Why We Went Extinct


Long Time Member
This isn't a debate. This is the reason we go extinct. Kids don't what to go through the massive pile of Bull5hit that hunting has become. You know what they are plugged into? Technology. You know what technology tells them? You aren't welcome here and if you decide to come here we are going to burry you under this quagmire your parents and grandparents created.

When I was a kid one of the main reasons I loved going hunting was getting away from the normal Bull5hit. Now the Bull5hit in the woods is worse than the normal Bull5hit at home. And the Bull5hit about the woods is even worse.

There isn't a single hobby, pastime, or sport, as regulated as hunting. Not even close. Hell there are entire industries that aren't as regulated as hunting. There are literally tens of thousands of laws telling you what you have to do every time you step out into the woods. There are so many game laws and restrictions the game wardens can't even keep up with them anymore. That's not an exaggeration. Then if you screw up and break a law you are under threat of fines and imprisonment. You might not ever be able to handle a firearm again. Then you have to deal with the hateful internet zealots calling for your house to get burned down or people boycotting your business. YOU THINK A 20 YEAR OLD MAN SEES THIS AND THINKS HE WANTS TO TRY HUNTING????????

Next, do you know what drives technology????? Money and Youth. A long time ago a man was plenty happy with a edged weapon to hunt with. Then a younger man showed up with a edged projectile. Then a young man showed up with a musket. Then a young man showed up with centerfire rifle. And then a scoped rifle. And on and on and on. And these old men with their edged weapons and muskets didn't say let's "ban" this or that. Hell no. They were still happy when they went hunting with their outdated technology. Because they understood Freedom, and Love, and Respect, not being a whiny little b!tch trying to control everyone else around you. Now every young hunter comes up with a new idea or invention for hunting he is ridiculed. Told he or she isn't a hunter. Then banned. You think Young folks want to be in the woods with you bunch of Karens after they get screwed and bullied by you??????

The truth is the youth of today are trying to grow up and the modern hunter never did. And because they never did they are screwing the next generation of hunters out of growing up also.

The entire sport and culture around it has become so 4!cked up we can't even begin to face and solve our problems. We are so entirely stupid that all we can think when there is a challenge is "What should we ban?" IN MOST CASES, IN A FREE SOCIETY, THATS THE WAY MORONS TRY TO SOLVE PROBLEMS.
Laws that are too hard to follow or enforce? Get a grip bro!

I'm not saying they are difficult. I am saying learning all of them is and the fact that they change from year to year. That becomes difficult. AND IT DOESN'T FEEL LIKE FUN ANYMORE. Fun is what is important for recruiting young men and women.
Nah.... The sky isn't falling. I mean it is, but not because of hunting regs....

I have four young kids. I've found it very easy to get them involved. Nobody is going to do it for me, and we shoot a lot of cows and small bucks. We also hit several states every year. It isn't cheap. In fact it's quite expensive and it takes effort. But it isn't hard. I've really went out of my way to create life long and sincere friendships that spread this vast country.

My 11 year old's first buck. She's from Colorado and this was taken in Northern Oklahoma. Might as well of been a 200"er in her mind. That's good enough for us. It isn't a monster but it also didn't cost us any more than a non-resident license and a trip to Oklahoma. I didn't hunt a deer there. This wasn't about me, it was about my daughter. How many parents aren't willing to put in this kind of effort and funds (not that much) without needing a hunt for themselves...


She will be hunting Colorado this year. For every law that is created there is a douchbag that made the need for it. Utah is the proving ground for laws that need made because of douchbags. I.E. the game cam laws.... I know it started in AZ but that's because a whole bunch of Utah people couldn't mind their manners with game cams... Still, Utah has some awesome hunting available...

Nah.... The sky isn't falling. I mean it is, but not because of hunting regs....

I have four young kids. I've found it very easy to get them involved. Nobody is going to do it for me, and we shoot a lot of cows and small bucks. We also hit several states every year. It isn't cheap. In fact it's quite expensive and it takes effort. But it isn't hard. I've really went out of my way to create life long and sincere friendships that spread this vast country.

My 11 year old's first buck. She's from Colorado and this was taken in Northern Oklahoma. Might as well of been a 200"er in her mind. That's good enough for us. It isn't a monster but it also didn't cost us any more than a non-resident license and a trip to Oklahoma. I didn't hunt a deer there. This wasn't about me, it was about my daughter. How many parents aren't willing to put in this kind of effort and funds (not that much) without needing a hunt for themselves...

