Wildlife Studies

Hiker of the Woods

Active Member
I just wanted to let everyone know I have added a partial list of some research papers I can email to anyone that is interested in reading them. Just PM me your email and which paper you would like. I will add more titles later.

Deer-predator relationships: a review of recent North American studies with emphasis on mule and black-tailed deer.

Effects of selective-harvest strategies on white-tailed deer antler size.

Movements of female elk during calving season in northwest Montana.

Effects of hunting regulations on bull elk survival and age structure.

Effects of bull elk demographics on age categories of harem bulls.

Validation of mule deer body composition using in vivo and post-mortem indices of nutritional condition.

Prediction hunter success rates from elk and hunter abundance, season structure, and habitat.

Effects of open-entry spike-bull, limited-entry branched-bull harvesting on elk composition in Washington.

A review of color vision in white-tailed deer.

Road closures and density and success of elk hunters in Idaho.


Behavioral Responses of North American Elk to Recreational Activity

Revisions of Rump Fat and Body Scoring Indices for Deer, Elk, and Moose

Influence of Predator Harvest, Biological Factors, and Landscape on Elk Calf Survival in Idaho

Influence of Summer and Autumn Nutrition on Body Condition and Reproduction in Lactating Mule Deer
Here are a few more if anyone is interested in reading them. PM me your email.

Fall cattle grazing versus mowing to increase big-game forage

Characteristics of mule deer day-bed and forage sites in current-condition and restoration-treated ponderosa pine forest

How many mule deer are there? Challenges of credibility in Colorado

Habitat use patterns of sympatric deer species on Rocky Mountain Arsenal, Colorado

Effect of limited antlered harvest on mule deer sex and age ratios (In Colorado)

Northern Yellowstone elk after wolf restoration

Wildlife and Fish Conservation Through the Farm Bill
A few more:

Effects of elk harvest strategy on bull demographics and herd composition

Linked Sex Harvest Strategy for big game management with a test case on Black-tailed Deer

Compensatory Mortality in a Colorado Mule Deer Population

Pathogens, Nutritional Deficiency, and Climate Influences on a Declining Moose Population

Linking Energy Balance to Survival in Mule Deer

Effects of logging activities on Home-Range fidelity of Elk

Effects of Season and Scale on Response of Elk and Mule Deer to Habitat Manipulation

A Review of Environmental Factors Affecting Elk Winter Diets

Elk and Predation in Idaho: Does One Size Fit All?

Survival of Columbian White-tailed Deer in Western Oregon
I thought I would share a little Elk Data from 28 different states that the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation put out for 2010.

2010 Elk Forecast

August 23, 2010.
From the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation:

Elk and elk hunting opportunities are abundant in much of North America, and the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation is offering a sneak peek at upcoming seasons in its annual roundup of hunt forecasts for 28 states and provinces.

"Generally speaking, elk populations are in great shape and hunters have much to look forward to across the West, as well as in several Midwestern and Eastern states," said David Allen, president and CEO of the Elk Foundation. "A mild winter, much needed spring and summer moisture and our habitat conservation successes all factor into our optimism for the upcoming hunting season."

This summer, RMEF passed the 5.8 million acre mark for habitat conserved or enhanced for elk and other wildlife.

Here's a condensed look at elk data from state and provincial wildlife conservation agencies.


? Elk Population: Kodiak Archipelago (GMU 8), 650; Etolin (GMU 3), not available
? Bull/Cow Ratios: Not available
? Nonresidents: $85 hunting license plus $300 elk tag, and must hire a guide
? Hunter Success: GMU 8, 17 percent; GMU 3, 5 percent

While bulls in the lower 48 average 700 pounds, bulls in GMU 3's South Etolin Wilderness in southeast Alaska can get up to 1,300. However, recent success rates hover at just 5 percent with an annual average of six bulls killed for the entire unit. Zarembo Island northwest of Etolin has remained closed to hunting since 2006 because of low elk numbers. For GMU 8 in southern Alaska, odds are considerably better at 17 percent. Area biologist Larry van Deale says some recent trophies would have made the record books had the hunters cared to enter them.


? Elk Population: 33,000
? Bull/Cow Ratio: Not available
? Nonresidents: $255, must hire a guide
? Hunter Success: Not available

This province offers opportunities for fine elk hunting as herds expand east and south onto the prairies and parklands. As herds grow, managers establish more hunting opportunities--last year alone saw three new areas open to elk hunting. Some of the biggest bulls are in these new units. The northern-most units have hunts well into January, and landowners typically welcome responsible cow hunters with open arms. The best (and only) shot for a nonresident is to go through an outfitter, as they are allotted roughly 10 percent of draw tags.


? Elk Population: 25,000
? Bull/Cow Ratio: 34/100
? Nonresidents: $121 hunting license (nonrefundable to enter drawing) plus $595 elk permit
? Hunter Success: 30 percent

Even though the state claims 25,000 elk, its mesas and arroyos could be hiding upwards of 40,000, says Brian Wakeling, Arizona's game branch chief. They conduct elk counts in August and September, and the thick tree cover makes it tough to get accurate counts with aerial surveys. Overlooked elk means better odds for hunters. Plus, with abundant moisture this winter and little winterkill, elk herds are flourishing. Last year saw little daylight rut activity with bulls bugling only by moonlight, which held bowhunter success to around 25 percent. Logic says those big bulls that survived merely got bigger for this season. Also note the agency's goal to get bull/cow ratios down to 25/100 to create more hunter opportunity. Translation: more bull tags.


? Elk Population: 500
? Bull/Cow Ratio: 40/100
? Nonresidents: varies for private landowner tags and three auction tags
? Hunter Success: 42 percent

When Arkansas held its first elk-hunting season in 1998, hunter success was close to 100 percent. Now the elk are far wilier. Out-of-state hunters have a couple options: either buy an auction tag or contact a landowner for access. For the latter, hunters must receive written permission from the landowner to hunt their private property, and can only hunt there. Available tags remain the same as last year: 29 public-land tags (8 bull, 16 antlerless, 2 either-sex youth tags, plus 3 either-sex auction tags).

British Columbia

? Elk Population: 50,000
? Bull/Cow Ratio: 20/100
? Nonresidents: $189 hunting license plus $262.50 for elk permit. Must hire a guide.
? Hunter Success: Not available

This province boasts a thriving population of Rocky Mountain elk and some of the biggest Roosevelt's bulls in the world, says Stephen MacIver, wildlife regulations officer. However, a hunter must first hurdle the odds of drawing a limited-entry tag. The odds are roughly 35:1. However, guides are allotted a percentage of the tags. Vancouver Island and the Sunshine Coast in the far west have strong populations of Roosevelt's. For Rocky Mountain elk, your best bet would be the Kootenay region in the southeast, which boasts the province's highest success rates. Another good option is the agricultural zones in the Peace River region.


? Elk Population: 1,500 Rocky Mountains, 6,000 Roosevelt's, 3,900 tules
? Bull/Cow Ratios: 20/100 to 90/100
? Nonresidents: $145 hunting license (nonrefundable to enter drawing) plus $1,173 elk permit
? Hunter Success: 75 percent

Conditions are ripe for a world's record tule, says Joe Hobbs, California Fish and Game elk coordinator. On the East Park Reservoir Unit, good spring rains this year and a low harvest of old bulls last year have left the environment in top shape for antler growth. The bad news? Your odds of drawing a bull tag there are 1 in 350. On the Grizzly Island unit, odds are 1 in 1,000. Auction tags are a possibility, too, but if odds and auctions aren't your thing, private landowners receive a limited number of tags, and some are available for sale. The Marble Mountains unit in the northwest has 35 bull tags, 10 antlerless and 5 late-season muzzleloader/archery either-sex tags.


? Elk Population: 286,000
? Bull/Cow Ratio: 30/100
? Nonresidents: cow $354, any elk $544
? Hunter Success: 23 percent

Colorado is the land of plenty for elk and elk hunters but it isn't currently known for producing behemoth bulls. That could be a different story this hunting season. The past two falls have been cursed with warm weather. In the northwest where many of the bigger bulls roam, elk migration didn't even begin until after regular rifle seasons were over. Couple that with abundant spring and summer moisture producing high quality forage and the setup is perfect for more trophy bulls. The state's more-than 200,000 elk hunters also will find that cow tags have gone up $100, the Division of Wildlife has recommended cutting 1,500 cow/either-sex rifle tags across the state, and over-the-counter archery licenses for units 54, 55 and 551 have been nixed. On the other hand, places where herds remain above objective, such as the Gunnison Basin, will see more rifle tags available.


? Elk Population: 101,000
? Bull/Cow Ratio: 25/100
? Nonresidents: license $155, tag $417
? Hunter Success: 20 percent

Since 2007, Idaho's elk population has fallen by 24,000. And for the second year in a row, out-of-state tag revenues in the state have mirrored that trend. Hunters list wolves, the economy and nonresident tag prices as factors. This isn't ideal for state wildlife coffers, but it could be ideal if you're looking for elk hunting all to yourself. Wolves have hit elk populations hard in the classic elk country of the Lolo, Sawtooth and Selway areas, and the state has capped tags. Bull/cow and cow/calf ratios are in tough shape, and the statewide population could fall below 100,000 for the first time in decades. But the declines are by no means across the board. Elk populations are at or above objectives in 22 of 29 elk hunt zones. And a mild winter boosted cow and calf elk survival rates across most of the state. The Beaverhead, Lemhi, Island Park, Teton, Snake River, Palisades and Tex Creek zones all have healthy herds and offer the kind of elk hunting Idaho is famous for.


? Elk Population: 250-275
? Bull/Cow Ratio: 40/100
? Nonresidents: Private landowner permits and one Commissioner's Permit, usually sold at auction
? Hunter Success: 75 percent either sex, 50 anterless

Kansas now has unlimited over-the-counter either-sex elk tags. In certain counties across the state, namely those not adjacent to Fort Riley or Cimarron National Grasslands, any resident can purchase one, hook up with a landowner and hunt elk. Landowners in Hamilton County in western Kansas voiced concern over crop depredation, and biologists responded with the liberal permits. If you care to play the odds, enter the drawing for a once-in-a-lifetime tag. More than half the state's elk reside on and around 100,000-acre Fort Riley, which allows hunting: 12 either-sex (up 4 from last year) and 15 antlerless permits.


? Elk Population: 10,000
? Bull/Cow Ratio: 35-40/100
? Nonresidents: $10 to apply, $365 for permit, $130 for hunting license
? Hunter Success: 80 percent

This year, the Bluegrass State's wapiti hunt was so in-demand that applicants from all 50 states applied, plus the District of Columbia. That's a great vote of confidence for the East's biggest herd, but it means the odds of drawing got even longer for nonresidents: 1:200. For Kentuckians, you're competing against 29,000 other hunters for 720 tags--far better odds at 1:42. Permit numbers in the state have been on a rollercoaster. Last year, permits rocketed up 50 percent to 1,000 tags. Hunters had 60 percent success on cows and 91 percent on bulls. So, managers reined in the number of permits this year back to 800 in hopes of beefing up the population.


