Wolf appeal deadline passed?


Long Time Member
Here is an email I received today. Sounds good if true:


Today is a good day for the future of wildlife in America. The court victory which upholding the constitutionality of the Congressional wolf delisting is now final. This has been a long time coming. Thank you for your support and patience on this important endeavor. See the correspondence below from our attorney Ted Lyon.

Here is what is happening: No appeal has been filed with the Supreme Court on the Congressional Wolf delisting challenge. This means that all legal remedies have been exhausted by the parties challenging the wolf delisting provisions. The 9th circuit ruling upholding the Congressional wolf delisting language is now the law of the land. Wolf management in Idaho and Montana can continue without the cloud of this litigation.

We are grateful to the other conservation organizations that joined as parties in the wolf litigation. Certainly this was the effort of not a few, but of many. In particular, we are grateful to attorney Ted Lyon for his tireless work on the lawsuit on behalf of the conservation organizations and for his work in obtaining for passage of wolf delisting legislation in Congress.

Thank you for your tireless support,

Ryan Benson
[email protected]


Here is the correspondence just received from Mr. Lyon:

June 14, 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We have won the northern Rocky Mountain wolf litigation. The deadline to try and appeal the Ninth Circuit's decision in our favor to the U.S. Supreme Court expired on Tuesday June 12, 2012 at midnight. I have verified with the Clerk for the U.S. Supreme Court that the required paperwork for an appeal has not been filed, and so the Ninth Circuit's decision is absolutely final.

For more than a decade, various groups have fought to delist the wolf in the northern Rocky Mountains without success. It took your efforts to finally see the task accomplished. As a result, the wolf populations are now being managed by state wildlife agencies, and you can begin the work of rebuilding the populations of elk, moose, mule deer, etc. that have been decimated by this ecological disaster.

None of this could have been done without the combined efforts of all of the groups who supported this effort. Once again, I am proud to say that I was your lawyer on this historic effort.


Ted B. Lyon

venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
Excellent news!
Many individuals and groups fought hard to make this happen.
Thank you!
There were also two groups that fought hard to try to stop wolf delisting...SFW/BGF.

Benson/Peay should take only the credit due them. They didnt do anything other than run static on the wolf issue.


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