!

I'll go duck for cover now.
"I would like to know who does the wolf count?"

Answer---The same ones who do the very unrealistically low grizzly counts!!!
You wont get any criticism from me. I agree completely. Whether it fuels the antis or not the animals we kill deserve that respect. I for one plan to be hunting wolves this fall even if I have to drive to Montana to do it. From all that I have talked with that have done it they seem to be a challenging animal to hunt.
It looks like hunting wolves in Wy might happen sometime after Oct.1 I have heard wolves in H, but we will be done with our deer hunt by the end of September. Hope you guys can go get a few here soon
LAST EDITED ON Aug-17-12 AT 07:27PM (MST)[p]Nice. Lets hope it isn't blocked. I am going to be deer hunting near the eastern edge of the park in early november. You can bet I'll have a wolf tag in my pocket if i can.
I thought I would share with you on MM an email I received from someone which read the AP story. It starts off with a listing of the mission statement for WY SFW.

You cannot make this stuff up. Enjoy!

To promote the protection and enhancement of wildlife habitat, the quality of wildlife management programs and America's family heritage of hunting, fishing and trapping.

Who are you kidding? What wildlife habitat? You don't even know what it means! Protection and enhancement of life? Explain that if you possibly can? Did your God appoint you in charge of what animals should live and what should die? He put wolves on this earth for a reason! You don't do a damn thing to promote wildlife management! You and you brainless so-called hunters are disillusioned. America?s family heritage of hunting, fishing and trapping? What a croc of #####! Wolves have been on the endangered species list for decades and there numbers are just now getting back to what they should be. By killing them you have created another problem with an over population of coyotes who used to be kept in check by the wolves. Now you have another excuse to kill coyotes! The big white game hunters are the reasons big game animals are gone. The big bucks have been taken out of the gene pool by morons like you. Now you blame the wolves! Why don't you scumbags get an education about wildlife rather than killing it. It all takes care of itself. In Montana there are farmers and ranchers using other methods to control wolf predation of livestock. This includes dogs specially bred to protect the livestock. There are other ways like electric fences and keeping the livestock out of areas known for losses due to wolves.

Your recent statement that killing wolves is long overdue is imbecilic and only serves your worthless sportsmen who have nothing better to do with your time. Thousands of years before mankind needed a reason to manage wildlife, predators did it without the interference of man. The wolves keep the herds of elk, deer, moose, and other species healthy by weeding out the weak and sickly. Obviously you aren't educated enough to understand that or just don't care. Killing predators because they compete with man for food is backwards thinking all you do is kill these animals for what you call sport. I call it chicken #####! You are and your so called sportsmen are nothing but assholes who get their kicks killing predators whose role in nature is far more valuable than you could ever be. You and your group of so-called sportsmen should all be lined up and shot! That would do more for wildlife than anyone could do?

I'll be keeping in touch next time I visit Wyoming!

That is very typical of all these huggers that live in Manhattan, San Fran, etc. and wouldn't know a wolf from a grizzly bear if it bit them in the azz! They always seem to come up with the comment about the wolf only taking the sick, weak, crippled, etc., which we all know is not fact. Send the emailer back a couple videos of a pack of wolves taking down a pefecetly healthy bull elk or moose. On second thought, just delete the email, as these people will not change their minds and yet they probably eat more meat per year than any of us hunters and think nothing of how those animals are killed!
>I thought I would share with
>you on MM an email
>I received from someone which
>read the AP story.
>It starts off with a
>listing of the mission statement
>for WY SFW.
>You cannot make this stuff up.
> Enjoy!
>To promote the protection and enhancement
>of wildlife habitat, the quality
>of wildlife management programs and
>America's family heritage of hunting,
>fishing and trapping.
>Who are you kidding? What wildlife
>habitat? You don't even know
>what it means! Protection
>and enhancement of life? Explain
>that if you possibly can?
>Did your God appoint you
>in charge of what animals
>should live and what should
>die? He put wolves on
>this earth for a reason!
>You don't do a damn
>thing to promote wildlife management!
>You and you brainless so-called
>hunters are disillusioned. America?s family
>heritage of hunting, fishing and
>trapping? What a croc
>of #####! Wolves have been
>on the endangered species list
>for decades and there numbers
>are just now getting back
>to what they should be.
>By killing them you have
>created another problem with an
>over population of coyotes who
>used to be kept in
>check by the wolves. Now
>you have another excuse to
>kill coyotes! The big white
>game hunters are the reasons
>big game animals are gone.
>The big bucks have been
>taken out of the gene
>pool by morons like you.
>Now you blame the wolves!
>Why don't you scumbags get
>an education about wildlife rather
>than killing it. It
>all takes care of itself.
>In Montana there are farmers
>and ranchers using other methods
>to control wolf predation of
>livestock. This includes dogs specially
>bred to protect the livestock.
>There are other ways like
>electric fences and keeping the
>livestock out of areas known
>for losses due to wolves.
>Your recent statement that killing wolves
>is long overdue is imbecilic
>and only serves your worthless
>sportsmen who have nothing better
>to do with your time.
>Thousands of years before mankind
>needed a reason to manage
>wildlife, predators did it
>without the interference of man.
>The wolves keep the herds
>of elk, deer, moose, and
>other species healthy by weeding
>out the weak and sickly.
>Obviously you aren't educated enough
>to understand that or just
>don't care. Killing
>predators because they compete with
>man for food is backwards
>thinking all you do is
>kill these animals for what
>you call sport. I call
>it chicken #####! You are
>and your so called sportsmen
>are nothing but assholes who
>get their kicks killing predators
>whose role in nature is
>far more valuable than you
>could ever be. You
>and your group of so-called
>sportsmen should all be lined
>up and shot! That would
>do more for wildlife than
>anyone could do?
>I'll be keeping in touch next
>time I visit Wyoming!

This is why we need what I call "Liberal Cleansing". The strong only survive.

"Go hunt for meat at Walmart."

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