Wifes First Elk



LAST EDITED ON Oct-10-09 AT 11:11AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Oct-10-09 AT 11:10?AM (MST)

I poster this in the General Elk forum but since we shot it in Idaho I thought I should post it here also.

Well me and the wife finally got to break free and Grandma came and watched the kidos so we could go huntin. We woke up early and got to the top of my favorite canyon about 30 minutes before daylight. While sitting there my wife said I think I hear a coyote howling. So I thought great we have been beat by someone else in here and there eating the gut piles. Well 5 min later it was no coyote a nice bull starts lighting up the canyon with his bugles and he sounds big so I know he probably has cows. Well I got excited and was ready to move in on them, but I had decided on this hunt I was going to let the wife do it how she wanted to and I wasnt going to take over. So she made the plan and we slowly made our way down to the elk and they were everywhere with the bull screaming at his cows only 30 yards or so away. Finally a large cow stepped out in the clearing and stopped broadside @ 139 yards she settled the 7mm-08 with 139 grain SST and let it rip the cow hunched up favoring her right leg and was gone, and the elk were running everywhere and we lost sight of her. Well I left the pack frame up the hill 300 yards, so I ran up there and got the pack and came back and started looking for the elk and we looked for about 40 min with no blood and way to many tracks to figure out which ones were hers. So I got up a little higher on the hillside to see if I could see down into the sage and nothing so I said a short but sincere prayer and thought maybe I should work down to this little draw and on my way there I stumbled upon her deader than a door nail. My wife was so relieved. Well the bullet hit her in the shoulder when her leg was back and it didn't exit when her leg came forward it completely sealed the hole so she didn't bleed a drop out of her it was all internally. We were very grateful to get this animal and will be some great table fare. The hunt was fun but the packing well it SUCKED!!! Enjoy the pics.




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