Wild Cookin'


LAST EDITED ON Sep-28-09 AT 07:29PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Sep-28-09 AT 07:28?PM (MST)

Hi everybody out there in Monster Muley land, I have a question. I was looking for a great recipe the other day for wild turkey (not the liquid type) on the internet and I couldn't find one that sounded good to me. So I got to thinking about asking Founder to start a new catagory for cooking wild game and fish. So I asked him and this is a summary of our discussion. He says that he has recieved numerous people asking about it, but he had always figured that the "Great Outdoors" catagory was good enough for cooking talk. I rebutled him and said that I very rarely go there. So he wrote me back this morning asking me to pitch my idea here and if we could get 20-30 positive responses then he would start a new catagory. So here's my question, how many of you all would contribute and visit a catagory like "Wild Cookin"? Now it doesn't have too be just recipes. It could contain any tips about cooking wild game and fish. Even tips on how we all pack our rations for a hunting or fishing trip. I'm thinking that this little catagory could help all of us out. Not to mention the traffic that it could draw to Founder's web site. Imagine if you Googled up Cottontail Chili and it pulled up MM. Google up Elk Flank Steak and you get a bunch of New York style stuff. Personally I'm not real interested in hoyty toyty gourmet dishes that end up costing more to buy the ingredients then it does to fill up my huntin' rig. Come fellow MM'ers. This is by far the best western outdoorsman's web site in the world. Lets make it even better. I'm real interested to hear what everybody has to say. Thanx, Eric
Great idea. You got my vote. I was just looking for a recipe last week for grouse.
Sounds good...Maybe we could bring back bobcatbess for the moderator :)


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
>great post/pic, thanks for sharing

Welcome back Captain Negative.....LOL

The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Would be nice to have a place to trade good camp secrets without goin to Realtree outdoors or such places. Am an avid cook and dutch oven user.

Thanx everybody for your support. This wouldn't be MM without a couple of cuts (that's my tactical word for "smart a$$ remarks).

MTCOWBOY> You are playing my tune. I've actually entered chili cookoffs and dutch oven cookoffs in the past and I plan on doing more of it. Tell your friends about this site. Heck this thing might just blow up like a stick of dynomite in Founders lap. He may have to start a new site just for this little ol' idea.
I would visit it. Another idea is add butchering/game care. Lots of questions/post about field care, butchering, age-ing, etc.

So - it might make sense to include those subjects with recipes and cooking. Just a thought...
are you homemakers gonna allow smartass comments or will this be a more grownup room than I could handle ??

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

Outdoor cooking? I'm sure i didn't invent it but i did come up with a dutch oven meal while hunting this weekend that i must say was one of my better ones.

While watching a remote high alpine lake for deer coming to water, i caught a nice limit of trout soaking worms. I started out with a box of chicken rice-aronie, buttered and browned it, added little less than the required amount of water, the seasonings, one onion, i can drained mushrooms, goodly amount lemon-pepper, garlic powder, and five 12-14" cleaned trout cut up in 3-5" long chunks. Brought it all up to boil then let simmer.

I didn't really have to but i boned out all the trout after but before serving and mixed the boneless chunks back in with the rice. Like i said, after a hard day of sitting around this beautiful remote trout filled lake waiting for my dream buck to come to water, that newly tried meal ate real good...if i do say so myself :)

I am always game for new recipes. I think it is a good idea.

Hunting is my way of life
Sgt. Petersen
only if Founder adds sticky posts for the same game care questions that will come up every other day.
Cooking Wild Game & Fish and the Moderator should be none other than D13er....he loves wild game and maybe once a year have a big Cookout in Utardia.

I'm in. I allready have a recipe to contribute. It's called Hot spring antelope hunters. No need to stir because they spoon themselves. Last one I promise. Just could not help myself.
i 2nd what ramtagless said. Make it a thread that pertains to all things "after the shot" ie field care, butchering, caping, quartering, recipes, jerky, sasuage......it could be a good thread!
Count me in --- gotta do something with it afterwards, right ...???


"Every man dies --- not every man really lives."
ROGER THAT everybody. I was hoping that this would get the huge responce that it has so far.

To d13r: You are definatly a person that could use a big ol' bowl of jackrabbit stew. I live here in AZ and I've experimented cooking several jacks. I do use Jack Daniels wiskey in the stew. I let you imagine how it tastes.

