Windows Vista???


Long Time Member
Is there anything worse than this garbage. I bought this crap
for my business and it wouldn't even run my software.

Also, whats unbelievable is that they actually have a setting
that you can run it as XP! We ended up changing it to this setting and now things have improved. Has anyone else had
I've heard nothing but bad about VISTA. I run XP.
"Life's tough, it's even tougher if you're stupid." - John Wayne
Trash! Garbage!

Forget vista... even in XP mode. If you like the vista interface get XP with the new service pack 3, it has the vista gui LOL

We bought a new Compaq Presario when our old computer crashed. The new one had Vista on it and wasn't compatible with any of our programs, printer, or other hardware. We would download a program and Vista would delete it. It had fatal errors about everytime we turned it on saying it had not been shut down properly. It was always shut down with the shutdown program but still said it was not shut down properly. We had a guy come and reformat and install XP. Have not had any more of those problems since then. Have some other issues to work out but not like what we had with Vista.

A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but, a true friend will be sitting next to you.
I'm right there with ya woodruff! I had to go buy all new video editing software (couple thousand dollars worth) just to get the thing to run. Once I did that it does great and there are no problems. I don't run any other programming on it but I haven't heard any good things about it yet. I suggest staying with XP and upgrading to the new 3 pack.

It's always an adventure!!!

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