? Elk Population: 6,500
? Bull/Cow Ratio: 35-45/100
? Residents only
? Hunter Success: 20 percent

Elk are the "most desired species to hunt" among province residents, says Ken Rebizant, provincial big game manager. Traditional strongholds such as the Porcupine, Interlake and Duck Mountain regions are going to have elk, and big ones, but they're tough draws, as the province has no over-the-counter tags. But, since bovine tuberculosis has impacted the Riding Mountain herd, provoking managers to reduce herd numbers, interest in that area has waned. That may be all a resident needs to finally draw an elk tag.


? Elk Population: 780
? Bull/Cow Ratio: 60/100
? Residents only
? Hunter Success: 70 percent

For years, the state has tried to get its elk numbers down to around 800 and now it seems managers have succeeded. The tendency for elk to wreak havoc on some ag operations in the northern lower peninsula had managers working hard to reduce the herd. Now that they've hit their mark, Michigan will offer 230 tags, 150 less than last year. This year, the state will offer 75 any-elk tags with 155 antlerless.


? Elk Population: 170
? Bull/Cow Ratio: 50/100
? Residents only
? Hunter Success: 79 percent

This year, Minnesota will issue 11 once-in-a-lifetime tags for two separate seasons. Last year, 2,072 applicants put their name in for 30 permits. The state gives landowners 20 percent of the available tags. Last year, managers were able to work out a five-year management plan that calls for 30-38 elk in the Grygla herd, 20-30 animals in the Kittson Central herd and a currently undetermined number in the Caribou-Vita herd. Discussions are being held between the state DNR and Manitoba Conservation regarding population goals for the Caribou-Vita herd, which freely travels across the border.


? Elk Population: 150,000
? Bull/Cow Ratio: 5-25/100
? Nonresidents: $593
? Hunter Success: 22 percent

There are plenty of elk in many pockets of Big Sky country. In fact, Montana continues to boast the second highest elk population of any state by a margin of 30,000 animals. But some populations have plummeted in the past five years. The northern Yellowstone herd is down to 6,000 animals from 19,000 in 1996. Areas north of Yellowstone National Park have seen permits cut and over-the-counter tags change to a draw. Populations in the West Fork of the Bitterroot River and the lower Clark Fork River are 60 percent below objective with just 7 calves per 100 cows. All antlerless tags have been cut and bulls will be hard to come by. Elk populations are well below objectives throughout much of Region 1 in the northwest. Hunters will find elk widely dispersed and wary throughout their traditional ranges in the western third of the state where wolves howl. But the farther one goes east of the Continental Divide, the more elk appear. Most of the eastern portion of the state is 20 percent above population objectives.


? Elk Population: 2,400
? Bull/Cow Ratio: Not available
? Residents only
? Hunter Success: 80 percent bulls, 58 percent cows

The state's elk herd is still growing consistently around 15-20 percent every year. As numbers grow, opportunities to hunt grow with them, but only if you're a resident. This year, the state will issue 272 tags, up 40 from last year, with 98 bull and 174 cow permits. To promote strong landowner relations, one-third of those permits are available to private landowners in a drawing and are non-transferable.


? Elk Population: 12,300
? Bull/Cow Ratio: 32/100
? Nonresidents: $142 hunting license plus $1,200 tag
? Hunter Success: 44 percent

In the past two years, the state's elk population has grown nearly 30 percent. Opportunities for hunters to chase them have followed suit. A few hundred tags more than last year will be issued this season for a total of 3,350. Ten percent of those tags go to nonresidents who are looking at pretty decent 1:44 odds to draw a bull tag. The quality of bulls in the harvest remains high with more than 67 percent of bulls reported being six points or better. The state's Elk Management on Private Lands Program distributed 66 tags to property owners to do with as they wish. Estimated revenue generated from those tags topped nearly $500,000 for the landowners.

New Mexico

? Elk Population: 75,000-95,000
? Bull/Cow Ratio: 42/100
? Nonresidents: $27 nonrefundable fee to enter drawing, plus $562 standard bull tag or $787 quality bull tag
? Hunter Success: 30 percent

Out-of-staters looking to hunt here will find no over-the-counter tags. Those who didn't draw may be able to contact a landowner for one of their tags (be ready to write a hefty check). The state has no bonus or preference point system. Residents get the bulk of the tags, 78 percent. The state's units are broken into "quality" and "opportunity" hunts. The former will get you a better chance at bigger bulls, but odds are steep. The Gila area holds around 20,000 elk.

North Dakota

? Elk Population: 2,000
? Bull/Cow Ratio: Not available
? Nonresidents: One auction tag available
? Hunter Success: 42 percent

Big news this year is the hunt inside Theodore Roosevelt National Park. With 950 elk, the park is looking to control elk populations, possibly killing 275 elk for the next five years to get the population at 100-400. For the rest of the state's elk, things are pretty much status quo. Managers issued 561 tags--with 245 any-sex and 315 antlerless tags, the same as last year. Almost all hunting is now in the western Badlands.


? Elk Population: 2,300
? Bull/Cow Ratio: Not available
? Nonresidents: $306
? Hunter Success: Not available

The Sooner State's elk population is holding steady and the number of permits to hunt public land still hovers around 330. Odds of pulling one of those tags are dismal, less than 1 percent. But, if you do draw, there are some truly fine Okie bulls. Nonresidents looking to hunt here might do best to purchase a tag and then find a landowner who wants elk out of his winter wheat. For cow hunts, seasons are extended well into December and January.


? Elk Population: 120,000
? Bull/Cow Ratio: 15/100
? Nonresidents: license $140, tag $500
? Hunter Success: 13 percent

Due to budget constraints, biologists aren't exactly sure how many elk they have as aerial surveys have been limited. But they think populations are stable. And, this year, managers plan to issue nearly 1,000 more permits than last season. Rocky Mountain elk dominate the east side of the Cascades while Roosevelt's reign to the west. Most hunting in the steep and dark west is open to all comers with over-the-counter tags, while eastern Oregon is draw-only for rifle hunters. Bowhunters can hunt most of the east side with a general tag. Those eastern elk have some new neighbors, as a couple wolf packs have dispersed into the state from Idaho.


? Elk Population: 700
? Bull/Cow Ratio: 28/100
? Nonresidents: $250 for elk tag, $101 for general license
? Hunter Success: 94 percent bull, 73 percent cow

To be blunt, this state has been growing some absolute toads. In 2006, a hunter killed a 425-2/8 non-typical, while just last year a hunter killed a 423-6/8 non-typical. Both bulls were around 6 years old. Records remain to be shattered if a bull can tack on a few extra years. Managers are currently revising the state's elk management plan to determine how many elk that habitat and society will support. In the meantime, 51 tags will again be issued this season, with 18 bull and 33 cow.


? Elk Population: 15,000-16,000
? Bull/Cow Ratio: 20/100
? Residents only
? Hunter Success: 20 percent

Landowner tolerance for elk dictates seasons in this province. In the south where there is a lot of private farmland and the only predator carries a rifle, you'll find ample antlerless quotas meant to get elk off the crops and into freezers. If you want a bull, this just might be your year. With so much open ag land, bulls are easy to spot. To help them gain a little antler weight, managers only allow them to be hunted every third year, which has produced some 400-inch monsters. Moose Mountain Provincial Park in the southeast corner is home to 1,400 elk and has seen numbers gaining strength in the past decade. This is a draw-only unit, open to either-sex hunting, and also has outstanding bulls.
For challenging over-the-counter hunts, the north-central and western regions offer forests and meadow fringes that hide elk along with plenty of their four-legged predators.

South Dakota

? Elk Population: 5,000
? Bull/Cow Ratio: 75/100
? Residents only
? Hunter Success: 50 percent

The state's largest herd in the Black Hills National Forest numbered as many as 5,000 animals back in 2003. Aggressive management knocked that number down to the current 3,000. But public attitudes have shifted and there is once again a cry for more elk and more hunting opportunity. To reach a goal of 4,000 in the Hills, managers have had to cut rifle tags again this year to 1,065--a drop of 300 from last year. Still, residents' odds of hunting a bull in the Black Hills are a solid 1:10. If you pull a tag, make the most of it, as you have to wait nine years to apply again.


? Elk Population: 400
? Bull/Cow Ratio: Not available
? Nonresidents: $10 fee to enter drawing, $300 if drawn
? Hunter Success: 100 percent

"We want to grow this elk herd and add more hunters," says Steve Bennett, elk restoration project coordinator. The herd seems to be cooperating. Last year, five lucky hunters participated in the state's first sanctioned elk hunt, taking five elk, four on the first day. State wildlife managers hope to see the herd reach 2,000 animals within the next two decades.


? Elk Population: 68,000
? Bull/Cow Ratio: 15-80/100
? Nonresidents: $65 hunting license, plus $388 general tag, $795 limited-entry tag or $1,500 premium limited-entry tag
? Hunter Success: 17 percent

Statewide, hunters kill bulls that average around 6? years, and Utah has seen good moisture this past winter and spring, keeping the hills green and lush. Translation: healthy brutes with big headgear. The most popular units include San Juan and Fillmore Pahvant but odds of drawing a limited-entry tag are tough. For residents, it's 1:16. Nonresidents, 1:44. There are over-the-counter options, especially for archery hunters who are willing to hike into wilderness.


? Elk Population: 55,000-60,000
? Bull/Cow Ratio: 12-20/100 in most units
? Nonresidents: $432
? Hunter Success: 8 percent

Washington has more hunters per elk than any other state. Managers help control densities by making hunters choose either westside Roosevelt's or eastside Rocky Mountain elk. Both hunters and elk are split about 50/50. Generally, herd numbers are stable this season but the Yakima herd has seen a drop in calf recruitment, thus special permits for both branch-antlered bulls and cows have been cut 30-40 percent. While it may take some time for the Yakima herd to rebound, the state has plenty of other hot spots like the classic elk country of the Blue Mountains. This area in the southeast corner has seen an increase in bull permits the last few years. The southwest also offers over-the-counter permits, especially on the Gifford Pinchot National Forest around Mt. St. Helens where managers are trying to knock down herd numbers. Wolves have established at least two confirmed packs on the eastside.


