Why Utah Sucks



I'm going to give you some reasons I think Utah Sucks.....#1 To many forked horn bucks....#2 To many good areas hunted out.....#3 To many poachers and guys that just dont read their regs....#4 To many fat butt quad riders....#5 To many greenies interfering with the sportsman...#6 To many tags and not enough game...#7 To many bad drought years...#8 To many greedy guides....#9 To many preadotors....and finally #10....To many damn whiners on monstermuleys cryin about all of the above, day in and day out......I've come to the conclusion, you all are right...UTAH SUCKS!!!!! Now that we all know this could we please spend some time talkin about succesful hunts or anything besides UTAH!!!!!! PLEASE YOUR DRVIN ME NUCKIN FUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Heh..Heh...Not me !!! never hunted there and never felt the need! I did however feel the same way when I lived in AZ and would go to the Kiabab or 13A for archery huntin. I sure wished all you Utah guys would quit goin there. But after readin all your posts I understand why you all feel the need to go to AZ. But now thanks to all the out of staters those hunts suck to!!! Obviously no offense, right!!!!!
Utah is a great place to live... as long as you don't mind that all of your neighbors are from California.

I actually don't mind the hunting and fishing opportunities I have here in Utah. I know it could be worse and sure it could be better. But it's hard to please sportsmen. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.

Here is the biggest thing about Utah I don't understand. The odds of drawing a big bull elk tag are about the same as the odds of Ed McMahon showing up at your door on Super Bowl Sunday.

I've heard of people with a friend of a friend whose uncle had a neighbor that drew a bull elk tag in Utah, but never actually verified any of this firsthand, ya know. Like my buddy told me, "If I ever draw a Utah elk tag, I sure as hell won't use it. I'm going to frame it and hang it on my wall."

Yet our DWR feels we are so over run with elk that they open up elk hunts in the winter to thin the herd down. This winter you could go shoot any bull on the Wasatch, down in San pete county and right outside of Salem, south of Provo.

I'm just a bit concerned that we don't have anyone managing our wildlife that is smart enough to just raise the tag numbers a little bit instead of just trying to kill more elk on the winter range.

What possible logic could they have for keeping bull tags at the same number and instead letting people try to kill the elk down off the highway in the winter??

I don't mind the hunting in Utah... but I'm concerned that it's being managed by a group with a combined IQ of less than 10.

C'mon Bear down depends on who you ask as to just how bad Utah
blows some people with more money than brains will have you believe it is the best thing since sliced bread.
Others without the money or not lucky enough to beat the odds for the 1200 or so elk tags that have over 80,000 point holders applying for them ( with this number growing every year ).
might be closer to reality
But all of this is OK as long as I keep stumbling over mature bulls that have died of old age rather than being harvested by a hunter that did not fork over 100,000.00.
Nah Utah doesn't suck the DWR doesn't suck just ask the right people they'll tell ya how it is
If Utah sucks then I'm getting the best blow job ever from Arizona. Everything this fools down here touch that is working they break. I've seen some poor managers but these jerks could screw up sex and I've never had a bad piece.

Utah claims that they don't have wolves and down here they are feeding them Alpo. Your Honorary Mr. Levitt brought you whirling desease and your deer farms are bringing in CWD, hell sakes Arizona doesn't have enough trout to support a good outbreak of Whirling or enough deer to support CWD. That is the plan, eliminate the host animal and no desease can come.

You go on sucking, I'll take another blow job from the AZ Game and Fish.........ahh, taking a drag now on a filterless Camel.

