Will we ever see a 100" antelope??


Active Member
With some parts of the desert getting more moisture and milder winters is it possible we could someday see a 100" antelope?
LAST EDITED ON Sep-10-07 AT 00:24AM (MST)[p]I just saw one that looks real close! Actually, it's in the freezer, but it's prongs aren't quite there to push it that high. Hehe. I'm just joking. Maybe.

I do think we'll see it, though, and probably pretty soon. As a reference of what's been happening lately...

Our record for the following years:

2003 - we took 4 bucks over 90
2004 - we took 5 over 90
2005 - we took 6
2006 - we took 7...

Now, I'd like to think we're just really this good, but something is going on here and I think the antelope are just getting BIGGER every year. I keep thinking each year that there's no way we're going to keep finding all these 90 inch bucks, but this year...we've already taken 5 and they're all gonna gross score over 93.

It's getting pretty crazy size-wise and I'm thinking that it's gotta stop any year now - either that or the 100-incher is coming! I just hope that when it arrives I'm around to take some pictures of it.

Below: Arizona - 2007


What a buck! Congratulations to everyone.

That buck is a picture of opposites. With just a front view he looks good but I better be wearing a seat belt if I saw that side view first!
Yeah I think 100 will happen soon enough. They are getting to be monsterous in some areas. Remember back in the 90s' a 400 bull was pretty much un heard of and now many states are producing them every fall.

100" huh? rumor has it..... well i wont go there. Hey Eli that one looks familiar. A sugarloaf pitchfork buck?
LAST EDITED ON Sep-10-07 AT 03:22PM (MST)[p]Eli, those pictures had me worried that another big buck I've been watching got wacked! But after a closer look I'm sure there different bucks. I dubbed this buck "Fish Hook". I got about 20 minutes of video of him the night before the muzzle loader hunt opened. I hope he makes it through, but only time will tell.


Thanks a lot, you guys! You just ruined my Wyoming antelope hunt comming up in a couple weeks!:)

Dang! Those are monsters!

All those big UGLY Misfits make the 17" buck I have been watching look even Better THANKS!!!

Time in the hills is always worth more than money
hey eli that first buck 07 az what did he score? im thinking maybe mid 80s. didnt your uncle or dad shoot one that went 100 sci? o and did you change into kings camo for the pict?
Here's a couple more of him.

I talked to a guy today that saw him on Friday evening or Saturday evening (he can't remember which). I last saw him on Thursday evening. I went and looked for him tonight but didn't find him. I know there were a couple muzzy hunters in there so I'm thinking he may have been killed. If he lives, he could be a giant next year!

No I don't have a rifle tag in there, I just like to keep track of the good bucks in the area so I'll be ready when I finally draw a tag.

Care to take a guess what he scores?


LAST EDITED ON Sep-10-07 AT 11:40PM (MST)[p]Way over 90! Uncle shot a NM buck in 1986 that is the SCI World Record and scores 99 7/8 SCI. I was wearing Kings the whole hunt! Haha. The REALLY LONG buck I posted the pic of is pretty big, too...
what does the buck in post #9 measure gross? Thats a super freak and a dream! Do you have a picture of the 99in NM buck?
Well, all I can say right now (because it's very top secret classified information - haha) is that the buck in post #9 has a left horn that would shatter the B&C World Record!

You can find a picture of my uncle's buck at this link...


Just scroll down to New Mexico's pics and you'll see it there somewhere...it should be the last one.

I'm off to NM...
all i can get out of the first buck is between 86 and 87. maybe misjudging the mass.

the buck in #9 im guessing 99 1/2
with a 24" left horn.

let me no if im close. was just kidding about camo!
Is that pitchfork buck from 18? I had a tag in there last year and saw a buck like that.
Is it just me or did the kid in post 9 hit that buck with a handgrenade? Both of those holes look fatal! That buck is amazing--I would love to see some live shots of him.
I saw a buck in 18a that looked like both of those and i heard it was named "the pitchfork buck" at the time that buck was low 80s

ya he looks like he really got him the second time

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