? Elk Population 120,000
? Bull/Cow Ratio: 23/100
? Nonresidents: $577 for permit, $288 for cow-calf permit, $1,057 for special permit
? Hunter Success: 43 percent

Certain places in Wyoming have seen significant impacts from wolves and other carnivores. Much of the Cody herd, near Yellowstone, is seeing poor calf-recruitment made worse by predation. Once a general hunting area, it is now a limited-entry draw. Areas around Jackson Hole and the Gros Ventre and Teton Wilderness Areas will see tightened seasons and antler-point restrictions to try and boost bull/cow and cow/calf ratios. Outside the northwest corner, the state's elk populations are up 15,000 from last year and many units are far above objectives. The statewide objective is 80,000 elk. That's 40,000 less than where the herd stands now. The state expects to have lots of leftover antlerless licenses. Aggressive seasons have been set in many places including the Snowy Range, Laramie Peak and Sierra Madre. Last year, the state shifted to a first-come/first-served online licensing system. Out-of-staters can now search for leftover licenses without having to wait in line (in Wyoming) for reduced and full-price tags. For those more interested in hunting bulls, the state allots 16 percent of its limited quota and general licenses to nonresidents.
Effects of elk harvest strategy on bull demographics and herd composition

? Management goals in WA are to maintain existing populations levels, with a minimum post-hunting season ratio of 12-15 bulls/100 cows in open-entry GMU?s and >20 bulls/100 cows in limited-entry GMU?s.

? This is the only study to their knowledge (at time of study) that has compared effects of multiple harvest strategies used concurrently on populations that are close geographically on bull demographics.

? Objectives were to document bull:cow ratios, annual bull mortality rates, bull survivorship into mature (4.5-yr and older) age classes, and herd productivity, under each harvest strategy.


? Regulations designed to save young bulls (harvests of only 3pt+) without simultaneous measures to decrease hunting pressure have not resulted in greater numbers of mature bulls in populations (Weigand and Mackie 1987, Carpenter 1991, Vore and DeSmone 1991).

? (Hernbrode 1987) similarly found that PROTECTING SPIKES would NOT increase numbers of older bulls. Thus Colorado?s quality hunting areas do not have point restrictions; they simply limit total number of bull permits. This practice allows hunters the opportunity to harvest a spike if they choose, which allows more bulls to reach older age classes (Hernbrode 1987).

? The results support the arguments that 3-point harvest strategy decreased overall bull mortality and marginally increased bull:cow ratios relative to any-bull harvesting, but did not increase bull survivorship into mature age classes.

? While overall bull mortality decreased due to protection of spike bulls, harvest mortality remained comparable or increased on the 2.5-year-old or older age classes.

? If MO?s is to increase numbers of older bulls, antler point regulations must be accompanied with restrictions in hunter numbers or access (Carpenter 1991, Unsworth et al. 1993).

? Increased survival of yearling bulls (spikes) with point restrictions could result in an effective increase in numbers of cows (as yearling males are more closely associated with cows and calves than adult bull), thereby increasing adult male mortality if sexes are competing for limited resources (Carpenter and Gill 1987).

? As access became increasingly restricted, bull mortality decreased, bull:cow ratios increased, and proportions of mature bulls increased.

? If predominant breeding by mature bulls is a management goal, then mature bull:cow ratios of 18-25/100 in the FALL population may be necessary (Bubenik 1985, Noyes et al. 1996, L.C. Bender, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, unpublished data).

? Ratios can be achieved only through VERY RESTRICTIVE LIMITED-ENTRY harvest strategies. However, the tradeoff for enhanced bull demographics is loss of recreation.

? Limited-entry units were approximately 91% and 88% less, respectively, than in any-bull or 3-point units looked at in the study.
Effects of bull elk demographics on age categories of harem bulls

? Hypothesized benefits associated with breeding by experienced older bulls include earlier breeding, less disruptive ruts, earlier calf births, less stress on bulls, and increased calf and bull survivorship (Bubenik 1982; Geist 1982, 1991; Squibb et al. 1991; Noyes et al. 1996); however, few of these benefits have been clearly documented in rigorous studies (at the time of this study).

? Example, calf recruitment may be unaffected by increased numbers of mature bulls (DeSimone et al. 1993, Bender and Miller 1999).

? The study investigates the age classes of bulls with harems in 4 areas managed under 4 differing harvest strategies in SW WA. Each differed in bull:cow ratios, bull mortality rates, and proportions of mature bulls in the AUTUMN population.

? Documentation of harem bull age classes in 2 additional populations were also taken on the Mount Rainier National Park (MRNP) South herd and the Michigan elk herd characterized by much greater proportions of mature bulls than observed in the hunted SW WA populations.


? Proportions of harems tended by mature, juvenile, and yearling bulls varied among bull harvest strategies. Year was not significant for any class of harem bulls.

? The proportion of harems tended by mature bulls increased as harvest strategy became more restrictive.

? Number of mature bulls/100 cows in the AUTUMN population best predicted harem tending by mature bulls.

? The superiority of the mature bull:100 cow ratio over bull:cow ratios, bull mortality rate, and population of mature bulls as a predictor was complex. All were interrelated, and thus potentially influenced each other. Bull:cow ratio is a product of bull mortality rates, assuming that cow mortality is stable. Similarly, as bull survival increases so should the proportion of bulls in older age classes, if bull mortality is proportional across age classes. However, the mature bull:cow ratio can decouple from overall bull mortality rates and bull:cow ratios if bull mortality is disproportionately directed at younger or older bull age classes.

? Harvest strategies combining open-entry spike bull hunting with limited-entry branched bull hunting may show only minor effects on total bull:cow ratios and overall bull mortality, yet substantially increase the numbers and proportions of mature bulls in a population. On average, open-entry spike bull/branched bull-by-permit harvest strategies increased overall bull:cow ratios 29% while increasing branched bull proportions 260% across several areas in Washington.

? Harvest strategies used in SW WA, mature bulls tended >60% of the harems when the ratio of mature bulls:cow if the fall population exceeded 14:100 (limited harvest strategy). Including all data, mature bulls essentially tended all harems (84-100%) when the ratio of mature bulls:cow exceeded 21:100.

? These values support Bubenik?s (1985) suggestion of 25 mature bulls/100 cows and are corroborated by research at the Starkey Experimental Forest and Range in Oregon, whre synchronous breeding and high pregnancy rates were observed with 18 3.5-year-old bulls/100 cows (Noyes et al. 1996). In the Starkey Experiment, however, most potential breeding bulls present were the same age and numerically were the dominant age class present (Noyes et al. 1996). This may result in an underestimation of the numbers of mature bulls necessary for breeding benefits because the potentially disruptive influences of more numerous younger bulls that test harem bulls and fragment harems were minimized (Clutton-Brock et al. 1992).

? Data suggest that only 36% of harems would be tended by mature bulls at the 6 mature bulls/100 cows level recommended by Hines et al. (1985) for southwestern Oregon.

? It is important to note that simply increasing the proportion of bulls in a population or reducing annual bull mortality rates alone may not result in breeding dominated by older bulls.

? The proportion of harems tended by mature bulls was equal or less than 61% in the hunted study areas of SW WA, despite in one case a very restrictive bull harvest strategy by limited-entry that resulted in >50 bulls/100 cows and a mean annual bull mortality rate of 0.34. Harem tending was done almost exclusively (equal or greater than 84%) by mature bulls only when mature bulls comprised equal or greater of the fall bull population (MRNP, Michigan).

? Thus, bull management goals that focus on a single demographic variable (such as overall bull:cow ratio) may not be adequate to provide for breeding by mature bulls, if that is a management objective.

? Michigan harvest of any-age bulls by permit holders was allowed, the overall bull harvest (12%, Bender 1992) was low enough to ensure that enough older age-class bulls survived to dominate breeding (96-100% of harems tended by mature bulls). This is true despite hunter selection for older bulls (numbers of mature bulls harvested were 4-5 times and 2.5 times that of spike and juvenile bulls, respectively; Bender 1992).

? Bull harves rates were higher in permit (27-32%) and open-entry bull (43-56%) units in the SW WA (Bender, WDFW, unpublished data). Neither strategy conserved enough mature bulls to tend >61% of the harems, due to intense harvest pressure on all bulls in open-entry units and high hunter selectivity for older bulls in permit units.

? The effects of harvesting strategy alone on increasing proportions of older age-class bulls suggests that only very restrictive harvest strategies allow adequate bull survivorship into mature age classes (Weigand and Mackie 1987, Carpenter and Gill 1987, Bender and Miller 1999).

? However, populations with low bull:cow ratios and high overall bull mortality rates managed under open-entry spike bull/branched-bull-by-permit harvesting strategies can show high proportions of older age-class bulls (DeSimone et al. 1993; Hughbanks and Irby 1993; Fowler and Myerys, WDFW, unpublished data), and thus allow harems to be tended by mature bulls without decreasing overall recreational opportunities to the extent of very restrictive limited-entry systems.

? Without measures to ensure that older age-class bulls are protected, bull:cow ratios may have to be increased more than many managers would expect or desire to achieve any hypothesized benefits of breeding dominated by mature bulls.

? Harem size also influenced prediction of the minimum number of mature bulls necessary to dominate breeding. Bender (1996) found that harem size decreased with increasing bull:cow ratio for the same study populations described here. Under the open-entry harvesting strategies used in SW WA, as bull:cow ratio increased, proportion of mature harem bulls remained similar while harem sizes declined (Bender 1996). The relative proportions of cows tended by mature bulls thus remained similar. Consequently, the proportions of young sired by mature versus immature bulls likely remains similar as well, until high bull:cow ratios (equal or greater 40:100) characteristic of limited-entry systems are reached. As a result, any hypothesized benefits associated with increased breeding by mature bulls should not be expected from simply increasing total bull:cow ratios. Thus, harem dynamics may partially explain the inconsistent results of increasing adult sex ratios on calf recruitment (DeSimone et al. 1993, Bender and Miller 1999, White et al. 2001). Harem dynamics also suggest why some breeding benefits associated with mature bulls can be achieved with lower numbers of mature bulls can be achieved with lower numbers of mature bulls than indicated in this study if total numbers of all bulls present are limited (Hines et al. 1985, Noyes et al. 1996); presence of fewer young bulls limits interference and harem size responses.
Effects of open-entry spike-bull, limited-entry branched-bull harvesting on elk composition in Washington

Goal of study:

? Increase adult bull elk survivorship

? Increase breeding effectiveness in these populations by having a greater proportion of cow elk bred early in the rut.

? Assumed benefits of earlier breeding include higher pregnancy rates, less energetically and behaviorally disruptive ruts, and larger calves entering the post-rut, thus higher survival rates for calves.

Results of study:

? The harvest strategy increased both TOTAL & BRANCHED-BULL ratios in the 3 study areas.

? The harvest strategy showed high proportions of older age-class bulls without eliminating all open-entry hunting opportunity.