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She will be hunting Colorado this year. For every law that is created there is a douchbag that made the need for it. Utah is the proving ground for laws that need made because of douchbags. I.E. the game cam laws.... I know it started in AZ but that's because a whole bunch of Utah people couldn't mind their manners with game cams... Still, Utah has some awesome hunting available...


What you going to do when your kid can't kill that deer anymore. Or her kids.

I grew up shooting deer like that when I was a kid too. Now my kids can't. It's banned. $1500 fine if they do. If your kid does it it's a federal felony.
If we didn't have laws regulating hunting then wildlife wouldn't exist. Look where we were in the year 1900 with wild animals compared to today. Are wildlife laws perfect?--nope. Are some overcomplicated?--yep. But we don't throw the baby out with the bath water and unless you have some specific law to address your argument is invalid.

Demand for western big game hunting permits continues to increase, that's a fact. US Hunters are not going extinct. Folks that push the 'we need more hunters' are usually trying to sell something.

I hope the jackwagon tech obsessed kids continue to park their fat overprivileged asses on the couch with their video games. There are more than enough outdoor and hunting obsessed kids out there that hunting isn't going anywhere.
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You could take your kids to a place where shooting deer like that is totally legal. End of story. Most any unit in Colorado that you can get a zero point tag in, which there are plenty, offers you and your kid a chance to kill a buck. Unit 25/26 is a good starting point. Youth tag prices aren't that bad. You may not be able to hunt yourself, and you're going to have to pay $5 per gallon to do it but if you want to allow your kids to hunt, you can. Stay local though and continue to be a victim if you want.

Moved to Colorado from Iowa in 2008. I was 12 I think? 10? I don't remember. I would take every chance I could to walk around in the hills. Got my first vehicle (86 Chevy square body) and I honestly don't remember a time then that I wasn't either out hunting for whatever I could, be it rabbit, prairie poodle, or yotie. School would let out, I had my .17 and 30-06 in the gun rack in my truck and I'd take off.

One year at around 18 years old I went elk hunting with a couple guys from school and I learned about the "techy" hunting. They had their faces buried in their phone to follow maps and they were using all the fancy stuff that I had no idea existed. While they were buried in their phones I was lookin for elk and right off the main road I had spotted a herd. I told them and we jumped oit and got my cow 30 mins into the hunt. Needless to say I don't hate all tech. But I don't agree with how much is used.

I miss the days when I didn't have a map, I didn't use my phone so much, and I learned the land by pounding dirt with my lamberfeeties.
If we didn't have laws regulating hunting then wildlife wouldn't exist. Look where we were in the year 1900 with wild animals compared to today. Are wildlife laws perfect?--nope. Are some overcomplicated?--yep. But we don't through the baby out with the bath water and unless you have same specific law to address your argument is invalid.

Demand for western big game hunting permits continues to increase, that's a fact. US Hunters are not going extinct. Folks that push the 'we need more hunters' are usually trying to sell something.

I hope the jackwagon tech obsessed kids continue to park their fat overprivileged asses on the couch with their video games. There are more than enough outdoor and hunting obsessed kids out there that hunting isn't going anywhere.
I never stated we shouldn't have wildlife laws. I am stating we have too many and many are becoming over complicated. I am also saying this idea of you don't like something so we ban it with a law, is finally becoming more destructive than constructive.
"You could take your kids to a place where shooting deer like that is totally legal. End of story."

Actually that's not the end of story. You missed the point. Its not about what my kid can do today. Its about setting things up so my kids kid can do the same thing next season. Quit thinking about now and kicking a can down the road.
Naw… we aren’t victims. We’ll figure it out. The system is far from perfect but the sky isn’t falling. This cry has been going on since states started requiring hunting licenses… I don’t know if you know this but there is no shortage of hunters wanting tags.

Naw… we aren’t victims. We’ll figure it out. The system is far from perfect but the sky isn’t falling. This cry has been going on since states started requiring hunting licenses… I don’t know if you know this but there is no shortage of hunters wanting tags.


