Wife's First Antelope





this is the first hunt my wife has been on where she was carrying a gun. She got it the third day of the season. We had been seing quite a few goats around, but just couldn't get close enough to them. We saw a doe on a little hill about a half mile away, so I stopped the pickup so we could watch her. I said all she has to do is walk down behind that little hill and we can get up close enough for a shot.

It took about 15 minutes, but sure enough, she slowly walked down behind the hill. I said "lets go!" We made our way to the hill and started crawling up it to see where she went. As we were nearing the top, I peeked over and saw two antelope laying down about 75 yards away. So I put the bipods down and told the wife that if she sits up to shoot, she should be able to see them and get a shot. When she sat up there were three of them, a buck and two does. They saw her and ran around the side of the hill, out to about 125 yards, and I stopped them by making a sound. She picked out one of the does and shot...miss. They ran about 10 yards parallel to us, and stopped again, another shot...and nothing hit the ground, so she shot again..still nothing hit the ground.

She looked back through the scope and said she hit one - she could see blood on the side. I looked through my binocs, and you could see blood, but she was acting like she wasn't hit. All three of the antelope were still standing 125 yards away from us at this time, but the gun was empty and the rest of the shells had been forgotten in the pickup - a half mile away.

So I said we'll just watch her for a while. Well, we were sitting there watching and the buck started mounting the doe that had been shot. He did it about 5 or 6 times - we couldn't believe it. They walked off about 200 more yards and the doe got wobbly and laid down, but the buck wouldn't leave - he just kept snorting at her. Finally when I saw that the doe wasn't going anywhere, I got up to go back and get some more shells, and the buck and the other doe took off. I came back with the shells and the Mrs. put another into the doe and that was it for her.

It was pretty exciting to say the least.

Keep the Sun at Your Back and the Wind in Your Face

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