? Other strategies used to increase total bull or branched-bull ratios have either failed to do so (e.g. 3-point of better harvesting strategies) or did so only by greatly restricting hunter opportunity.

? Bender & Miller (1999) documented significantly increased bull:cow and mature bull:cow ratios from a very restrictive limited-permit harvest strategy, but at a reduction of 91% and 88% in HUNTER NUMBERS & HUNTER-DAYS.

? The harvest strategy had no positive effect on calf recruitment despite a documented increase in breeding efficiency, where the mean date of breeding moved backward from 9 October in 1988 to 18 September by 1993.

? The influence of female nutritional condition on production and survival of young has been well documented in both livestock (National Research Council 1984, 1985) and wildlife literature (Clutton-Brock et al. 1982, Verme and Ullrey 1984, Schwartz and Renecker 1998, Cook 2002). Data from this study indicated that factors other than bull ratios were critical to calf recruitment in their 3 study areas.

? (Bender 2002) found that mature bulls tended (and presumably bred) essentially all elk harems (84-100%) only when the ratio of mature bulls:cows exceeded 21/100. This value supported (Bubenik?s 1985) suggestion of 25 mature bulls/100 cows, and corroborated (Noyes et al. 1996) in Oregon, where synchronous breeding and high pregnancy rates were observed with 18 3.5-year-old bulls/100 cows.
How many mule deer are there? Challenges of credibility in Colorado

? Conflict resolution between stakeholder groups and management agencies is a problem in wildlife management. They evaluated their success in resolving a conflict between sportsmen and the Colorado Division of Wildlife (CDOW). Sportsmen challenged the credibility of methods used to estimate numbers of mule deer in Colorado and demanded validation surveys to verify numbers of deer.

? Some sportsmen believed mule deer in Colorado were in serious peril and alleged the CDOW was misleading the public and hunters on the status of deer by basing management actions on inflated estimates of deer population size (Freddy 2001).
? Sportsmen focused their concerns on the credibility of CDOW?s aerial-survey sampling methods used to estimate numbers of mule deer.

? Aerial counting of deer using random sample units provided estimates of deer population size that were suitably robust for herd management decisions, but costs prevented systems from being applied in most deer management units in western Colorado.

? Accordingly, intensive sample-based estimates of population size were limited to a few selected core populations representing ecologically distinct areas (White and Bartmann 1998, Bowden et al. 200). Trends of most deer populations were estimated yearly harvest and post-hunting-season herd sex and age ratios (Bartholow 2000, While and lubow 2002).

? Concerns of sportsmen regarding the validity of deer population estimates more accurately reflected issues with CDOW computer models than with aerial-survey estimates because only about 10% of Colorado?s deer populations were estimated using the aerial sampling system. Nevertheless, sportsmen focused on aerial sampling, and their inherent distrust of this system led them to request that CDOW use the Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG) mule deer sightability survey (Ackerman 1988, Unsworth et al. 1994) as an alternative estimation method on the premise that the Idaho system would provide more acceptable estimates of deer numbers.

? Resolving differences in perceived deer population status is difficult from both social and scientific outlooks. Viewpoints of sportsmen may reflect entrenched values that remain unchanged even when confronted by reliable scientific information to the contrary (Patterson et al. 2000).

? In 2000 and 2001, sportsmen and CDOW embarked on a conflict resolution process that implemented an aerial survey to estimate numbers of deer in a specific population. This process challenged the credibility of agencies, professional wildlife managers, and sportsmen; exposed contemporary issues of public acceptance of science in natural resource management; and revealed the importance of critically assessing the risks of potential outcomes as part of decision-making processes used by wildlife agencies.


? Vested stakeholders presented the best evidence supporting their respective viewpoints. The DW then facilitated compromises that were reasonably acceptable to vested stakeholders.

? Sportsmen and CDOW provided written tabulaton of estimated size for 32 populations of mule deer in Colorado west of the Continental Divide. This exercise revealed that CDOW estimates generally were 4 times greater than sportsmen estimates on statewide and individual herd scales. Sportsmen estimates were based on personal observations and casual surveys from horseback by outfitters and hunters while CDOW estimates primarily were based on existing computer-model simulations.

? CDOW personnel would conduct the survey with sportsmen consultants onboard helicopters to provide oversight. Survey data would be provided to vested stakeholders for independent analyses. IDFG personnel would use IDFG software to calculate sightability-corrected estimates of population size.

? Estimates of mule deer population size derived from aerial-survey systems indicated that sportsmen estimates of deer numbers represented equal or less than 26% of the likely true population size. Aerial-survey estimates supported population estimates derived from computer models, strengthening the concept that models based on reliable data could adequately guide decisions for managing deer.

? As understood a priori, the CDOW survey system provided lower estimates of deer number (6,782) than counts adjusted with the IDFG sightability model (11,052).The IDFG model increased estimates by 1.63 times compared to a correction factor of 1.51 times developed for aerial counts of mule deer in Colorado.

? Sportsmen did not accept the estimates of deer population size, even though the conflict resolution process implemented a survey following most of the constraints desired by sportsmen. They propose that sportmen failed to accept the results because of their inherent mistrust of CDOW and IDFG experts. When sportsmen failed to support the results of the validation, their credibility with other vested stakeholders, the Colorado Wildlife Commission, and outside interests plummeted while credibility of CDOW managers rose. This mistrust likely was founded in their belief that only they were truly concered about the plight of mule deer wheras CDOW was concered only about maintaining agency image and status-quo deer management programs. (This kind of sounds like hunters in Oregon).

? The credibility on social trust than academic discipline, and that trust is garnered when scientists presenting the data appear sympathetic to concerns of stakeholders (Weeks and Packard 1997).For the most part, this conflict process was an adversarial debate over techniques of animal enumeration between sportsmen and agency experts and not an empathetic discourse about the status of deer. Information presented by agency experts explaining the details of systems used to estimate deer population size, limitations of those systems, and data resulting from the validating survey were probably not viewed from the validating survey were probably not viewed as objective scientific facts by sportsmen but rather seen as advocacy statements designed to protect the credibility of the agency (Rykiel 2001). Fundamentally, if the messenger is not trusted, the message will not be heard by the resource user (Weeks and Packard 1997).

? The survey was conducted in an area chosen by sportsmen where they were confident about their personal perceptions on numbers of deer present.

? When citizens wrestle with accepting or rejecting scientific information, local knowledge of a situation by non-experts can trump the finding of experts (Weeks and Packard 1997, Weber and Word 2001). Taken in this social context, accepting the validation results would have meant that sportsmen would have had to abdicate their personal status as local experts. This quandary was further demonstrated by their unwillingness to accept the opinions of their consultants, who did no reject the results of the survey.

? Citizens do not passively accept knowledge presented by scientific experts, and they tend to use of reconstruct science knowledge to fit their value system (Zimm 1991) within their social context, independently of the underlying science itself (Weber and Word 2001). Because of these personalized constraints, citizens can lose faith in science when scientific findings are perceived as being abused by advocacy groups (Pye-Smith 199). If sportsmen were indeed unwilling to alter their perceptions because they viewed agency scientists as biased advocates, then no amount of scientific facts demonstrating true numbers of deer likely would have altered sportsmen perceptions. If those facts supported the sportsmen viewpoint, then science would be good; otherwise, science would be inconclusive (Peyton 2000) and not worthy of acceptance.

? Both CDOW and IDFG had major financial and personnel investments over many years in developing, evaluating, and implementing aerial-survey sampling protocols to estimate numbers of mule deer that had passed limus tests of scientific peer review. These systems were expected to perform correctly on a ?one-time-chance? basis around which the credibility of both agencies pivoted. For any given survye, both systems could statistically fail, in that calculated confidence intervals would not include the true population size in10% of such surveys. This error rate could occur when all underlying assumptions of the techniques were satisfied, with the probability of error increasing if assumptions were violated.

? What was important to sportsmen was not process or better scientific measurements of deer numbers but rather imposing their values and goals and changing how mule deer should be managed.

? They agree with Diefenbach and Palmer (1997) that aggressively marketing the science of deer management to the general public, and especially hunters, may be a successful agency strategy to build public trust in the value of applying scientific methods to public resource management issues (Weeks and Packard 1997) and reduce the impacts of critics pushing personalized agendas.
Predicting hunter success rates from elk and hunter abundance, season structure, and habitat

? The Idaho Department of Fish and Game has relied extensively on sociological research ( McLaughlin et al. 1989, Kuck et al.1991, Smith and Yuan 1991) biological research ( Leptich and Zager 1991, Unsworth et al. 1993), and professional intuition to design regulations. However, IDFG does not have a quantitative framework to predict effects of these regulations to ensure they are choosing among options that achieve biologically equivalent results.

? This is a new model to predict hunter success rates, and therefore harvest levels, for a season structure at the elk population scale. This approach is not so much concerned with estimating success rate and harvest level for a particular hunt at a particular time as it is with determining average success rate across all hunts targeting a population (i.e., the overall season structure) and total harvest level resulting from that season structure.

? The model development approach is generic and could be applied to any species in any state, given adequate data. Adapting this approach to situations where the bag limit is >1 would require a more complex model than the one discussed here.


? Road density, season structure, elk abundance, and hunters-elk ratios were significan predictors of elk hunter success rates associated with season structures in Idaho from 1990-1995.

? Similar to Vales et al. (1991) and Vales (1996), the number of hunters, in particular the ratio of hunters to elk, was a significant predictor of hunter success rates in Idaho, and its influence was highly nonlinear.

? Besides the interaction between road density and elk abundance, no other habitat variable was a significant predictor of hunter success rates. This does not necessarily mean that habitat had no effect on hunter success rates. Other studies (Smith and Yuan 1991, Unsworth et al. 1993, Vales 1996) found that factors such as vegetation types and topography affected success rates. Rusults of our study suggest, however that such variables may be of lesser importance when investigating success rates averaged over multiple hunts from a wide geographic area over a relatively short time period.

? Even though the model fit the 1990-1995 data quite well, the model??s ability to accurately predict population-scale hunter success rates beyond the time series used to parameterize the model was either moderate or poor depending on the year.

? The model fit 1996 quite well, however, 1997 was considered a poor hunting season with unusually hot and dry conditions, and hunter remarked they were not finding elk in the usual places (Kuck, IDFG, personal communication). Given that environmental conditions surrounding hunts did not conform to those in 1990-1995, it was not surprising that the model predicted these values poorly. This reinforces the often-stated point to be wary when applying a model outside the range of data used to parameterize it.

? Our inability to reject the null hypotheis points more to variability in predictions and the fact they were evenly balanced on both sides of the one-to-one line, than to the predictions accuracy.

