Wild Justice on National Geographic beginning 28 NOV


Long Time Member
Seems like it might be a pretty good show...game wardens, poachers, bear paws in chinatown, etc.

A sorta related question...for the past three years in a row, the local game warden has been observed runing up and down a local county road, at speeds not agreeable with normal daytime driving on this road, with lights off. Can anyone tell me why?

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
His girl friend lives on that road?

Checking on his pot garden?

Scouting on company time?

Just guessing.

"So far pretty good."

Yeah, i thought that warden searching out the bear poachers has maybe a screw or two loose. Also the commentator in the same case kept referring to the suspected poachers as "hunters". Other than that and so far, about as i expected.

Yeah, but what's up with all the "dude" and "right on" stuff?......Do real people actually talk like that, in 2010, any distance from the beach?

If I was a Game Warden, watching this at home, I would bge too embarrassed to go to work tomorrow.

Seems pretty stupid to me.....the State has cops to chase pot growers and I would just as soon not have DFG money being wasted on that stuff.

......."dude, I am sooo stoked!"

I hope the Colorado Warden's don't see this or you boys better stay home next year and not go to Colorado.There going to be throwing rocks at us for sure,rolling on the ground LTMFAO.
WTF is that Game Warden doing dressing up like a f--king bear? One of these days a big old boar is going to make that dude his bit-h. Now we got these dudes doing marijuana busts which is precisely why I wish it were just legal already. More money wasted that would be a lot better spent catching actual poachers than stupid pot heads. No wonder there's no deer in California anymore, our DFG is a joke.

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

440Sixpack wants to measure your boners!
Busting those potheads and their fields have a direct function on deer herds. Besides the Kali stoners liking that pot, the deer like it also. Deer eating the pot plants is a big no-no with the growers.

As a result they kill the deer they find in their pot fields. I have raided fields where we found bones or rotting carcass of 5 or more deer on several occasions.

As a deer hunter, just wait until you walk into a pot field that has armed guards and see what happens. Most fields are not harvested until during or just after deer season starts here in CA.

Did you notice that most of the time the wardens were solo in their patrol until they stumble into something and called in backup. Also most of those wardens patrol 2-3 counties due to the state of CA. employing the bare amount that they can get away with.

Jerry Karnal, one of the wardens in the film, patrols Yuba, Nevada, and Sutter county, most of the time by himself and depends on backup from the local sheriff's dept. of the county he is in. He has a good record of busting bear and deer poachers and the poachers fear him if he gets on to them.

He uses the spotter plane a lot in catching deer poachers at night in Yuba and Nevada county. The plane flies high enough you can not hear it and it's navigation lights are out to prevent poachers from seeing it at night. He is directed in by the plane to the spot lighting location and often times is solo when he makes the stop on the vehicle doing the spotlighting. Would you want his job?

RELH..........I mostly agree with everything you said.

And NO, I wouldn't want that job, but unless I am mistaken, DFG never drafted a single warden.

Compared to most LEOs', they don't make chit either. Most of them are ex cops.....for whatever reason, switching to DFG Warden status, and still acting like cops, laying instant guilt on most everyone they meet.

Few of them hunt or fish and neither appreciate the concepts nor the passion........and THAT fact right there, is why I don't like Ca's DFG system.

Their public relations skills generally detract from the hunting experience rather than contribute to it.

The danger of working alone has been part of that job for decades, so they need to do the "Super Chicken" theme song.......

"If your're afraid, you'll have to overlook it,
you knew the job was dangerous when you took it, bawk,
bawk, bawk, bawk!"

All that said, the guys featured on the show came off pretty silly looking. I doubt I'll watch it again.
Nickman I understand where you are coming from. Most fish and game agencies are getting away from hiring the common sense guy who has a passion for hunting or fishing. They look at that sheepskin and what degree you have first anymore as number #1 priorty.

Not just here in Ca. either. Oregon for many years drafts their wardens from the state police ranks. Used to take about 15 years on the job as a patrolman before you had enough time in to apply for the game warden position. Now to get on you better have a degree in biology also according to the last two wardens I talked too in Oregon.

The old days of hiring the guy with just good common sense and a passion for hunting is long over.

