Wind Farms Near Miracle Mile


Long Time Member
Two years ago it was brought to our attention that some larger properties were being sold to Wind Farm companies. The ranch we hunt on was proposed to and the rancher declined. We didnt hunt out there last year as we hunted NV. Does anyone have any info on this topic? Thanks.

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
Steve, The largest new windfarm that I'm aware of is the Power Company of Wyoming wind farm located on the Overland Trail Ranch south of Rawlins.Its going to be one of the largest anywhere. Construction is scheduled to begin in 2012 but the permiting process is nearly complete. Phil Anschutz (QWest communication ) owns the Overland and the Power Company of Wyoming. All politics aside the south unit of the windfarm is going to be smack-dab in the middle of some of the best Elk hunting in the state. Like most projects of this size and scope there's probably both good and bad in it.

Almost no good comes from wind farms as far as hunting and wildlife is concerned.
1. The surface disturbance is intense.
2. Most wind areas end up closed to hunting because the companies way nervous about 270's and turbine blades.
3. Birds get taken out by the hundreds.
At least with oil and gas we get a good bang for the buck as far as BTU's of energy produced not that I'm always in favor of oil and gas projects. The other bad thing about wind mills once it's there it will never go away.
We wouldn't even be discussing this wind if it wasn't subsidized by the federal government as it isn't profitable without huge subsidies.
At least the pro open space environmentalists have stopped a bunch of the big wind projects on BLM by using the Sage Grouse. I wonder if it pisses the global warming, pro windmill environmentalists off. The ESA has been the sacred cow of all environmentalists and now its being used against them. I would like to know the sierra clubs stance on windmills?
I would figure that gov't would somehow specify that a certain of the property used for these windfarms be used as a "walk-in" area or something of that nature. It's a shame that this is happening to the Old West. Seems nothing is sacred from the almighty dollar. The ranchowners I know that were approached about selling didn't sell becuase they love the cattle ranching lifestyle and what the hell else are they gonna do for a living? Go work at Walmart or Hardees? Ain't gonna happen!

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
a buddy sent me pics of a turbine in the Arlington area that buckled and fell !!!! right at the bulkhead door's top. We had one here up at lake Erie do the same. It's never reported or the fact the blade fly about a quarter mile when they snap.

Pat C.
Does this statement sound like a contradiction of terms to anyone else but me?

"Pathfinder and its partnering ranchers are leaders in
enhancing wildlife habitat while preserving America?s ranching heritage and meeting the nation?s desire
for green energy. Its wind energy vision is based on an appreciation for Wyoming?s rural economies,
communities, wildlife, scenic viewsheds and cultural resources."

When we were out there in '09 we noticed the signs for the Pathfinder Ranch were not not Pathfinder any longer. Wasn't really sure what the deal was but now it's evident.

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
Funny I hear all about how wind farms screw the wildlife lately.

then the next story I see in the state wildlife agencies' publications is the direct negative impact CBM implementation has. Info. about destruction of winter range, poaching, displacement of wintering herds, contamination of water supplies, etc. etc etc.

How 'bout we all call spades spades?
Amen Doug! How can putting up wind structures in ANY animals habitat improve it? Am I missing something? I guess they have to say that...

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
Wiszard- what I was partially getting at, though, is you can say the exact same things about oil rigs and coal bed methane extraction plants.....
I totally agree with you, Doug. But...don't claim you're doing the habitat a favor. :) That's a bit ridiculous. But like I said, what else are they gonna say?

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
I have yet to see any wildlife management agency advocate that wind turbines and wind farms enhance wildlife habitat.

Of course the Pathfinder website is going to sell the windfarm concept, they're selling it to the federal management agencies, the regulatory agencies, the permitting entities, etc.

Of course, it's not always so black and white either, in several Wyoming checkerboard areas, windfarm companies have bought up ranches, developed windfarms in portions of them, and in other portions have enrolled private lands in HMA's and walk-in areas that would have never been accessible to the general hunting public otherwise.
One of the truly baffling things about this whole energy development issue in Wyoming is how quiet and innefective hunters have been. With few exceptions like the Wyoming Range and Little Mountain very little has been said by hunters concerning the horrendous impacts of energy development. there has been some noise from greenie types but not from the hunters who have the most to lose. I would expect this from those hunters employed by energy industries but not from the thousands who are not. Hunters in Wyoming are quiet or even somewhat supportive of grazing and drilling on public lands. they don't want to be branded a greenie. I don't get it.

Its not about being a greenie to demand that these activities are conducted responsibly on public lands with reasonable restrictions to minimize adverse impacts. I am not against drilling or grazing but I want them to be managed to minimize the impacts on other important public land resources. Sportsmen have long been at the forefront of wildlife conservation but this support has been failing of late. they are too afraid of being branded a liberal, a greenie, or an environmentalist. Being a strong conservationist has nothing to do with politics as some would have you believe

You younger guys ignore this at your own peril. Its your future. Get involved
To be honest, I'm not suprised at all that most hunters are supportive of energy extraction industries in Wyoming. After all, it pays the bills, literally. The industry employs an immense portion of the state's population, either directly or indirectly, it pumps millions into the overall economy, and it literally pays the taxes. It's also a huge part of the multiple use of our public lands as it should be. As such, as a lifelong Wyoming resident, I am supportive of responsible energy extraction, livestock grazing, timber harvest, and the other multiple uses (lets not forget hunting!) of our public lands.

What baffles me is that we seem to be under the illusion that we can "have it all", that we can impact (or in some cases, even lose) huge swaths of important wildlife habitat, and that is somehow does not impact big game. We point fingers at resident hunters, non-resident hunters, shed hunters, predators, etc., etc, and ignore that critical, limiting habitat is impacted by every oil pad, wind turbine, fenceline, strip mine, access road, pipeline, that runs through it. Like I said, that's fine, but we need to face reality and realize that we're going to have to make some adjustments to our way of life if we want the $$ to keep rolling in from these industries and activities.
No im not surprised either. I am not against multiple use at all. I eat beef and I use energy. i know it has to come from somewhere. I'm only saying that we need to be vigilant and demand that these extractive uses are done with consideraton of other uses like wildlife. Just because we see antelope or deer in developed gas fields or heavily grazed mountain meadows does not change the fact that the carrying capactyof that land has not been significantly degraded.
SouthernWY and oldwyoelkhunter-

Well said, and the sad part is the biggest users of the energy produced really have no care nor clue about western wildlife.

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