? Other variables such as weather that are likely important predictors of hunter success rates were not included in the model. This raises two difficult issues. The first would be collecting climate data at the scale appropriate for analysis and representative of the areas in question. This would involve interpolation between or combining across data-collection sites, but doing so in a way that was meaningful at small scales, applicable to large geographic areas, and transferable to other regions. Secondly, if climate variables were included, managers would also need to account for uncertainty in future weather patterns in their analysis. Depending on the range of climate variability and sensitivity of success rates to these climate variables, such uncertainty might cause severe implementation problems.

? One potential approach to avoid including climate data would be to use a longer time series of data for model generation. A longer time series would likely have a greater range of climatic conditions such that the final model would represent long-term average weather conditions. Predictions from these models, though accurate on average or over the long term, would not necessarily be accurate for specific instances in the short term when climate does not conform to the average. In addition, the reliability of long-term predictions could be highly compromised because uncertainty in elk population size, another important variable in the model, increases as projections are made farther into the future. The net effect of trading increased uncertainty in population estimates for decreased sensitivity to extreme weather conditions by prediction long-term effects of changes in season structure is no known.

? It would have been regrettable if this model had been implemented, and management decisions made, prior to model validation. Through refinement of models such as this and exploring longer time series of data, managers may soon begin to compare the relative effectiveness of competing management options and better balance the wide range of demands placed upon resources.
Here is a list of more studies if anyone is interested in reading them. It may take me a while to email them all out to people who want them. PM me the "Full Title" of the paper and your email address to receive a copy of the paper(s) to read.

Resource Selection and Spatial Separation of Mule Deer and Elk during Spring

A Review of Environmental Factors Affecting Elk Winter Diets

Survival of Adult Female Elk in Yellowstone Following Wolf Restoration

Long-Term Range Fidelity in Rocky Mountain Elk

Effects of Archery Hunter Numbers and Opening Dates on Elk Movement

Elk Movement in Response to Early-Season Hunting in Northwest Colorado

Selection of Northern Yellowstone Elk by Gray Wolves and Hunters

Proximate Factors Affecting Male Elk Hunting Mortality in Northern Idaho

Effect of Adult Sex Ratio on Mule Deer and Elk Productivity in Colorado

Sex-Specific Movements and Habitat Use by Elk in the Cascade Range of Washington

Fertility Control in Free-Ranging Elk Using Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Agonist Leuprolide: Effects on Reproduction, Behavior, and Body Condition

Constant Proportionality in the Female Segment of a Roosevelt Elk Population

Effects of Bull Age on Conception Dates and Pregnancy Rates of Cow Elk

A Seventy-Year History of Trends in Yellowstone's Northern Elk Herd

Mule Deer Survival in Colorado, Idaho, and Montana

Fecal Indicators, Diet, and Population Parameters in Mule Deer

Reproductive Success of Elk Following Disturbance by Humans during Calving Season

Risk Factors and Mortality of Black-Tailed Deer in a Managed Forest Landscape

Elk Reproductive Response to Removal of Calving Season Disturbance by Humans

Correlation Patterns of Marrow Fat in Rocky Mountain Elk Bones

Nutritional Condition Models for Elk: Which Are the Most Sensitive, Accurate, and Precise?

The Northern Yellowstone Elk: Density Dependence and Climatic Conditions

Survival and Harvest Vulnerability of Elk in the Cascade Range of Washington

Cougar Prey Selection in a White-Tailed Deer and Mule Deer Community

Density Dependence, Compensation, and Environmental Effects on Elk Calf Mortality in Yellowstone National Park

Nutrition-Growth Relations of Elk Calves during Late Summer and Fall

Estimates of Elk Summer Range Nutritional Carrying Capacity Constrained by Probabilities of Habitat Selection

Effects of Male Age and Female Nutritional Condition on Elk Reproduction

Predicting Population Trends of Mule Deer

Development of Predictive Models of Nutritional Condition for Rocky Mountain Elk

Physiological Assessment of Winter Nutritional Deprivation in Elk of Yellowstone National Park

Recruitment Dynamics of Black-Tailed Deer in the Western Cascades

Movements, Survival, and Mortality of Black-Tailed Deer in the Klickitat Basin of Washington

Male Harvest in Relation to Female Removals in a Black-Tailed Deer Population

Food Intake and Foraging Energetics of Elk and Mule Deer

Neonatal Mule Deer Fawn Survival in West-Central Colorado

Management Implications of Elk and Deer Use of Clear-Cuts in Montana

Home Range of Desert Mule Deer: Testing the Body-Size and Habitat-Productivity Hypotheses

Long-Term Trends in Mule Deer Pregnancy and Fetal Rates in Colorado

Survival, Cause-Specific Mortality, and Harvesting of Male Black-Tailed Deer in Washington

Know Thy Enemy: Experience Affects Elk Translocation Success in Risky Landscapes

Effects of Season and Scale on Response of Elk and Mule Deer to Habitat Manipulation

Prehistoric Biogeography of White-Tailed Deer in Washington and Oregon

Seasonal Cycles and Daily Activity Patterns of Rocky Mountain Elk
Deer-predator relationships: a review of recent North American studies with emphasis on mule and black-tailed deer

? Wildlife management agencies in the western United States and Canada are concerned about an apparent decline of mule deer and black-tailed deer populations over large portions of western North America (Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Mule Deer Committee, 1998 unpublished data).

? Western deer populations have been described as very volatile, with major cycles of high and low populations. Herds apparently began increasing in the 1920?s, peaked in the late 1940?s to early 1960?s, declined during the 1960?s to mid-1970?s, increased during the 1980?s, and then declined during the 1990?s (Denney 1976, Hurley and Unsworth 1998). Some investigators indicated that deer populations in some areas have been declining since the 1960?s (Workman and Low 1976, Schneegas and Bumstead 1977, Blelch and Taylor 1998).

? Numerous factors could be responsible for deer declines, including habitat los or change, severe weather (drought, deep snow), starvation, changes in age and sex structure, disease, predation, competition with livestock and wildlife species such as elk, hunting, and interactions of these factors (Wallmo 1981, Halls 1984, Whittaker and Lindzey 19999).

? Variable weather obviously changes impacts of predation through changes in forage and cover (Smith and LeCount 1979, Teer et al. 1991), changes in alternate prey densities (Hamlin et al 1984), and impacts on deer physical condition that influence vulnerability to predation (Unsworth et al. 1999).

? Wolves are the principal predator of black-tailed deer in British Columbia and Alaska. In these systems, wolves have effectively eliminated coyotes as serious predators of deer, whereas in northeastern potions of the continent where wolves have been eliminated, coyotes have replaced wolves as effective predators of white-tailed deer (Ballard et al. 1999).

? (More information about synthesis of effects of predation on deer, costs and benefits of predator reduction programs, and human dimensions of predator management can be found in the paper. More information than I care to highlight here. I highly recommend reading through the entire article in you are interested in this topic.)


? Most studies they reviewed were relatively short-term and were conducted in relatively small areas, and only a few actually demonstrated increased fawn recruitment and subsequent larger harvests by humans. Also, conditions that led to a particular deer population being limited by predation were poorly documented. Additional experimental long-term research on predator predation, is needed to clarify the role of predation on deer.

? Managers also need to document conditions under which predation becomes a significant limiting factor, identify conditions under which predator control should be implemented, and determine when control should be ended.

? Perhaps one of the greatest needs is documentation of costs and benefits under varying levels of predator reduction. Although several studies demonstrated increases in deer survival in relatively small areas because of predator reduction, only a few studies on moose and caribou and one on black-tailed deer actually documented that increased survival was eventually passed on to hunters.

? The scale and level of predator management and public acceptance will likely determine whether predator control is a viable management tool.


? The relationhship between predators and their prey is a very complex issue. The literature we reviewed is equivocal; in some cases predator control appeared to be useful in improving deer populations and in some cases it was not. Some similarities from cases in which predator control appeared to be effective are:
1) predator control was implemented when the deer populations were below habitat carrying capacity.
2) predation was identified as a limiting factor.
3) control efforts reduced predator populations enough to yield results (example from another study was approximately 70% of a local coyote population).
4) control efforts were timed to be most effective (just prior to predator or prey reproduction.
5) control occurred at a focused scale (generally 259 square miles)

? Conversely, there were similarities where predator control was not effective or its effectiveness at improving mule deer populations could not be measured. These included:
1) when mule deer populations were at or near habitat carrying capacity
2) when predation was not a key limiting factor
3) where control failed to reduce predator populations sufficiently to be effective
4) where control efforts were on large-scale areas.

MARK A. HURLEY, ldaho Department of Fish and Game
JAMES W. UNSWORTH, ldaho Department of Fish and Game
PETE ZAGER, ldaho Department of Fish and Game
EDWARD 0. GARTON, Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, University of Idaho
DEBRA M. MONTGOMERY, Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, University of Idaho


We tested effects of removing coyotes (Canis latrans) and mountain lions (Puma concolor) on mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) populations in 11 game management units (GMUs) in southeastern Idaho, USA, 1996-2006. From 1996 to 2002, we assigned 8 GMUs to treatments under a 2?2 factorial design (coyote removal, lion removal) with 2 replicates of each treatment or reference area combination. In a subsequent study, we assigned 8 GMUs to 3 levels of coyote removal. Mule deer populations were surveyed with a helicopter for young to adult female (fawn-to-doe) ratios in December and total population size in March, with estimates corrected for visibility bias. To determine survival and causes of mortality, 250 neonates, 284 6-month-old fawns, and 521 adult does were monitored with radio telemetry in 2 intensive study sites, one with coyote and mountain lion removal and one without. Pregnancy rates, fawn-at-heel ratios, population rates of increase, and previous population levels suggest these populations were below numerical carrying capacity (K) at the onset of the research. Important factors influencing survival of neonates were small mammal and lagomorph abundance, coyote removal, and weather conditions. Coyote removal increased neonate survival only when deer were apparently needed as alternate prey. Coyote removal did not influence the survival of 6-month-old fawns or adult females. Mountain lion removal increased the survival of adult females in winter. Weather variables were the dominant factor in most competing survival models for all age classes of mule deer. Fawn-to-doe ratios were significantly increased (up to 27%) at maximum rates of mountain lion removal across all GMUs. Coyote removal had no significant effect on fawn-to-doe ratios during 1997-2002. Coyote removal was weakly related to fawn-to-doe ratios for 3 years following a 50%, weather-related population reduction in 2002. We detected no significant effect of coyote or mountain lion removal on total population trend of mule deer, although populations increased at higher levels of mountain lion harvest. A regression analysis of removal rate of predators with deer population rate of increase was not significant, although the coefficients of the removal variables were positive. Winter severity was significantly related to mule deer population growth. The lack of fawn-to-doe ratio or mule deer population response indicates that decreased neonate mortality due to coyote removal is partially compensatory. The increased effect of coyote removal on fawn-to-doe ratios after a reduction in mule deer population size supports the conclusion of compensatory mortality at or approaching carrying capacity. The combination of primary prey numbers and weather conditions required for coyote removal to increase fawn survival indicates annual coyote removal programs will not be a cost-effective method to increase mule deer populations. Coyote removal programs targeted when mule deer fawn mortality is additive and coyote removal conditions are optimal may influence mule deer population vital rates, but likely will not change direction of population trend. Mountain lion removal increased deer survival, fawn-to-doe ratios, and increased populations slightly at higher levels of removal. However, we were not able to statistically demonstrate changes in population direction related to our management level application of mountain lion removal. Benefits of predator removal appear to be marginal and short term, necessitating clear harvest goals for immediate use of increased mule deer populations.


