Wild Horses


Very Active Member
The Sacramento Bee just published an article on the effort to manage horses in California's Devil's Garden--what used to be one of the premier pieces of winter range for herds in that state as well as Southern Oregon. Literally thousands of deer depend on this range, yet it has been trashed by horse herds ten times greater than it can sustain. The US Forest Service has released a very good video clip that explains the need to manage these animals. The interest on the part of managers is there, but may be blocked by the efforts of advocates and politicians. Watch the video. Share the information with any you can and understand the same story could be told across most of our western states.

I hope the link works, otherwise, check it out at their website. Any help providing an active link is greatly appreciated.

Wild horses have a place in the wild. But the mismanagement being done by the USFS and the BLM is epic in it's scale of ineptitude!!! Horses are suffering throughout the west. And major damage is being done to the range lands. Throw in the eco-terror groups like western watersheds, who use horses like chess pieces to ban mining, grazing, off-roading, ect and what you have is the disaster we now face. Thanks for the link. I hope someday we can manage feral horses with sound science and not emotion and stupidity.
Wild horses today are weeds. A forest ranger once said that at a meeting I was at.

Horses have been domesticated and no longer have a place in the wild...
>Wild horses today are weeds.
>A forest ranger once said
>that at a meeting I
>was at.
>Horses have been domesticated and no
>longer have a place in
>the wild...

+1. There isTule Elk along the coast they want to eliminate some , you would think they could eliminate those horses.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-23-18 AT 06:07PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Oct-23-18 AT 06:06?PM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Oct-23-18 AT 06:06?PM (MST)

This is a very good read about the horses. Just came back from this area and can tell you they are doing SOOOOO much damage to the eco system up there! Easier to find horses than antelope and deer anymore! In fact, you can't hardly avoid them in the juniper sage country!
LAST EDITED ON Oct-23-18 AT 09:21PM (MST)[p]We Have so many Wild Horses in NE TARDville I'm Surprised the DWR hasn't started a Horse Hunt!

For a Nominal F'N Fee don't ya know!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
The book cliffs is out of control on the west side.when the elk and deer migrate to their winter ground they have nothing to eat because the horses have been there all year.So the DWR just sell more elk and deer tags.Maybe someone can explain to me how the DWR manage the wild game on BLM and Forest in Utah but can't do anything about the horses.Because if Utah had control they would figure out a way to get rid of them and make a buck.
>The book cliffs is out of
>control on the west side.when
>the elk and deer migrate
>to their winter ground they
>have nothing to eat because
>the horses have been there
>all year.So the DWR just
>sell more elk and deer
>tags.Maybe someone can explain to
>me how the DWR manage
>the wild game on BLM
>and Forest in Utah but
>can't do anything about the
>horses.Because if Utah had control
>they would figure out
>a way to get rid
>of them and make a

You're Talkin a Greenback Buck,Right arns?

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>>The book cliffs is out of
>>control on the west side.when
>>the elk and deer migrate
>>to their winter ground they
>>have nothing to eat because
>>the horses have been there
>>all year.So the DWR just
>>sell more elk and deer
>>tags.Maybe someone can explain to
>>me how the DWR manage
>>the wild game on BLM
>>and Forest in Utah but
>>can't do anything about the
>>horses.Because if Utah had control
>>they would figure out
>>a way to get rid
>>of them and make a
> You're Talkin a Greenback Buck,Right
>I know so many people in
>so many places
>They make allot of money but
>they got sad faces
>It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
Wild Horse and Burro Act puts them under BLM administration.

"Courage is being scared to death but
saddling up anyway."
Thanks guys for the info.The sad part is these horses are destroying are public grounds and nobody will do anything about it
Trump jr needs to talk to his papi and let us start shooting them!
Two or three decades ago, wild horses were already causing major problems in Nevada. My uncle, who was a forest ranger there asked me once if I thought people would be willing to buy "wild horse tags". I said that if they could buy multiple some people would go for it. He said they could only get one tag each. I asked what they were supposed to do with the horses after shooting them. He said well, they would have to take them home and eat them.

I told him they would have to come up with another plan because nobody would go for that stupid idea.
All of my friends who worked for the BLM for the last 30 years have been fighting this battle continuously since they first got employed. Most of them hate the horses and burros as much as we do, but their hands are tied by the animal lovers lawsuits and enviro friendly courts. If we would just follow the letter of the law and destroy all those which are greater than 10 years old, or which have been unsuccessfully offered for adoption 3 times, we would get rid of approximately half that are in contracted care and captivity. Then there would be room to remove a whole lot more from the public rangelands.

The Secretary of the Interior has to present a report (by law) every two years on their status and the environment conditions, but it obviously does no good. They haven't allowed the law to be changed or revised since 1978.
If are local DWR and BLM officials would look the other way we could get eliminate are problem in short order.And the rock lickers wouldn't know the difference. I would love to perform the 3 S routine on a few horses if I new I wasn?t going to jail
Yep, my dad did the old trick of your eating a hamburger and later found out I was eating a horse burger because he had bought some horse burger from a local butcher. Thing is it was great meat. I say shoot them and eat them.
>If are local DWR and BLM
>officials would look the other
>way we could get eliminate
>are problem in short order.And
>the rock lickers wouldn't know
>the difference. I would love
>to perform the 3 S
>routine on a few horses
>if I new I wasn?t
>going to jail

I agree, but I'm to lazy to do the middle S. Maybe just 2 S's and let the coyotes and buzzards do the rest.
horses and burros are only protected on BLM land.....the forest circus has no restrictions other than lack of balls....

You sell horse tags for $300 or less all in, and we'll fix the horse problem.

They're delicious.

Plus it would:

1. Added revenue for g&f departments.

2. Reduce tag pressure on elk and deer.

3. Improve habitat for actual wildlife.


Sounds like lots of possible wins.
>arns...."our"....try it

Hey Homer!

We Both went to the same School!

And She gave us an A+!:D

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
LAST EDITED ON Oct-25-18 AT 09:40AM (MST)[p]>horses and burros are only protected
>on BLM land.....the forest circus
>has no restrictions other than
>lack of balls....

Not sure I would want to test that and kill a feral horse on USFS land...

But that may be the reason a sign speaking to their protection that was once posted on FS land in my neck of the woods is now gone.

Edit: CFR Title 36 Chapter II part 261, paragraph 261.23 addresses wild horses on USFS land. You cannot harrass wild horses or burros on forest land.

They do have jurisdiction on the treatment of them...

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