Contact me in 20 years and let me know if your grandkids are hunting the same place your kids are or the same type of animals or as much.
Good luck with that logic. I can tell you that much more changed from 2002-2022 than did 1982-2002.

Declines are never charted as a straight line. The curve gets steaper and steaper with time.
I actually understand what you're saying Tri. It darn near takes a lawyer to fish in California anymore.

If you're going to fish the ocean for example, you have to be in 180' of water or less, and you can use barbed hooks, for the take of rockfish. If salmon fishing season is open at the same time, you are not allowed to even have a barbed hook in your boat while fishing for salmon. And you absolutely need a smart phone with gps and the app to identify the many marine closed areas because there are no signs out on the ocean. Then you have to memorize the different species and their keep limits and their minimum size limits.
This isn't a debate. ...

There isn't a single hobby, pastime, or sport, as regulated as hunting. Not even close. Hell there are entire industries that aren't as regulated as hunting. There are literally tens of thousands of laws telling you what you have to do every time you step out into the woods. There are so many game laws and restrictions the game wardens can't even keep up with them anymore. That's not an exaggeration. ... YOU THINK A 20 YEAR OLD MAN SEES THIS AND THINKS HE WANTS TO TRY HUNTING????????


I racked my brain for a single regulation that impacted the way I hunt from 20 years ago to today. I can't think of a single one. It actually surprised me to be honest.

Have they changed quotas, season lengths, etc? Sure. But those always change, and I don't consider those "new regulations". Just replaced regulations. Sometimes good, sometimes bad.

I suppose there are tons and tons of new regulations, but they've done a good job of keeping it enjoyable for me and the 20 somethings I go with :)
I agree with the OP.
It has become absolutely ridiculous.
If I was a kid nowadays, dont know if I would even
try to hunt.
I remember when I lived in Florida, you had to check in
and out at the check in station on the WMA before hunting.
Even applied to small game. Check in /out for Squirrels!!!
Even had to enter and exit through one designated entrance.
Screw that,
I agree with the OP.
It has become absolutely ridiculous.
If I was a kid nowadays, dont know if I would even
try to hunt.
I remember when I lived in Florida, you had to check in
and out at the check in station on the WMA before hunting.
Even applied to small game. Check in /out for Squirrels!!!
Even had to enter and exit through one designated entrance.
Screw that,
I had that same attitude back when I was stationed at Ft Bragg. Ya had to sign in and out to hunt small areas each day and I thought it was the stupidest **** in the world. I didn't hunt for several years because I was used to doing what I wanted when I hunted. My last year there I broke down and played their game and ya know what--I had a flippin Amazing year hunting! I kicked myself in the ass for not hunting all those years I thought it was too restrictive. I learned to play the game and really enjoyed hunting on post which is probably the very most restrictive hunting a guy can do--I adapted and overcame and made some great memories!
"You could take your kids to a place where shooting deer like that is totally legal. End of story."

Actually that's not the end of story. You missed the point. Its not about what my kid can do today. Its about setting things up so my kids kid can do the same thing next season. Quit thinking about now and kicking a can down the road.

Move out of Houston.

It's perfectly legal to shoot deer.

Hell numerous states you can shoot more than one

I realize it's hard, booking an outfitter, picking a menu at the lodge, loading a corn feeder.

The rest of us just buy tags, and TRY to outwit a deer. 70% of us don't. And life goes on
I had that same attitude back when I was stationed at Ft Bragg. Ya had to sign in and out to hunt small areas each day and I thought it was the stupidest **** in the world. I didn't hunt for several years because I was used to doing what I wanted when I hunted. My last year there I broke down and played their game and ya know what--I had a flippin Amazing year hunting! I kicked myself in the ass for not hunting all those years I thought it was too restrictive. I learned to play the game and really enjoyed hunting on post which is probably the very most restrictive hunting a guy can do--I adapted and overcame and made some great memories!
I'll be hunting NF Land this fall. Buy a hunting license - good to go.
I’m glad I’ve never experienced all the problems some of you have. I reckon NM is not a bad place to hunt after all.
“Now the Bull5hit in the woods is worse than the normal Bull5hit at home”

You must not be getting to far from the road. When I’m in the woods I don’t see another soul, so no bull chit to deal with. Get outa that Texas truck mounted hunting platform once in a while
Skynet, 2022

Relax, China will kill us all with their “escaped” viruses first.

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