Predator Manipulation

Coyote Removal

Effectiveness of coyote removal was variable temporally and spatially during the study period, as influenced by snow conditions, aircraft availability, effort, and methods. The result was differential removal of coyotes among treatment areas (study GMUs) and years. We mitigated for this variability by increasing ground removal efforts in spring and summer. Ground efforts were concentrated within fawning areas where neonates were especially vulnerable (Knowlton 1976). Different removal rates between treatment areas and among years prompted us to prefer a model-based analysis over the design-based analysis intended for the study of recruitment and mule deer population growth.

Mountain Lion Removal

Mountain lion removal was variable in liberal harvest GMUs during the study period because of hunter behavior and success rates. Holmes and Laundre (2000) estimated a population of 16-17 resident and independent mountain lions for GMU 73A through intensive capture and telemetry methods, 1997-1998. We documented 16 mountain lions removed from 73A during 1998-1999, attesting to the high harvest rate. Adult female harvest exceeded 25% of total harvest by 2000 and declined in 2001-2002 indicating a high harvest rate in all treatment GMUs for 1998-2000, except GMU 71 (Anderson and Lindzey 2005). As mountain lion populations decreased, hunting became more difficult and hunting pressure declined during the 2000-2002 general harvest seasons. Harvest was further reduced due to poor snow conditions and hunter success in 2000 and 2001. Lindzey et al. (1992) observed a mountain lion population recover to pre-removal numbers within 9 months after removal ceased. The reduced number of mountain lions removed in the liberal harvest GMUs during the last 2 years of the study probably resulted in population recovery by 2002.

Deer Survival Factors

Factors Affecting Neonate Fawn Survival

Fawn body mass prior to winter is a good predictor of survival to recruitment (Bartmann et al. 1992, Unsworth et al. 1999, Bishop et al. 2005). Rate of mass gain was highest in 1998 when total summer precipitation was nearly twice that of other years. Rate of mass gain of neonates is dependent on doe nutrition and behavior (Robbinette et al. 1973), suggesting does in 1998 were on a higher nutritional plane than in other years. Thus, above average precipitation during the growing season should positively influence survival of fawns (Knowlton 1976). Conversely, exposure during cold, wet weather at birth can increase neonate mortality (Gilbert and Raedeke 2004, Pojar and Bowden 2004).

In a summary of 10 investigations, Connolly (1981b) reported pregnancy rate and the number of fetuses per doe declined in the older age classes (≥7 years) of mule deer.

Changes in Mule Deer Population Demographics

Factors Effecting Fawn-doe Ratios

Precipitation was the most significant factor for predicting fawn ratios. Greater previous winter precipitation and greater summer precipitation decreased FDRs in our study area. This relationship may seem contradictory to findings of increased survival of neonate fawns with increased precipitation, but timing (by months) of precipitation appeared important. Pojar and
Bowden (2004) reported that higher June precipitation decreased FDR in Colorado. Similarly, Gilbert and Raedeke (2004), summarizing a 20-year data set on black-tailed deer, observed cold temperatures and high precipitation during the fawning period had a negative impact on fawn

Factors Effecting Population Rate of Increase

Weather conditions were the most significant factors explaining mule deer population growth. Incorporation of a winter severity index in the model-based analysis explained 17% of the variation in deer population rate of increase for the 6 years of complete data. Essentially, the WSI-driven model described the outcome for the one year in which we observed severe weather conditions.

The highest rates of mule deer population increase prior to 2002 were in 2 GMUs with high mountain lion removal, one with coyote removal and one without. Data from these 2 GMUs contributed to the results of the model-testing effect of mountain lion removal on deer population rates of increase. The third highest rate of increase, however, occurred in an area where no predators were removed (GMU 56). From 1997 through 2001, average rates of increase were positive in the 3 GMUs where mountain lion removal was effectively increased. Removal of mountain lions from GMU 71 (a designated removal GMU) did not increase over the conservative harvest levels despite liberalized mountain lion harvest regulations. Logan and Sweanor (2001) found that mountain lion predation can suppress deer population growth. Bleich and Taylor (1998) reported predation accounted for > 70% of the known adult female mule deer deaths that mountain lions responsible for 90% of those. Given that mountain lions caused 74% of the known mortality of adult does in our study, any reduction in this mortality cause would have implications for population growth. We observed no relationship between coyote removal and population rate of increase in our research.

Effects of Environmental Conditions and Density on Population Growth

Mule deer populations in southeast Idaho are likely regulated by weather conditions within the context of habitat conditions. In our study area, annual forage quality and quantity is related to summer precipitation. We have shown that summer precipitation and fawn mass are highly correlated and significant predictors of winter survival. Mass of mule deer fawns was positively related to winter survival in other studies (Bartmann et al. 1992, Unsworth et al. 1999, Bishop et al. 2005). With low summer precipitation, fawns will experience above average winter mortality even in low snowfall winters. We have observed extreme fawn (95%) and adult (30%) mortality rates in winter following low summer precipitation and average winter precipitation. Predators, although a significant mortality agent, were not regulating the populations that we investigated. We observed slight changes in population parameters with predator removal, but not changes in population trend. The effect of mountain lion removal on population performance provided some insight during our investigation. We demonstrated that mountain lion removal can increase adult female survival and increase fawn-to-doe ratios. Furthermore, we observed a weak, positive relationship between mountain lion removal and deer population rate of increase during the first 4 years of this research. The short term success of improved vital rates should be tempered with observed decline in fawn-at heel ratios and increased mortality of adult females in predator removal areas during the final years of study. We caution that long term (10 years) intensive removal of mountain lions may decrease fitness of a deer population by altering the age structure, thereby decreasing survival, productivity, and ultimately recruitment.

Key Findings Related to Coyote Removal

1. Coyote removal increased neonate fawn survival under specific coyote-prey ratios.
2. Coyote removal did not increase winter fawn survival or adult survival.
3. Coyote removal had a weak positive effect on fawn-to-doe ratios when deer
populations were below K.
4. Effect of coyote removal on population growth rate was undetectable.

Key Findings Related to Mountain Lion Removal

1. Mountain lion removal increased adult female survival.
2. Mountain lion removal increased fawn-doe ratios.
3. Mountain lion removal had a weak positive effect on mule deer population rates of

Mule Deer Population Ecology and Predator Removal

The political and biological realities of wildlife management are often mutually exclusive. Nowhere is this more evident than in the arena of predator removal to increase game populations. In the context of population dynamics, our research provided little evidence that predator removal changed the overall population status of mule deer. Amount of precipitation, likely related to plant phenology and winter energy expenditure, has a greater influence on population vital rates. Predation is a significant limiting factor of mule deer populations; however, the effect on rate of increase is unpredictable due to yearly variation in weather-related changes in habitat carrying capacity and alternate prey populations. These changes in carrying capacity or increases in deer numbers will ultimately dictate the degree to which predation is compensatory.

The benefits of predator removal appear to be short term when considering mule deer ecology. If predator removal does increase mule deer populations, density-independent effects, such as weather, or density-dependent effects will reduce populations in a short time period. The conditions in which predator removal is effective are stringent and often not predicable prior to the ideal removal period. This is likely why annual predator removal programs are costly and
may fail to increase mule deer populations.
Here is a North American Mule/Blacktail Deer Conservation Plan that was put together by 13 western states, 4 Midwest states, and 2 southern states Wildlife Agencies along with 4 Canadian agencies that formed ?The Mule Deer Working Group? sponsored by the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. The group has identified the issues important to mule deer management under several topics. The Group summarized these issues in the book ?Mule Deer Conservation: Issues and Management Strategies? in 2003.

North American Mule Deer Conservation Plan

To address the multitude of issues impacting recovery of mule deer populations, the Western
Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (WAFWA) chartered the Mule Deer Working Group (MDWG), herein referred to as ?Group.? This group, comprised of representatives of all agencies that are members of WAFWA, was established to address 3 specific tasks including:

1. Develop solutions to common mule deer management problems.

2. Identify and prioritize cooperative research and management activities in the western states and provinces.

3. Increase communications between agencies and the public that are interested in mule deer, and between those in agencies, universities, and nongovernmental organizations that are interested in mule deer management.

Increased communication among agency biologists will allow managers to face new resource challenges with the best available science. This eco-regional and West-wide approach to mule deer conservation will allow natural resource administrators to make science- based decisions and provide up-to-date and accurate information to their stakeholders.

At the first Group meeting, members identified the issues that we considered important to mule deer management. These topics included short and long-term changes to habitat, differences in mule deer ecology between eco-regions, changes to nutritional resources, effects of different hunting strategies, competition with elk, inconsistent collection and analyses of data, deer-predator relationships, disease impacts, and interactions that occur with weather patterns and these issues. The Group summarized these issues in a book entitled Mule Deer Conservation: Issues and Management Strategies in 2003.

There are a multitude of factors that continue to adversely impact mule deer populations including habitat loss to development, deterioration of forage quality and quantity, droughts, severe winter weather, competition with other ungulates, predation, disease, poaching, and increased hunting mortality. The Group concurs that ultimately the key to managing mule deer in the foreseeable future lies in maintaining high quality habitat. The Group maintains that this can be best accomplished by managing mule deer using the eco-regional approach we promote in this plan.

Eco-regional Corrdination:

Objectives and Strategies

1. Improve and maintain intergovernmental coordination between states/provinces, tribal, federal agencies, and private entities.

a. Conduct annual coordination meetings between state/province agencies, and federal, tribal and private land management authorities at the local, state, regional, and national level.

b. Devote a round table coordination/assessment session at the Deer/Elk Workshop for all wildlife and land management agencies to discuss current mule deer management activities and research needs.

c. Assist tribal wildlife agencies with collection of survey and harvest data to maintain consistency.

d. Provide consultation and input commensurate with the plan goals and objectives into planning activities sponsored by other land and/or wildlife management entities.

e. Implement collaborative planning measures for all natural resource management entities.

f. Ensure the Group meets at least annually to continue to address our 3 objectives as assigned by WAFWA.