Ed.....cmon man I have to disagree and agree wth you. I agree with the wolf thing, absolutely ridiculous. I remember a few years back they threw some guy in jail because he shot a wolf that was attacking his dog! I think I would have shot the game warden when he said I was under arrest!.......As for the trout, who cares if you want trout come up here to Montana! AZ is a Bass and Catfish state,man I miss fishin for Bass. Other wise I think AZ offers some of the best Elk hunting in the world. But good luck drawing a tag!! But as the Elk increased the Deer went down, I think its a direct link, so I guess its all how you look at it. I will say one thing that is great about AZ....You guys dont have 2 foot of snow right now!!!!! I'm freezin me nads off!! To make things worse my ma calls and says its cold in Casa Grande, a miserable 45 degrees......yeah real miserable!!
You can either spend your time and effort whining, or you could get involved and start to do something about it.
Every year in this state some amazing animals are harvested, and not all of them are guided by the big boys. I shot a beautiful 28 inch 4 by 4 buck last year as well as a nice cougar all on public land without a guide. Poaching is a problem so spend some time out patrolling, predators are a problem so get a cougar, and call in some coyotes. I totally agree with the qaud riders comment, but you also have to allow for poeple who still love to hunt and can no longer get around very well. As far as the "greenies" are concerned I think you are just making that up because I spend 60-70 days a year in the field and have never been harassed. The amount of mature bucks in the field is also a big problem, but again remember that not everyone hunting is a trophy hunter. Some people are just there for the enjoyment and the time spent with their famlies,and some are there for the meat. I spent 9 days elk hunting this year and saw 35+ bulls a couple of them were absolute monsters and just seeing them was worth every minute I spent on the mountain. I also spent 6 days deer hunting and passed on 12 bucks, but I did see deer and enjoyed every minute of it. Utah is a wonderful place and if you do not like what is going on do something about, or move.
Now if that's not fishon it's damn sure a relative. Nice post, I think I'll just keep bitching.
LMAO.....This craks me up, I'm not from Utah!!! I'm from Montana. I personally would like to hunt in Utah someday. There is a ton of big bulls and big bucks there, I know! Everything that I put down for reasons why Utah sucks , are posts that are or have been on this board lately. I have no opinion about Utah other than it seems like everybody that lives there bitches about their state on this site all the time. Its always Utah this and Utah that, it justs gets annoying! Whats even funnier some of you from Utah come and talk crap under fake names!! Or is there just that many guests around here? LMAO!!!! I think the state is great , seems like the people are the problem. If you want to say something then at least have the balls to use your real name, or is that how you do it in Utah?
RFLMAO!! Great post Beardown.....things get a little simmered down and you rile everyone up again!!! :)

I am from Utah, and although things are bad, they could be worse!!

ANytime you want to come on down to Utah and hunt, let me know, youre welcome in my camp anytime......heck maybe I'll even venture up to your neck of the woods.....where there still are some trophies left!! :)

>ANytime you want to come on
>down to Utah and hunt,
>let me know, youre welcome
>in my camp anytime.

Hey Tuff I think your the only person on this board that actually got my post!LOL....My buddy AZ402 was trying to get me to buy a bonus point this year for your neck of the woods. He says its like only 5 bucks! I was thinking of just putting in though. I have no idea where to put in , but would only want to put in for a trophy area ( no forked horns, got enough here ) but I would'nt mind goin where ever if someone wants to show me around!winkwink....
Te=he are I hunt has potential for some big deer, but last year I only saw fork-horns and a few three pointers---but I also hunted the ranch last year and not the hills.....I am considering changing regions this year.....just not sure where I should start!! Ive hunted the same region my entire life.....

Let me know if you decide to hunt down here.....I might be able to help you a little bit!!
i think this is all just a propoganda effort. i think there are really 30" bucks behind every bush in utah, and they are just trying to convince the out of staters to stay home. dont believe them! get your applications in now, or screw it-just move there. i think if read one more post whining about utah i may vomit.

Sam I think your right......Damn if those Utah boys are'nt the sharpest tools in the shed!!! I was acctually starting to beleive that the state sucks!!!!
Dang it.....foiled again!! Just when I thought we had every out of state hunter convinced, someone has to go and reveal our plan!!! DOH!!!
Heh!!Heh!!...See Tuff you arent as think as you smart as you are!...I just realized I always see you at the other site! I like the other place, maybe a little better! But no one ever bites on stirring up chit there like this place!!LOL!!! Except when moosedrool comes over, thats how I ended up there!!!
Yeah.....thats how I ended up there as well.....theres a lot of the same guys from here over there.....I think there is just a lot less b*tching over there!! Its a little more relaxed....like a campfire!!
All we need to do now is let the church run the DWR.Add 10% and no hunting on sunday.
Ya utah suck's! Ive got duck's geese and a ok 4 point buck this year all within a short drive of my house. Not to even go into the fishing 2 blocks away. I also wish all the twinkers would stay home and not invade us. I remember my Dad pulling out lot's of stuck in the mud trucks hunting in central Ut. when I was a pup. most of them were from the long state next to the big water. stay home Utah suck's.

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