wilderness athlete 28 day diet


Very Active Member
Anybody done this?

I'm thinking about it and want some input.

Yep, I'm fat and know it.
I'm glad you posted this. I need to lose some weight and get in shape, and this looks interesting. I will probably give it a try. Heck, at $199, it's cheaper than the amount of food it would replace costs... I think?!?!?
I'm going to call them today and get the low-down.

If it's what I'm thinking it is, it's very effective.

I've been struggling losing weight for 4 years now, my body has a hard time dropping or gaining. So I'm hoping that this is safe and effective.

I'll post tonight what I find out. Maybe a bunch of us lard-a$$es can get together and lose some weight. It's way funner when you've got others going thru the same thing you are.
>Look around, there are plent of
>ways of doing the same
>thing without supporting the AZ
>tag Grab crew....... Terry

Exactly what I was thinking. Lots of products on the market to accomplish the same thing without supporting these guys.
OK, enlighten me. I'm not familiar with whatever connection you guys suggest between Wilderness Athlete and whoever you are upset with (I'm assuming Peay and Company) so please tell me more.
you only have to give up 2 things to lose all the weight you want........"chewing and swallowing"....

When you go swimming in the ocean, it is very cold, and it makes my willy small
Alright, I contacted wilderness athlete, talked to a guy that wasn't very helpful at all. Didn't explain the diet system, didn't do a very good job helping me understand exactly what it is.......long story short I wasn't impressed at all with his customer service. Gonna call again today and maybe talk to someone different, he did say that if I had a few other people wanting to try it, that he'd give us a discount.

I'll post again when I find out more.
One of the key things nobody seems to talk about is getting the appropriate amount of protein each day/meal. Feed your muscles and they'll burn the fat in return.

I actually have the opposite problem. I've always had a hard time gaining and keeping weight on. I had a nutrition coach get me to where I want to be and it's been great to finally get there. She has me on a line of products similar to her clients trying to lose weight. The protein quantities and types are adjusted for my size and goals though.

Either way the formulas are similar for gaining and losing weight correctly. At the minimum, start every day with a good breakfast (I have a smoothie with fruits/protein in it) within a half hour of waking up. Make sure you get about 25 grams of protein to start the day! The amount you need per day varies from person to person.

If any of you guys want to talk to her, I can get you her contact info. She will explain EVERYTHING the WA guys didn't want to take the time to.
I tried it last year for the heck of it. Honestly, I didn't think it was worth it. You can better products from GNC and accomplish the same thing
If you want to drop a lot of weight fast and recalibrate your metabolim, the hcg diet is hard to beat. I've done it a few times and each time dropped 15-20 lbs in three weeks.The cost of the diet is the cost of the drops...about $30.....you will loose a lot of weight if you stick to the diet. Make sure you have a long term plan in place once your 3 weeks is up.
>If you want to drop a
>lot of weight fast and
>recalibrate your metabolim, the hcg
>diet is hard to beat.
>I've done it a few
>times and each time dropped
>15-20 lbs in three weeks.The
>cost of the diet is
>the cost of the drops...about
>$30.....you will loose a lot
>of weight if you stick
>to the diet. Make sure
>you have a long term
>plan in place once your
>3 weeks is up.

I thought it was shots?

Stick to the basics. There is no need to waste $200 on losing weight. Stock up on eggs, fish, pbj, beans, and lots of fruit and veggies. Eat ALL THE TIME! I mean every hour or two at the least. Just not chips and soda. Work out 30-40mns a day 4 times a week, but push yourself. Nothing will get accomplished if you don't at least spend a portion of your workout pushing yourself to your max.
Lots of good advice given so far. Protein shake in the morning when you wake up. Eat every 3 hours but it doesnt need to be alot. Try peanut butter and sugar free jelly,tuna,shrimp, egg whites(boil up a few ahead of time but feed the yolk to the dogs),brown rice, jerky,protein bar, green veggies(broccoli and spinach for me), some fruits, another protein shake thrown in sometime during the day. Avoid having breads or alot of carbs in the evening and definatly never before bed, instead have some lowfat cottage cheese or a protein shake. I like a egg white and mushroom omelet or an egg white and tuna fish cake for lunches. Never drink sugary drinks/soda. Water is the best thing to drink hands down. A recovery drink is good after your daily workout. Dont forget that you must SWEAT EVERY DAY!
why pay for a diet. just watch your calories in and out. eat healthy and exercise. don't make excuses and just do it and save your money.
I've decided to get liposuction, first on my belly, then my love handles, after that my butt, then titties, then whatever plumps up and gets nasty.

After 5-6 surgeries, I should be fairly fat free. Then I'll worry bout what I'm eating.

Hahaha. Diets are for sissies.
The best diet & the most healthy in the world is the GAPS diet & the weight will fly off.!!! It's roots come from Dr Winston Price whom many consider the greatest health researcher to ever live. The GAPS diet now targets children with Autism but it has been proven time & time again to greatly benefit everyone.

Justin Richins
R&K Hunting Company Inc.

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