LAST EDITED ON Nov-29-10 AT 09:09PM (MST)[p]Yea, that is sad. I miss the days of the old time GWs. Never met a bad one.

I have had only one unpleasant experience with a GW in 40 years of hunting the same area. My sons .30/30 jammed with a round not quite ejected from the chamber. He was with his uncle on the way back to camp so I could take a look at it. Ran into a GW who was about to cite my son. BIL said, no cite me instead....so GW did.
1. Yea, it was technically correct to issue a citation, (round in the chamber) but not quite right. Old time GWs in that area would have helped him fix it and told him to be careful.

2. He gave the citation to the wrong guy.

3. That GW is the same guy I referenced in my first post.

(on a side note, my BIL complained that he didn't get anything that year. I said, no, you did manage to get a ticket...haha)

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
RELH, without trying to turn this thread into a Political Forum debate and having 440 and Piper say stupid things, you have completely validated my point of legalizing marijuana. If it were legal, there would be ZERO pot gardens in our wildlife stomping grounds. Our GW's would be doing the job that needs to be done which is protecting our wildlife from poachers. Of course pot growers don't want deer in their grows so why not remove the pot growers instantly instead of trying to hunt them down one by one?

Nickman is absolutely right that GW's have the "everyone is a criminal" attitude. I'm sure I've told this story before but I've had two fishing without a license tickets in my lifetime because of ---hole GW's. The first time was when I was about 19 years old, we were at the Kern River hanging out with girls and swimming. I was in a walking cast after breaking my leg and could not swim so I was sitting on the bank watching everyone else swim. A friend had thrown a line in before going swimming and left it completely unattended. Next thing I know, a GW walks up and asks for my fishing license. I did not have it with me because I keep it with my tackle (which I didn't have either)and I had NO intention of fishing that day. Didn't matter, he told me that if I was sitting within 10 feet of an unattended fishing pole that I was guilty. Even after my friend told him that he was the one fishing, he still wrote me the ticket. Good thing the judge agreed with me and dropped the ticket.

The other time I actually was fishing. We were catfish fishing at night at Lake Kaweah and I keep my fishing license in a holder attached to my hat. GW rolls up and asks to see our licenses so I take off my hat to retrieve it and "oh shyt" it is gone, holder and all. I explain to the warden that it was on my hat when we started and must have fell off while I was walking the bank. I asked him for permission to retrace my steps as I had only gone about 50 yards at the most and even offered to leave him my driver's license and car keys while I looked for it. Nope, he wouldn't let me budge and treated my like some poacher and would have no excuses. So I took my ticket and left. The next morning, bright and early, I drove back to the lake and retraced my steps from the night before and there she was not 30 yards from where I got my ticket. I went to court and explained this whole scenario to the judge, showed him my license which was purchased well beforehand and he just shook his head. He actually apologized to me for my inconvenience and dismissed the ticket.

IMO, these two GW's were more about how many tickets they could write than actual common sense. I'm sure they hear every story in the book from people who are getting ticketed but if they would have treated me like a law abiding citizen instead of a criminal, they could have easily seen that in both instances I was NOT guilty.

I understand RELH that you look at things from a different perspective being in law enforcement but that is part of the problem. You cannot tell me that law enforcement is more about protecting the citizens and the wildlife than it is about bringing in money for the state. I won't believe it for one second.

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

440Sixpack wants to measure your boners!
If that is the case, I do not agree with you, you need to complain to your law makers who may have made it that way by setting down certain SOP for the department.

As for me concerning the two incidents you mentioned. I would have given the ticket to the guy who admitted to the fishing and left his pole unattended. On the second incident, I would have made the decision to allow you to walk away and look for your license and went with you to verify that it fell off your hat. That is just me, you do known that the way the law is written on both cases you were in violation of the law.

Seperate the "letter" of the law from the "intent" of the law.

That is where the need to apply common sense comes into play. Without the common sense approach, public relations falls by the wayside.

I got a ticket once for having lead shotgun shells in the bottom of my boat AFTER the DFG removed the floor panel. They were paper... swollen and rusty. There was no way they could have ever been fired in anything. Probably been in that boat 10 years.

In court, the judge flat out stated that if he had the power, he would make the warden buy my gas and lunch for having to come 200 miles for that foolish application of the law.

