Will The War Help Or Hurt McCain?



Some think the war in Iraq and the slowing pace of violence will help McCain, but at the same time we're told more troop draw downs may not be possible. this situation in Basra where the Iraqis have tried to take control of ther own destiny after the Brits left may be proof.


I don't see how having large numbers of troops and billions of dollars a year going into Iraq while our economy suffers will help MaCain, will we even be able to recruit the troops? . once the general election debates start and the dems start pushing this issue it will be interesting to see if stay the course will still be McCains plan, if it is I'll say he gets beaten easily.
....beaten by who? 2 weeks ago you gauranteed that hillary was done........but the war helps no one.

BAGHDAD - Thousands of people took to the streets Saturday in Basra, protesting deteriorating security in the southern city where Iraqi forces assumed responsibility for safety last December.

Ah.....put the sign down and grab a rifle and defend your own POS land!

The "war" will hurt McCain, especially if this garbage keeps happening.

The question is;
Can the Democrats ?sell? the public on the idea that they will end the war ?

They won't, they can't (end the war).

The war is what it is, pulling all/most troops out quickly WILL cause a major disaster, and team Obama/Clinton knows it. If elected, they will have no choice but to do basically the same thing McCain will do. Leave the troops and keep training the locals for years until team Iraq can defend themselves and the insurgents back down.
If McCain is smart enough to explain this to the public, the war will help him because he can lampoon the democrats disingenuous position.
I doubt if McCain is that smart, time will tell.
I don't know why that link won't work that I posted, but I don't know how to post a link so I guess it sholdn't surprise me. it shows Iraqis protesting because violence in Basra is in the climb, and the Iraqis can't or won't stop it.

How is McCain being Bush III going to help him in any way? he's been Bush's biggest supporter the whole time and Bush's approval rating is at 30% in a large part because of the war. saying he supported Bush and the war, and we will be there forever doesn't seem like a point that voters will rally around.

The dems can't end the war as fast as they say they will, but they will draw it down . stay the course is not what's going to get votes, McCain is in bigger trouble unless Iraq looks great and soon.
Sorry ... but I gotta bring this one up ... anybody remember Vietnam???? Ya! we finally cut & ran after years and years of pointless death. Was it a mess after we left? Yup! Worse than when we was there? Your call! 50,000 dead Americans! For what? Let's hang around in Iraq for 20 years and see how many of our best and brightest we can loose!

LAST EDITED ON Mar-09-08 AT 10:25AM (MST)[p]Rus! Correct as usual, we will pull out if Obama is elected Hillary it might take a while but we will inevitably leave. A lot of information I've been reading lately says that the Iraq'S are actually going backwards in their combat readiness.

A guy I communicate with every week or so, 35 year old LT. I coached. He is on his third tour,his choice is finally showing frustration with the Iragi's he works with on missions. According to him by the way his name is Rus you can't trust them, they are totally unreliable and unable still to follow a military plan. Maybe as Bush says the Iragi troops are getting better I'm not there, but the evidence doesn't seem to show improvement.
Even if they were ready and what we see today in Basra suggest they aren't how do you use an army who isn't sure who's side they're on? the police are the same way, until the shooting starts you don't know who they're going to shoot.

They know if they continue to bleed us we'll have no choice but to leave, if not today then tomarrow.

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