Wolf Bill Introduced




The Senate announced the introduction of The American Big Game and Livestock Protection Act (S.249). This bill, follows S. 3919 by returning management of wolf populations to state wildlife agencies who were so instrumental in recovery of wolf populations. Returning balance to the ecosystem will not only benefit America?s Big Game and Livestock resources, but also ensure balanced levels of wolf populations under state wildlife protections.

The original cosponsors of this legislation are: Sens. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), Mike Crapo (R-Idaho), Michael Enzi (R-Wyo.), Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.), Mike Lee (R-Utah), John McCain (R-Ariz.) and James Risch (R-Idaho). Very much like H.R. 509 introduced last week in the House of Representatives, S.249 bill would prevent further litigation and pre-empt existing lawsuits related to state wolf populations.

This legislation is officially endorsed by Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife, Congressional Sportsmen Foundation, Mule Deer Foundation, Wild Sheep Foundation, National Trappers Association, Safari Club International, U.S. Sportsman?s Alliance, National Rifle Association (NRA), American Farm Bureau, American Sheep Industry Association, National Cattleman?s Beef Association, Public Lands Council and many other livestock and wildlife conservation organizations.

Please take a few minutes and make a phone call or send an email of support to our friends in Congress who are working so diligently to obtain passage of this important legislation. Phone numbers and emails can be found on at http://biggameforever.org on the ?how you can help? page.

Working together as a nation of united sportsmen to support our champions in Congress we can be successful in this important endeavor.

Ryan Benson, http://biggameforever.org [email protected]"
I just sent an email to some of my state representitives telling them I hope they support this bill, and I hope everyone on here could take the 5 minutes it took to do the same.
I sent off my 2 cents to my Idaho Senators. Everyone on this site should be contacting these officials. Utah residents.....you think you have management issues now? Wait until Idaho, Montana or Wyoming shares their illegal predators with you. Think about what 5 minutes of your time may help accomplish?
Good info. Thanks!

Get involved, make some calls, write letters (email) or get screwed-over by the anti-hunter crowd.

The choice is clear; win big or lose big.

I like the list of supporters, hunters, cattle organizations, etc. There are some heavy hitters there with deep pockets. Sad, but that is how things get done...
Check this BS out!
Defenders of wild life asking for "emergency fund's"
to fight the bill and SFW in particular...


Good link goofyelk.
We're not the only ones in the fight. There is another side who will stop at nothing to end sport hunting, through the wolf.

We gave them an inch and now they want the whole western, upper midwest and northeast for the wolf.

Some of us knew we couldn't trust them when they said they wanted wolves in Yellowstone and hunting and livestock would not be impacted.

Looks like SFW is a major player. We can either let our petty differences divide us or get on board with the powerhouse group. But we can't do both.

Pretty obvious that the Utah, Idaho, and Wyoming legislators will be supporting this legislation. Still it doesn't hurt to call and show your support, in fact it helps immensely.
The guys who really need to pay attention to this and rally the troops are the sportsmen from Montana. I know some places in Montana have been invaded by enviromentalists but I can't imagine sportsmen are now the minority. If I lived in Montana and my senators refused to support this (which they have) I would make it my life long mission to see both of those bums voted out of office. There either with us or against us. You get these two behind the movement and a lot of other Dems would follow. Without these to it most surely is a waste of time. Its all on you Montana!!!!!!!
We also need sportsmen from Nevada, Oregon, California, and every other state in the union especially if you get the guys from Montana on board.
Thanks for the link. It is very clear that anti-hunters say that this Bill and SFW is main leaders in fighting our wolf wars. The anti hunters know who is making a difference. I'm happy to see that many sportsmen groups and ranching organizations are joining the fight. I give a big Thanks to Don Paey and SFW for their efforts, in leading this fight.

I don't agree with everything SFW does. They have my support. Thanks to Orin Hatch. The wolf war is a fight we all MUST win.

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