Will it be OK


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In Septmeber my wife was successfull in harvesting her second antelope in her short hunting carrear. At the time we were not sure what we wanted to do with it. We've been debating between having a shoulder mount done or having a European mount down. Where we had not made up our minds on what we wanted to do I wraped the head in a cloth game bag and put it in the freezer. The concern that I have now is that I neglected to wash the blood of the hide prior to puting it in the freezer. We are now thinking about doing a should mount but wonder if the hide will be stained from the blood. Do you think that we should be OK with a shoulder mount or should we just do the European mount?

The blood wont hurt the hide...Just expect some freezer burn on the ears if left to long in the freezer.


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Blood will not be an issue.

However, antelope capes are most sensative and apt to hair slip of all big game animals.

If the cape was cared for, kept as clean as possible of dirt, kept as cool as possible in the field and frozen within 48 hours, you should be fine. If there is any concern tell your taxidernist and let him make the call.
I kept my whole antelope head and cape in the freezer for almost a year before deciding to get it mounted. Its on the wall now and looks great. Good luck!
LAST EDITED ON Nov-04-09 AT 08:34AM (MST)[p]Thanks for the info. I think that we should be good to go if we decide to do a shoulder mount. I did everything I could to keep the dirt off the hid while was skining it and had the head in the freezer with in 12 hours. I'll be sure to let the taxi know prior to going through with the mount just in case he feels that things are not going to work out.


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