Wife's antelope


Long Time Member
Well, she didn't shoot the buck I posted pictures of in the "score please" post but she got one that is pretty cool. His tips almost touch. There's only about half an inch between them. He's almost 15 1/2 inches and has very nice ivory tips. We had a blast and got to hunt a few days and see a few antelope up close and personal. My wife always likes to watch the animals she hunts and we had plenty of time to do that.


Congrats to your wife there and sure is a nice Lope, now if Eelgrass and I can find something near to that I think we will be satisfied too. Great pictures Carl.

That's a hell of a buck! Congrats to your wife. I hope to be posting some pictures of my daughters hunt come October. I would do a back flip if she shot one that big....and I can't do back flips!

It's always an adventure!!!
I like it better than the other buck posted as well. Has more character in my opinion. Nice black face. Very nice goat!!! Congrats to your wife.
Great Buck Congratulations.Looks Like Nevada Having A Great Year For Antelope.Gordon
Thats a beautiful buck!Congrats on a great hunt , tell her great job!!!That buck looks great...thanks for posting it...Larry
nicely done, mrs 'bighorn'...congratulations on a fine animal...thanks for sharing the pics, too.

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