Wolf Battle Message

Great video. I would like to know more about the organization.

That video appeals to me because I am already dedicated to the fight. Does anybody have a video with more information directed toward those that may not be as educated and vested in the fight against wolves?

I am looking for a video that I can send to my non-hunting friends that will hopefully get some momentum building from the general public.

I just wanted to tell you about my Idaho Bear hunt that we just got back from. I've been going up to Idaho's Clearwater area for 25yrs now. About 10 or 15 yrs ago, I loved going up there, even if we didn't see many bears, because there was so much game. It was not uncommon to see 3 to 5 thousand elk in a week. When you see that many elk, it's amazing at the music the cows and calfs make. It was awesome. We would see 20 + Moose, and many whitetail deer. Well that's all gone. In a week hunt I seen maybe 15-20 elk, no Moose. And I never even cut a deer track. The elk never made a sound for it would alert the wolves. But for all those people that wanted to see and hear wolves, we got to see one, (which I would have put a bullet in it's belly if I could have got off a shot),and hear them howl everyday. I'm just sick, I was so looking forward to taking my kids and grandkids up there someday. I've told my sons so much about the place over the years they couldn't what to get there, and it was like a ghost town up there. I know the wolves didn't completely do this, but as low as the numbers are, the wolves will see that it will never be the same as it was. After talking to the F&G officer, I couldn't believe the amount of money and resourses it takes to have monitor the wolves. We as a country have to take it back, we need to form groups that are as strong as the groups that are trying to change our way of life. Right from Obama to these anti hunting groups and the tree huggers, we need to stop them. The wolf problems, we can't wait for laws to change to help us. We need to do it ourselves. The officer up there said he's afraid they'll stop the wolf hunting in Idaho soon. He said they were upset over the 160 wolves that where legally killed this year, but there's probably 250 to 400 pups on the ground already to replace those that where shot. Sorry to ramble on, It's just a said day we've let such a few people, in America change it for the rest of us.
I'd join forces with this guy anytime!

Amen, Let us all band together and take on these monsters!

Hey Buzz&Randy, your probably smarter than this guy to huh???

you know we have been in the wolf fight for ten years.

Victories: Getting the delisted so the hunts could take place in ID, and MT and Northern Utah.

getting utah legislature to pass law this year any wolves in N. Utah delisted zone are dead.

been in the court room to Get Wyoming's plan approved, and in the court room in Montana to keep teh hunts going in ID and MT.

Losses: wyomig got relisted and wolf hunt ended.

Future goals, drop wolves to 150 like everyone agreed upon in teh begginging.

As i have said before, EVERY sportsmen must come together, this is a HUGE fight an if we don't win, we are DONE hunting big game in the west.

here is an organization 100% committed of every dollar to fight and win teh wolf war


Alright Founder and Don P,

Just bought a UT pronghorn tag at auction for $2,300 from SFW. I put up. Do your end of this agreement, gents.

I hope alot of people get on the stick for this one.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
I know that for legal reasons no one can answer me this, but i'll bring it up anyway.
Utah does not recognize the wolf as a species here....yet.
So in the meantime, what is to keep us from shooting "big stray dogs" chasing elk on the North Slope???
It's totally legal to shoot a dog that is harrassing wildlife, and that's exactly what this is......for now.

Anyone fighting for Hunter's rights are a friend of mine. The Truth is just behind the fog bank of Politics. Trouble is the fog is typically to thick to see through....go get 'em. Hopefully they can raise enough hell to wake someone up.

I know the wolves are moving south. I know they are in Utah. 2 summers ago hiking the King's Peak trail out of Henry's Fork on the North Slope of the Uintahs, my father and I saw a wolf. It was easily twice the size of any coyote I've ever seen, and vastly more majestic. For that moment, we were in awe at the animal we were witnessing just a couple hundred yards away. After he trotted off, completely unafraid, we got to talking and the conversation turned to the realization that we may have been looking at the end of Utah big game as we know it...

I am not rich. Not even well off. I am 29 and work hard to support my young family. I do not have money lying around to support groups and organizations. I'd like to support this fight, but it seems like I can't do anything. If there are meetings, or rallys or whatever, I would 100% show up to support. What can I do if I don't have money to contribute..?

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
I would just like to voice that this issue is not new. It is much bigger than wolves. It has been going on in differing degrees for the last 40yrs.

The nuts and bolts to this whole issue comes down to supply and demand. Trust me if Don P could see a way to have wolves in Utah and still get 400+ bulls he would be the guy to drive the truck down and transplant them.

The issue at hand is as big game hunters we are big game predators. We can certainly fill the niche of predation. At least the bulk anyway. I say its a predator issue all together. That includes deer and cougar, coyote, bear. If there had been a hard line stance on cougar when poison was outlawed and we went to LE cougar. We would have never lost as many deer and the deer would have recovered from bad winters ect. And we would still have 300,000 deer hunters in Utah. And Deer hunting would be one of Utah's top 5 industries. That would put more than enough political power to eliminate the threat.

Instead the powers that be have used predators as a tool to reduce herds and consolidated power. To the point one man has more influence over what happens than 97,000. And he can do this because there is a limited supply with a huge demand. ie $400,000 cancer-vation tag.

Just needed to rant on the subject once again. But bottom line is the bigger issue is how we as hunters are going to tolerate all predators not just wolf.

I am of the mindset to not allow wolf in Utah and to also make a major reduction in cougar in Utah and the DWR should also give incentive to take coyotes. Not just agriculture but wildlife conservation dollars should go to predator control.
Great post Founder!

Scott Rockholm's message is powerful. That message needs to be spread to the hunting community. I will stand behind this guy and others to the end. I have joined big game forever as well. Maybe together we can turn this fight around.

Deersman please don't mud the water... we agree with you there are many problems but join the fight with a positive tone.

I will remain in the wolf fight to the END... I hope more people feel the same way.

Robb Wiley
Non Typical Outfitters

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