Wife's OR ram 05


New Member


This is Jean's Oregon ram. She shot this 9/15/05. The California ram green scores 174 and was 11.5 years old. Jean made a 150 yd. shot and the ram was down within 45 yds. We got the hunt on video and it turned out awesome!
Hey Tim...that's a heck of a nice Cali. ram! Tell your wife congratulations for me.

Any chance you could e-mail me a couple pics?

Hi, Guys. This is Jean. Thanks for the kind words! I used a 300 Wetherby with a 150 Barnes X. Treekiller, I think Tim sent you some pictures. If they don't come through, let me know and I'll re-send them.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-17-05 AT 01:15PM (MST)[p]Jean, congratulations to you both. Awesome ram! I'll bet you are both hooked now. Two rams in one family in as many years! Enjoy the ride.
Jean Congrats on the Great ram. 173 and 2/8 that is an absolute smoker ram out of that country. We were able to get one out of the East Trout Creeks that went 168 and 3/8 had only 3/8 of deductions. That is one of the best rams i have seen come out ofthat country in alot of years they do not get much better then that in the south east part of the state. Once again congrats on the absolute pig ram.

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