Wildlife Services 2009 Wolf Depredation Numbers


Active Member
I looked this up for a post on another site and worked pretty hard to find these numbers so I thought I would share them here.

This may be old news to some of you but I thought it was interesting.

For 2009 with wolf hunting seasons in Montana and Idaho, hunters still didn't kill as many wolves as Wildlife Services did under their depredation actions.

Hunters killed 188 wolves in Idaho and 75 in Montana for a total of 263 wolves.

Wildlife Services killed 93 wolves in Idaho, 145 in Montana and 32 wolves in Wyoming for a total of 270 wolves.

Combining those there were 533 wolves killed in the 3 states during 2009.

Here's the summary - http://www.fws.gov/mountain-prairie...FINAL_2009_DEP_by_STATE_Table 5b_03-08-10.pdf

I know most of us would like to see many more wolves killed and are disappointed that the hunting seasons were stopped in Montana and Idaho, but at least Wildlife Services is doing something.

Montana's head of FWP had this quote after the season was cancelled.

Montana's top wildlife official acknowledged Friday that the state has too many wolves on the landscape, so he's implementing a new strategy that will allow problem wolves to be killed more quickly by federal agents.

In a hearing before the Environmental Quality Council, Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks director Joe Maurier said federal Wildlife Services agents no longer need FWP authorization to kill wolves at or near confirmed livestock depredation sites.

The agents also will be able to immediately kill any wolves that are trapped when they return to those sites to feed on dead livestock.

"For the amount of conflict we have in all sectors today, we probably have too many wolves on the landscape," Maurier told the council. "We had tolerable conflict on the landscape; now it's intolerable. Now we have to go back to the point where it's tolerable at all levels but we still have a viable population."

I always knew that wolves were being killed on depredation actions, but never realized how many.

Maybe this year they will top 300 and end up closer to 400.

Oh well, thought I would share.


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