Winter sucks


LAST EDITED ON Feb-04-09 AT 07:43PM (MST)[p]
Is there supposed to be a picture with this? All I see is a red x in a white box that doesn't do anything when I click on it!!

Yeah, I screwed up. There is a good cartoon, but it didn't load for some reason. Big storm headed our way! Now that it's baseball season out here, we're finally getting some winter. I told you winter sucks.
Winter in California? Here's what it looked like in my back yard Wednesday.

It's a balmy and foggy 7 degrees here right now. Send that storm our way as quick as you can. We need a change.

It started to rain here last night on the Central Coast here in Cali. We need the rain bad to fill up the lakes. I feel pretty good about winter here where I'm at. a couple weeks ago we had 3 or 4 days of 80 degree weather. Last week or so it's been in the 60's. Not too much to complain about....except all the illegals....but don't get me started! When does the season open for those SOB's?? I'd much rather spend $1.15 for a single round than what it costs to house, feed and hospitalize their babies! Sorry...needed to vent.....PROCEED!!


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