Wild sheep or goat crashes??????


Very Active Member
My Mt Goat Billy started on a wild crash but I totally lucked out and he hit dead center a 140 year old two foot wide mine on an immense mountian after a hundreds yards or he would have gone another 1500 feet down cliffs. Busted off 1/2 inche of one horn

My Ibex tumbled hundreds of yards doing full air somersaults...but again luck was on my side and it was loose talus...and other than few dinks in his horns he was fine

My bighorn ram dropped in his tracks on a shelf...

Any cool stories or pictures of crasehs or near crashes??????...Mt Hunting is hard enough and flat spots rare...talked to a guide at a show from Canada who said a guy came up three times killing three billies before he was able to get one in one piece
When we got my wife's goat in the Idaho Sawtooths, it died on a cliff ledge about 4 feet wide. She was a little nervous about the steep cliffy hillside, and wanted to drop it down to the next ledge below us. It was about 10 feet wide. I said no way, and we photo'd, skinned and boned it where it died.

Only then did I drop the skeleton down where she wanted it. Bounced once, and took off tumbling down the shale slide and last we saw it, was turning the corner a half mile below us!
Here's my 2011 Billy....just visible as the white speck on the edge of the lake. He'd just taken a long cartwheeling ride down the vertical slope, maybe 1000 ft down. I'd arrowed him from the ridge 20 yards above, but even if I had managed to anchor him on the rock shelf, it would have been reeeally tough getting down to him without climbing gear.

The skull was broken around both horn bases, and one horn lost about 3 inches off the tip.

At least his landing spot was convenient for butchering.

Cool picture...I am getting dizzy looking at it...that must have been cool and sickening to watch happen. Sounds like he did pretty well from that wild crash...you have any pictures of him?????
Here I'd managed to square up the horn/skull plate and got a pic from his "good side".

I'm lucky enough to have drawn another Goat tag this year. The goal this time will be to nail one on a gentle slope!

Got lucky on my goat, and shot him in some pretty mild country for a goat.

Dall sheep was a different deal. Waited my ram out for about 7 hours as he was in an unapproachable spot. Finally moved and I shot him in a saddle. He layed there until I was about 50 yards away and then he moved and began to roll. He rolled probably 1000 or so verticle and I couldnt see him after the first 200 feet or so. I could hear rocks and him rolling for quite a while. Pretty tough to watch a B&C dall ram roll out of sight.

Wasnt sure we'd find much, but besides a ton of "road rash" and a busted jaw...relatively intact.


Cool shots guys....

Buzz that is a beast of a Dall...hope to do it sometime...doesnt look like thin horn sheep to me...beauty.

SS you can tell he took a bit of a beating...great you are going to get another bite at goats....or in thos steep slopes they get a bite another bite at you.

I am going to be in the penalty box for five years...then need at least three more years to even be in the game...hope to go in my home state one more time...I will go right back to the same drainage.....
LAST EDITED ON Jun-16-14 AT 03:29AM (MST)[p]Here's video of my ram. Lucky, it only fell about 50 feet but stopped at the edge of a 200 foot drop. Its horn wedged into a 4" crack in the rocks.
Ridgetops that is cool....I could see the camera man was expecting more tumbling. Looks like a great looking chocalate ram...love to see some pics. I liked the panicked sheep runs. Those sheep had no doubt danger lurked... I never get tired if seeing mountian game run and jump across impossbile terrian..

This 1st picture was where the ram was laying when we got to it.
Its right horn was wedged in the crack and he was only about 3' from the drop off.


This shows how steep it was hiking back down.

I've been on 9 goat and 4 sheep hunts. Only 2 of the 9 goats and 2 of the 4 sheep dropped in their tracks and didn't roll. Several of them dropped in their tracks but when they kicked rolled...up to 800 yards! Several rolled over cliffs or several cliffs. I tried to talk one of the guys I took goat hunting into bringing a larger caliber than a 270 but he wouldn't listen. He ended up shooting that billy 3 times and it did some serious rolling....several times! He hit it good each time but not enough to put him down until the last shot. I shot a bighorn with an arrow straight through the lungs and it did a death leap off a 12' cliff but luckily didn't roll far. Sheep "tend" to be easier to put on the ground than goats but I would likely still use a 30 caliber on them.

If possible it's worth it wait it out and waiting for your goat or sheep to head to a saddle or somewhere where they won't do a death leap or crash and roll!

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