Willard peak Billy



Thought I'd share the video I made on a great hunt that I got to help out on with a really good friend of mine, congrats Robby
lloks like you guys really ran into the goats. the shot put the hammer down on that goat. congrads!!
LAST EDITED ON Oct-19-12 AT 06:32AM (MST)[p]Great goat! Great hunt! Great video!

The music sucks but it reminds me that I am late for my weekly satanic cat sacrifice rituals.

Huge congrats on an amazing hunt!
That is a very good hunting movie. I have heard mention on MM of the drop horn nanny, but she looks way cooler than I imagined she would. Did anyone shoot her? He shot a really nice goat. Congratulations to your buddy Robby.

Thanks guys it was a great time. I'm not sure if anyone got the "Banana Nanny" as we heard her name was on the mountain
She was number 1 on my list to get. We found her the night before the hunt and then couldn't find her the next day. I ran into my nanny, shot her, she rolled down the hill and kicked the goofy nanny out of the trees. She was right under my nose the whole time.

Great video and billy. Wish I could do it again.

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