2. Develop and adopt standardized survey methodologies, population models, and harvest data collection processes that are based on scientifically- sound standards and assumptions.

a. Maintain separate survey and harvest data for white-tailed deer and mule deer.

b. Coordinate proposed research and management activities among states/provinces within eco-regions.

3. Share appropriate survey methodologies, population models, and harvest data collection processes that are based upon standards and assumptions supported by the best available science.

a. At least annually, each Agency/Department will present a brief update to the Group on survey methodologies, population models, processes, and data acquisition approaches with emphasis on what is working and what is not. Written summaries should be prepared and distributed to the Group.

b. At each Deer and Elk Workshop there will be at least one session devoted to survey methodologies, population models, processes, and data acquisition approaches for mule deer management.

c. The Program Chair of the Deer/Elk Workshop will maintain consistent status report formats by using the report format developed and implemented by the Group.

4. Conduct gap analyses on information needs for mule deer populations and their habitats that can be applied on an eco-region or range-wide basis.

a. The Group, working closely with mule deer researchers, will identify and prioritize research studies that could be designed, analyzed and presented on an eco-region or range-wide perspective.


Society wants wildlife populations managed at sustainable, optimum levels for their inherent aesthetic values, recreation, sport harvest, and scientific purposes. It is thought by many wildlife managers that wildlife abundance is ultimately limited by quality and availability of habitat. But, it is often difficult to convince wildlife enthusiasts that human impacts render sustaining wildlife populations, including mule deer, at desired levels difficult and sometimes impossible,
because habitat has been eliminated or otherwise negatively altered.

Direct human impacts to mule deer habitat (quality and availability) include: oil, gas, and mineral exploration and extraction; urban growth; highway, railroad, and fenceline development and other impediments to migration. Indirect factors related to human population growth include recreation activities such as dispersed camping and off-highway vehicle use. Vegetative communities important to mule deer are altered by land management practices including fire suppression, livestock grazing, shrub eradication, and disturbances promoting cheatgrass and other exotic plant invasions.

Goal: Mule deer habitat potential is optimized for quality and quantity across mule deer range.

Objectives and Strategies

1. Identify threats to mule deer habitat throughout their range.

a. Digitally map mule deer distribution throughout the West.

b. Attribute all mapped polygons with limiting factors as established by the Group.

c. Develop a searchable database that underpins the mapping effort.

d. This system will be used to prioritize areas where mule deer habitat restorations are planned.

2. Restore or improve mule deer habitat function throughout mule deer range.

a. Proactively manage shrub communities (using prescribed fire, mechanical treatment, or other approaches as appropriate at a site specific basis) to maintain mosaics of uneven aged stands to enhance habitat conditions for mule deer.

b. Ensure that security cover requirements for mule deer are incorporated in all restoration plans developed to improve mule deer habitat.

c. Develop and implement habitat restoration protocols that are useful in restoring ecological function in mule deer habitat. This will be most useful if developed at the eco-regional level as identified in this plan.

d. Foster habitat protection programs including purchasing or implementing conservation easements or other methods to provide for long-term protection and management of mule deer habitat.

e. Manage mule deer habitat in a fashion to control type conversions (i. e., conversion of rangeland to croplands, and shrublands to monotypic pinyon-juniper stands).

f. Allow normal fire regimes to occur where this practice does not pose high risk to human developments.

g. Develop and implement habitat treatment protocols that reduce the impacts of cheatgrass or other invasive plants.

h. Ensure that water distribution is maintained in areas where freestanding water is documented to be important to mule deer.

i. Encourage land management practices that promote mast producing and browse species vegetation to improve nutritional requirements for mule deer.

3. Limit development impacts to important mule deer habitats.

a. Coordinate with local municipalities or other agencies to discourage development of areas important to mule deer.

b. Actively participate in all levels of public land management planning activities.

c. Review all land management plans to ensure the impacts of extractive activities including highway developments or oil and gas exploration are minimized to the extent possible.

d. Review all transportation corridor development plans and ensure that methods are incorporated to minimize direct mortality via vehicle-deer collisions and to ensure the roadway is permeable to mule deer.

4. Limit human related impacts to important mule deer habitats through recreation or other non-development human impacts.

a. Manage high levels of human recreation to avoid negative impacts on key mule deer habitat features.

b. Evaluate road densities and ensure that road densities are not adversely impacting mule deer habitat, particularly during times when fawns are being born and reared.

c. Evaluate all land management plans to ensure impacts of livestock grazing are not detrimental to mule deer habitat, particularly in locations and seasons that are highly important to mule deer.

d. Evaluate timber management strategies to ensure mule deer habitat quality is maintained or enhanced, or that post-removal restoration is conducted to improve mule deer habitat.


Nutrition has a fundamental role in virtually every life process of mule deer. Nutrition influences ovulation, conception, gestation, lactation, survival, and home range, both seasonally and annually. Nutritional status of individuals in a population subsequently influences additional factors, such as susceptibility to predation, ability to compete for needed resources, resistance to diseases, and ability to survive severe weather conditions that may last for extended periods. In turn, many factors influence nutrition of free-ranging ungulates, such as vegetation composition, soil type, phenological development, successional stage, season of use, frequency and time since last fire event, inter- and intra-specific competition, and relative security. Connections among these ecological variables are complex and far from easy to isolate and understand.

Rumen function depends on a number of factors, including foods eaten, season, animal health, time since last meal, and composition and quality of foods. For this reason, rapid changes to ruminant diets may be ineffective in providing adequate nutrition, such as when poor quality hay is fed to deer herds that are nutritionally stressed on low-quality winter ranges. These deer may die of malnutrition or related factors even though their stomachs are full. Deer that are translocated into habitat differing substantially from their original range may suffer high mortality because their rumen microflora may be ill equipped to digest their new diet. Even within native range and without supplemental feeding, rapid changes as a result of drought or increased precipitation can present deer with nutritional challenges.

Goal: Optimal mule deer forage quantity and quality throughout their range.

Objectives and Strategies

1. Advocate and support proactive habitat improvement approaches using best management practices.

a. Review land management plans and encourage changes to improve mule deer nutrition.

b. Develop and distribute a catalog of best management practices for land management agency use to optimize meeting nutritional requirements for highly productive mule deer populations.

c. Determine plant characteristics (i. e., species diversity, density, age, distribution) that provide optimal nutritional levels to sustain mule deer.

2. Apply standardized techniques for measuring and monitoring mule deer body condition and promote processes for using these data to influence management decisions.

a. Develop and implement a standard habitat condition index based on review and summary of body condition measures

b. Monitor trends in body condition and correlate with other weather, habitat, and population parameters to develop predictive models explaining deer population dynamics.

3. Discourage establishment of long-term supplemental feeding programs.

a. Provide outreach information on the usefulness of and adverse impacts of supplemental feeding.


Unifying themes in mule deer ecology have emerged from studying roles of climate and weather on the trajectory of mule deer populations. Investigations into local climatic differences and variability have revealed that precipitation and weather influence plant abundance, phenology, and distribution as well as demography of mule deer populations. Recent studies also demonstrate that large-scale climatic variability also affects herd size, fetal development, fecundity, and demographic trends of ungulates.

Habitat is a dynamic concept perhaps best defined as all resources and conditions interacting in locations where an animal reproduces and survives. Precipitation, falling as rain or snow and interacting with other physical and biological variables, is a major habitat component that drives distribution, reproduction, survival, and relative abundance of mule deer. Individual animals and populations adjust continually via behavioral and physiological mechanisms to a complex and
dynamic mix of environmental factors.

Goal: An understanding of the response of mule deer populations to fluctuating weather patterns.

Objectives and Strategies

1. Determine how weather patterns affect populations in different eco-regions and use this information to predict future population responses.

a. Compile, review, and analyze available data on trends of climatic conditions within mule deer ranges.

b. Determine relationships among seasonal precipitation, availability and nutritional quality of forages, and mule deer population trends.

c. Develop models and use an adaptive approach to evaluate ?best fit? and predictive relationships between weather and mule deer population trends.

d. Synthesize results of data analyses and present results to interested publics, agencies, and decision-makers.

2. Reduce impacts of major weather events to mule deer populations.

a. Use long-term weather data (i.e., snow or lack of moisture) to develop maps of critical areas for special management under extreme weather events.

Population Management:

Mule deer occur in a variety of habitats throughout western North America from central Mexico to just south of the arctic tundra. Their numbers fluctuate in response to a variety of factors, such as weather, disease, predation, and hunting. A major factor, often overlooked, is condition of the habitat. Habitat is not just forage, but also includes thermal cover, security cover, and all other environmental variables. Management of mule deer and other big game species typically focuses on manipulating hunting season timing and length, and manipulating harvest regulations to maintain population density and desired ratios of males to females. Hunting season length and/or hunter numbers often must be controlled because of the lack of security cover or easy hunter access to mule deer habitat during hunting seasons. Wildlife management agencies, brochures, news articles, and magazines have long emphasized the importance of habitat changes and weather conditions as major factors behind population fluctuations, but perhaps have failed to adequately address effects of hunting on mule deer abundance and population demographics.

Declining abundance and distribution, and chronically low fawn recruitment plague many mule deer populations in the West. As a result of these declines, sportsmen and the general public have lobbied wildlife agencies to restrict mule deer hunting seasons and harvest in an attempt to allow populations to regain density and composition that resembled deer populations in the 1960s. Wildlife agencies need to do a better job of explaining to the public that deer habitat has declined in quantity and quality as a result of a variety of factors. Wildlife agencies also need to explain that managing mule deer populations for higher density when fawn recruitment is low is counter-productive and will not result in increased hunter opportunity. The case needs to be made that in the instances where declining habitat quantity and quality is coupled with low fawn recruitment, populations need to be controlled and wildlife agencies must be allowed to set hunting seasons using antlerless harvest to control population size when needed.

Goal: Mule deer population abundance and demographics are within appropriate ecological, social, and political limits.

Objectives and Strategies

1. Develop and encourage management systems for mule deer with regular monitoring and the flexibility to adapt future management based on past performance.

a. Establish objectives for management units/herd units that meet biological, social, and economic goals.

b. Monitor the effects of harvest levels on population demographics and abundance.

c. Use monitoring data to set and adjust harvest rates, timing, duration of hunts, and bag limits to achieve population objectives.

d. Use the most current available survey data to set subsequent year?s hunting season structure.

e. Monitor adult female survival in representative areas to adequately describe when and how population change occurs.

f. Monitor winter survival of fawns in key areas to maintain an accurate index of recruitment.

g. Use antlerless hunts to control populations when needed.

h. Evaluate the potential of implementing an Adaptive Harvest Management System for mule deer management.

