Will gas prices affected your hunting?

My hunting plans are set for this fall...next year will depend on what happens with prices though, may have to hunt somewhere closer to home for deer and forget about elk for a year:-(
No option here when living on the far west coast and the hunting is farther east. Will travel to hunt, no choice but that if I want to hunt each year.

So far in the drawings I see about $500 in fuel for my one drawn tag. My brother offered to split it with me so my half amounts to $350. He said thats a good deal.
Anyone need an older brother?

Ransom, LOL

I have one of those older brothers too! He lives is Alaska and asked me to go fishing with him if I would pay for the lodging, guide fees and tips. But I could stay at his house in Anchorage for free until we leave. What a deal!

Take a kid hunting. You will enjoy it more than they do!
It aint effecting my scouting nor my hunting, but its effecting my drinking! i spend all my money scoutin for bears, coues deer and elk. My two spots are only 7 miles apart and 80 miles away but its two long dirt roads gettin to each with nothing in between so im spending enough on each trip tryin to check both spots. Biggest problem is its over 100 degrees soon as the suns up and feels quite useless.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." -- Abraham Lincoln
Cutting back a little on scouting but not hunting. I/we are making cuts in other ways. We rarely eat out anymore and we don't take frivolous trips. Try to take care of multiple things while we are out and about. Overall, we spend more time at home BBQ and swimming.

I'm like many other people on here at MM. I have only one true past time that I spend money on and that is hunting. I will ride a bike to work before I ever even think about not hunting. Even getting a part-time job too if it comes down to it.

Might as well rip my heart out if I can't hunt.
My 5000 mile round trip (plus another 1000 miles there) from Florida to Montana with my brother-in-law this fall is going to be a bit pricey. We are both retired with limited incomes, but hey, we've got to do what we got to do!! I'm 73 and don't have many more hunts left, so I have to go when I have the opportunity even though it hurts the pocket book.

I am blessed with a wife who is still working and supports me in my trips to Montana. On second thought, maybe it's worth it to her just to get rid of me.

I do find myself cutting costs at home so that I can make the trip.
I'll be the greedy SOB and hope it keeps a good number of folks home. Hunting might actually be enjoyable for once without a checkerboard of blaze orange on every mountainside

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