I have been hunting and fishing for 50 years and I can tell you game warden stories all day! Even some where the warden was a great guy!
RELH, I understand how the law is written. The problem is that absolutely ZERO common sense was used and was not as well in Nickman's story. You're telling me that the law doesn't allow for common sense? If my child quits breathing, and I drive anything over 55 mph in my attempt to get him to the hospital to save his life, should I be ticketed? Common sense is very much missing from law enforcement these days. It is now on public display for all to see on Wild Justice. Don't get me wrong, there are still good cops with common sense and I don't doubt for one second that you would not have ticketed me because I think you're one of them. When even the judge apologizes for the inconvenience, it tells us that the cop just wanted to issue a damned ticket. PERIOD! I actually find the show Wild Justice entertaining but it exposes the reality of stupidity in our government.

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

440Sixpack wants to measure your boners!

As I stated in a post above, common sense is not a priorty anymore, they want it black and white. I have seen some wardens who have applied common sense and given a break to someone, and get chewed out by their Lt. for not issuing a citation.

As for the stupidity on our goverment, I will be the last person on earth to argue that as I agree very strongly with it.

Your best hope of you get caught on a minor violation, that was not intentional, is to get caught by a older warden that has been around. He is more apt to give you a break then the young wet behind the ears officer out to prove himself and has not learned yet that everything is not black and white and there is shades of gray that can apply.

To be fair to the ones that still enforce the law. I have seen some of them give a person a break, then have that person turn around and screw over them by making a complaint that the LEO did not have justification to stop or check them out and the LEO takes the heat from his adminstration because he has nothing to show he was in the right. If he had issued the citation, that in itself helps to justify he had cause to stop and issue the citation. So our own society has brough on some of these changes that effect everyone.

I don't get the National Geographic channel (I'm too poor) so I can't comment on the show.

I was clamming one day and the warden checked me. I had completely spaced out having my license on me. I told him it was back home in my fishing vest. He asked me how much I paid for it? (trying to let me off the hook). I told him it was a gift from my in-laws and had no idea.

He justifiably wrote me a citation. He also told me to bring my license down to his office the next morning and if valid, he would tear up my citation. I of course did exactly that, and he tore it up. Pretty dog gone nice if you ask me.

RELH, how come you retired so early? We need guys like you.

Eel, 30 years of putting up with the public almost enough. The damn politics involved was more then enough to get me to pull the pin after 30 years.

I was better off then most LEO's as I got to work a rural mountain area in patrol and later as a Det. Sgt. that worked all the felony cases in that area.

If you were a good honest cop, the average honest person in the community backed you 100 % and made sure that you knew they appreciated you.

The community I worked in the hills consisted of 5 small rural towns in a 410 sq. mile beat. It also was number #1 district in registered voters in the county.

The officers working the hill beat were resident officers and required to live in the beat area. As a result we were part of the community we patroled.

As a result we gained considerable political clout that erked one sheriff we had. He tried to remove the resident officers for fear one of us may run against him and even admitted to me that he was fearful of the political clout we could generate with the citizens.

When the community heard about his move, gee! I wonder who told them, several very prominent citizens, that controlled a lot of votes, confronted him in his office and told him. If you remove our resident officers, we will guarantee you that you will be the ex-sheriff in the next election. We are #1 in registered voters and we can muster 90% of the hill votes against you.

We still have resident officers to this day in the hill beat. Citizens like that are worth busting your butt for and protecting them because it is a two way street with them. Besides they always want you to stop by and have coffee and cookies with them and you get to find out what is going on in their neighborhood. Took the place of the dougnut shops that we did not have in the hills.

JUDAS nickman!

They do a cavity search too?:D

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Eel, sounds like you got lucky with a good GW. My guess is that future episodes of Wild Justice are going to be more of the same marijuana war that will never stop. Hell I don't know, maybe it's a good thing that people are actually getting to see how abundant these grows are in our forests. I just think that our limited state GW's shouldn't be fighting the war on drugs. If they find a grow, they should report immediately to the local Sheriff and let them handle it. If there is found to be poaching during the investigation by the Sheriff, then bring in the DFG to fire up additional charges. We need GW's (with common sense) in the field policing activities related to poaching. The war on drugs was lost a long time ago.