To BuckSnort: Bobcat is welcome at my campfire anytime even though I don't know the man.

To sageadvice: I'm taking your recipe scouting this weekend. It sounds awesome.

To REDDOG: It'll be open to what ever tips come accross the board.

To kilowatt: I couldn't agree with you more as far as d13r being the moderator. He needs a little wild meat. Heck we all need a little wild meat. The suggestion of a big party in UTARDIA sounds pretty cool as well.

To everybody else, I appoligize for not mentioning your names, but I do appriciate your comments and I think that this is gonna be a whole lotta fun. I'm about ready to post it in the AZ section.
ROGER THAT everybody. I was hoping that this would get the huge responce that it has so far.
To d13r: You are definatly a person that could use a big ol' bowl of jackrabbit stew. I live here in AZ and I've experimented cooking several jacks. I do use Jack Daniels wiskey in the stew. I let you imagine how it tastes.

To BuckSnort: Bobcat is welcome at my campfire anytime even though I don't know the man.

To sageadvice: I'm taking your recipe scouting this weekend. It sounds awesome.

To REDDOG: It'll be open to what ever tips come accross the board.

To kilowatt: I couldn't agree with you more as far as d13r being the moderator. He needs a little wild meat. Heck we all need a little wild meat. The suggestion of a big party in UTARDIA sounds pretty cool as well.

To everybody else, I appoligize for not mentioning your names, but I do appriciate your comments and I think that this is gonna be a whole lotta fun. I'm about ready to post it in the AZ section.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-29-09 AT 10:38PM (MST)[p]Not only wild game but questions about Chokecherry jelly or anything else that has to do with the outdoors. You can count me as a yes! fatrooster.
If I may say so "cabinfever" just named the forum

"After the Shot"
Care & Cookin of wildgame meat

Hope this gets started cause I have more than a few Dutch Oven Recipes.

I love the idea! I am always looking for more dutch oven recipies. I also like the idea of what people pack for camp food and the unique ways of doing it. I hope this idea becomes a new category, i would visit it all the time!
i just got my first dutch oven. will be trying my first 2 experiments this weekend. a forum of "how to's" for cooking would be great!
I'm in.

Could we include some true stories (so far as we know them to be) on cooking topics. This seems a lot funnier to me that most folks but that doesn't keep me from telling it to anyone who'll listen. It's one of my all time favorite cooking stories, told to me by the one what done it.

It seems 6o, or so years ago a youngster from Glenwood, Utah was helping an elderly Basque (sp) herder tend a few hundred head of woolies out on the Parker Plateau (near Fish Lake). The elderly gent didn't ever have much to say and that suited the youngster just fine.

In those days there were few roads on the Parker, more like rough and rocky sheep wagon trails. In an old beat up 1940s pickup truck, the owner of the herd would work his way out to the sheep camp ever few weeks to check on what the herder might be in need of and to replenish their food supply. Seems he came one day without any grub and the camp was down to a two day supply, so off he bounces to Bicknell for groceries but he doesn't return until the larder is empty and the herders have been without food for a day or two.

Hunger pangs being what they are, the youngster goes out and shoots a Parker Plateau jack rabbit. He skins and guts it and he's in the sheep camp frying it up in some mutton tallow. The old Basque gentleman walks in, steps up to the skillet and snorts; "I'll rather eat a cat!" Where upon the youngster wheels on the old feller and with all the condescension a 15 year old can muster says; "Will, I don't have a cat so your go'na have'ta eat this!"

Now that's funny!

So.......besides recipes for Utah Jack Rabbit, can we tell stories for strange old men, like me?

LAST EDITED ON Sep-29-09 AT 11:12PM (MST)[p]hell...I like eating cat...

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

OK, I created the "After the Shot" forum for cooking recipes, tips, butchering tips, etc. Hope you guys make use of it.
I'll have to post up my wifes deer jerky production. That stuff turns out great.

Brian Latturner
I cook a lot of wild meat- I would love to see this on monster muleys!!! There is always room in my recipe book for a great dish!!
Heck yea! Where else are you going to find a good turtle recipe west of the Mississippi?


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
OK, I just decided I don't like it. I'm tired of having to scroll thru all the forums to get to the state forums..

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