2. Promote beneficial aspects of mule deer harvests with respect to habitat carrying capacity, recreational opportunities, cultural traditions, and economics.

a. Scientific surveys will be designed and implemented to determine the economic, social, and cultural values of mule deer hunting in local and regional communities.

b. Routinely report to interested publics about the status and progress of management programs and reaffirm desired objectives.

3. Promote beneficial aspects of non-consumptive uses of mule deer related to wildlife viewing, recreation, and economics.

a. Identify activities and locations where the public can participate in non-consumptive wildlife recreational activities.

b. Scientific surveys will be designed and implemented to determine the beneficial aspects of mule deer populations to non-consumptive users.


Recently, some members of the public and some biologists indicated predation may be largely responsible for declines or lack of ungulate population recovery, and that predator control may be necessary to restore some populations to higher levels. However, empirical evidence only exists for moose, caribou, and one black-tailed deer population and this hypothesis has not been tested for mule deer.

A selective review of the literature could reinforce almost any view on the role of predation. Predators acting in concert with weather, disease, and habitat changes could have important effects on prey numbers. Scientists continue to debate whether predation is a significant regulating factor on ungulate populations. Because of increased interest in relationships between predation and mule deer populations, the Group reviewed available literature and sought to draw conclusions regarding effects of predation on mule deer populations in order to decipher when and if predator management might be an effective tool for the wildlife manager.

Goal: Predator populations are maintained consistent with habitat conditions, mule deer population potentials, and human values.

Objectives and Strategies

1. Develop and implement predator management plans consistent with ecological and mule deer population objectives.

2. Assess effectiveness of predator management practices and determine trigger points that would cause initiation and termination of predator control programs.

3. Maintain an on-going information exchange between wildlife management agencies and the public via frequent contact and distribution of status reports, research findings, and use of public meetings and popular articles as well as peer-reviewed information to accomplish this objective.

4. Identify gaps in understanding the interactions of mule deer and various predators and to recommend needed research to answer questions related to this issue.

Diseases and Parasites:

The role of diseases and parasites in mule deer and most free-ranging wildlife populations is difficult to assess for a variety of reasons. Typically, animals that are afflicted with clinical disease or an overload of parasites tend to seek secluded places to avoid contact with predators, conspecifics, or other animals. As a result of this behavior, wildlife researchers and managers often are faced with collecting information on diseases and parasites from occasional specimens submitted to a laboratory in good enough condition to determine cause of death. Another issue with understanding the impact of diseases and parasites in mule deer is the high cost of surveillance. Capture of free-ranging wildlife in sufficient numbers to obtain statistically significant sample sizes is usually cost prohibitive for most wildlife management agencies. Additionally, clinical signs of many diseases and/or parasites affecting mule deer can be similar, making field diagnoses difficult at best. Thus, most of what we know about mule deer diseases and parasites is based on individual case studies or instances when large-scale die-offs have occurred. Additionally, some diseases and parasites are a part of the natural ecosystem in which mule deer live and play a role in population regulation. These naturally
occurring diseases and parasites should not be removed from the population when they have evolved with the species but their presence and prevalence should be monitored. The introduction of emerging diseases that may negatively impact mule deer populations are the primary threat to overall healthy animal populations.

A review of applicable literature indicated there are few diseases or parasites that cause a population level change in free-ranging mule deer. Of these, the hemorrhagic complex comprised of bluetongue virus (BTV) and epizootic hemorrhagic disease (EHD) is biologically important in the West. Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) is common in the area of north-central Colorado, south-eastern Wyoming and southwestern Nebraska. In addition to this area, free-ranging mule deer have been detected with CWD in several other states, and provinces. Due to the association made in the media to Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy or ?mad cow disease,? which has caused great public concern, this disease is socially important in the West.

Goal: Mule deer populations are not unnaturally limited by diseases or parasites.

Objectives and Strategies

1. Identify and monitor occurrence and prevalence of diseases and parasites within mule deer populations.

a. Develop a west-wide mule deer disease and parasite monitoring plan that recommends standardized surveillance, testing, data storage and reporting procedures.

b. Develop statistical models to predict the presence, prevalence, potential for spread, and population impacts of diseases and parasites in mule deer populations.

c. Establish close ties with state and federal agriculture, human health and environmental agencies to coordinate surveillance, monitoring and management of diseases and parasites that may cross the wildlife/livestock and/or the wildlife/human interface. These ties must cross political and jurisdictional boundaries to be effective.

d. Provide comprehensive technical training to biologists and managers on disease and parasite detection, identification, surveillance, monitoring, and management.

2. Provide administrators, interested publics, and wildlife professionals with science-based disease and parasite information.

a. Create and maintain a repository (state or regional level) that contains information on disease/parasite outbreaks, research activities, results, management actions, etc. in a user friendly format that enables biologists and managers to respond to inquires and utilize the database for research and management decisions.

b. Maintain and support the continuation of forums (committees, work groups, workshops, publications, etc.) for information exchange among the various organizations, groups, agencies, and individuals having an interest and responsibility in understanding and managing diseases and parasites of mule deer.

c. Develop, encourage and support research to enhance our understanding of diseases and parasites, their impact on mule deer populations and prescriptions to manage the disease or parasite as well as the population impact.

d. Establish scientific guidelines for surveillance, monitoring and management of diseases and parasites that impact or may impact mule deer populations, including criteria for implementing stratified levels of parasite and disease management actions (continued monitoring, vaccination, quarantine, eradication, etc.).

e. Through the appropriate outlet, report any disease or parasite finding to the profession and other impacted and/or interested entities.

Elk and Deer Interactions:

Elk and mule deer are both large ruminant herbivores that eat many of the same foods and occur in many of the same habitats. The distribution of elk has increased in western North America over the last few decades, and some resource managers have questioned the impacts of elk increases on wildlife habitats in general and mule deer populations specifically. Because mule deer populations have generally declined concurrent with elk expansion, managers have speculated on a cause-and-effect relationship between these 2 trends, particularly as a result of competition. However, trends in populations of each species are not uniform; in some areas, both elk and mule deer are declining, while in others elk have increased while mule deer declined, or mule deer have increased while elk have declined.

Elk and mule deer undoubtedly interact with each other and other components of their environment. Competition with other grazing ungulates (i.e., livestock) has been implicated as an influential factor on mule deer and elk populations in many studies. Overlap in mule deer and elk diets often leads to speculation that competition between the 2 species is negatively affecting mule deer populations. However, simply observing overlap in forages consumed is not evidence of competition. Like most wild herbivores, both elk and mule deer face strong foraging constraints associated with quality of forage, as well as quantity of forage, distribution of forage, intake rates, and presence of plant anti-herbivory defenses. These issues all impact potential forage competition. For example, because mule deer are smaller than elk, they have higher metabolic needs and thus require higher quality forage than do elk. Higher quality forage tends to have low biomass availability in most communities and impediments to digestion (i.e., high lignin content, etc.) that decrease use of these forages by elk but not mule deer, which may act to ecologically segregate the 2 species. However, general declining trends in productivity of elk and mule deer throughout much of the West suggest that quality forage for both species is declining, which may act to increase competition. Moreover, competition can also be for water, space, hiding cover, or may simply involve displacement by one species, resulting in the other having to live in areas where it may be more vulnerable to other mortality factors. Additionally, disease transmission between species may impact population levels of one or both species.

Competition can be difficult to demonstrate in free-ranging wildlife. Competition occurs between 2 species when those species use the same resources to the detriment of one or both species. To be detrimental, impacts must result in decreased health and/or increased vulnerability in a species, leading to declines in survival or productivity and consequently decreased population growth. To detect true competition, knowledge of habitat conditions, animal movements, and individual body condition of both or all species concurrently is needed. Past work has focused on measures such as productivity and survival, which can be confounded by factors (i.e., short term climate, habitat changes, predation, etc.) that may or may not be directly influenced by competition. Rigorous research designs are needed to detect competitive influences on individual and population condition and health, and animal distribution, to conclusively demonstrate any negative impacts on mule deer populations or habitats due to elk.

Goal: Mule deer and elk populations are at ecologically sustainable and socially acceptable levels that minimize negative competitive interactions with each other.

Objectives and Strategies

1. Promote research and monitoring programs that provide science-based information on competitive interactions between mule deer and elk.

a. Identify specific gaps in knowledge regarding competitive interactions between elk and mule deer.

b. Identify locations/situations where deer and elk competitive interactions may exist (i. e., winter range) and develop recommendations to reduce conflict between these 2 species.

2. Develop harvest management strategies to reduce negative competitive interactions between mule deer and elk.

a. Reduce or eliminate elk from areas where mule deer are to be emphasized.

b. Maintain deer and elk populations at levels that minimize negative inter- and intra-specific interactions (i.e., maintain high herd health) and habitat impacts.

Outreach and Education:

Few wildlife species are of such wide interest to hunters and the public than are mule deer and often, wildlife agencies are in need of current information on a variety of aspects related to mule deer. Each of the previous sections have important elements where information would aid the understanding of each of these factors and the role they play on mule deer populations. The Group believes that taking a more aggressive role in the preparation and distribution of these information sources would aid the public?s understanding of the ever-growing conflicts over mule deer management.

Goal: Agency leadership, resource managers, and the public can access the best scientific information related to factors affecting mule deer populations and the habitat upon which mule deer depend.

Objectives and Strategies

1. Habitat Management

a. Produce and distribute information on the importance of improving mule deer habitat through the use of restoration tools including restoring natural processes such as fire.

b. Produce and distribute guidelines that can be used to improve mule deer habitats for each of the ecoregions discussed in this plan.

2. Nutrition Requirements

a. Develop and distribute policies that identify the health risks associated with supplemental feeding programs.

b. Develop and distribute information on methods to optimize nutritional carrying capacity for mule deer.

3. Weather

a. Develop and distribute materials in a variety of medias that explain relationships between climate and weather events and mule deer abundance.

4. Population Management

a. Develop and distribute information to agencies and the public on the benefits of hunting and the role of hunting in managing mule deer in an ever-changing West.

b. Develop and distribute information on the value of mule deer as watchable wildlife.

5. Predation

a. Develop and distribute popular articles explaining the relationship between various predator species and mule deer.

b. Create and distribute publications explaining agency policy relative to predator management as it relates to mule deer populations.

c. Outreach to civic groups, hunting organizations, and other interested parties to explain agency policy and the state of our knowledge regarding predator ? mule deer interactions.

6. Disease and Parasites

a. Develop and distribute outreach materials in an understandable format for educating the public on disease issues that impact mule deer health.

7. Elk and Deer Interactions

a. Develop and distribute agency publications such as popular articles and technical publications addressing elk ? mule deer interactions and the role these interactions play in determining mule deer population trends

b. Use public meetings to present information relative to elk ? mule deer interactions and the role of these interactions in determining mule deer population trends.

Mule Deer Habitat Guidelines for 7 Ecoregions
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