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

440Sixpack wants to measure your boners!

That involvement of F&G with marijuana grows was over the top and done for pure publicity for the cameras. The normal SOP is to call local law enforcement or the state marijuana eradication team, "C.A.M.P." to handle the problem.

About the only time F&G gets involved is if there is clear game violations or pollution to streams by the growers. I am sure that there is a few sheriffs depts yelling "B.S." after seeing the show and how extensive it shows F&G handling marijuana grows. They must not been able to catch enough poachers and exploited the events to keep the public tuned in to the show. That show business for you, can not trust them to not slant the real truth.

I agree with you RELH. I'm sure a lot of it was for show but IMO it makes the argument for legalization that much stronger.

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

440Sixpack wants to measure your boners!
Yea! we could legalize it. Then down the road every burned out doper will say that they can not support themselfs and it is up to the taxpayers to support their burned out brains because we caused their problem by making it legal.

Do not fool yourself if you think that will not happen.

RELH, you're not new dude, we're already supporting their burned out asses. Do you really think that people who want to smoke pot are not doing it because it's illegal? They're going to smoke pot regardless if it's legal or not. The illegality only ensures that marijuana is grown in our forests. Do you know what the definition of insanity is? Doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result. We are fighting the drug war over and over and the result is NOT different. seriously, sometimes I think LEOs are against legalizing marijuana for the sole purpose of job stability because any other reason they give not to legalize it doesn't hold water.

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

440Sixpack wants to measure your boners!
No, you are wrong on that. We do not need the dope trade for job stability. There is enough criminals going around that would keep cops busy.

I have a better solution to curb the narcotic problem, but it will not fly due to all the bleeding heart liberals in this country.

You catch a dope dealer, he is given a fair trial. If found guilty he is taken out and given the needle in the arm within 24 hours of guilty verdict. He deals in death and destruction, should be a fitting end to him also.

Catch a user, he/she is given one chance at rehab. catch them a second time, and they pay the same price.

I know it sounds harse, but I have no compassion for dope dealers and very damn little for users who are a drain on society.

Are you foolish enough that you believe that it will stop at legalizing marijuana and not later include more potent illegal drugs.

RELH, I am absolutely NOT wrong and it is not the bleeding heart liberals who are stopping YOUR method of dealing with the problem. It is the Bill of Rights that protects us (and drug dealers) against cruel and unusual punishment. This will be my last post on the marijuana issue as I was hoping not to turn this thread into a political discussion. Marijuana is NO different than alcohol and alcohol is legal. PERIOD! I'm not condoning the legalization because I want to smoke pot. I DON'T SMOKE POT. I'm condoning it because we are flushing money down the toilet fighting it. Let me clue you in on a little secret. I am an Electrical Contractor. This year was pretty bad for business but a few months ago I started getting calls for people needing 220 volt circuits in strange areas of their houses. They would tell me that they were going to put an electric dryer in their bedroom or they wanted to put a compressor in the guest house. At first I didn't think much of it but then it dawned on me that these people were setting up grow rooms in their houses. The funny thing too is that they almost always pay in cash! In the past 4 months, I have probably ran 220 volt circuits to 40 different houses around the Tulare, Kings and Kern counties that are no doubt pot growers. The point is that the drug war IS NOT WORKING. People are going to smoke pot whether the government likes it or not. You LEO's will NEVER stop it. Your services are better used fighting real crime and real criminals. I hardly think that terminally ill people with chronic pain are criminals. Let them smoke pot for Christ's sakes if it doesn't hurt anyone else. Why not get the illegals and their grows out of our forests and let people buy marijuana over the counter treating it and policing it just as we do alcohol?

Your only arguement is that there's already enough people milking the system and legalizing marijuana would only increase that. Please show us a study or facts surrounding your premise because I don't buy it based on the fact that ANYONE who WANTS to smoke pot is ALREADY smoking it. That's all I have to say on this. See you in the PF!

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

440Sixpack wants to measure your boners!
+10,000 CAForkie!!!!!

They are wasting money in this fight and doing little to slow the tide and anyone who believes otherwise is a FOOL!!


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