why should we truct them?



LAST EDITED ON Mar-05-08 AT 12:27PM (MST)[p]American-born Muslim / why should we trust them

NEW HAVEN, Conn. - A former Navy sailor was convicted Wednesday of leaking details about ship movements to suspected terrorism supporters, an act that could have endangered his own crewmates.

Jurors convicted Hassan Abu-Jihaad, 32, of Phoenix of providing material support to terrorists and disclosing classified national defense information on the second day of deliberations.
The American-born Muslim convert formerly known as Paul R. Hall faces up to 25 years in federal prison when he is sentenced May 23. His attorneys said they were disappointed, and that an appeal was likely.

The leak came amid increased wariness on the part of U.S. Navy commanders whose ships headed to the Persian Gulf in the months after a terrorist ambush in 2000 killed 17 sailors aboard the USS Cole.

Abu-Jihaad, who was a signalman aboard the USS Benfold, was accused of passing along details that included the makeup of his Navy battle group, its planned movements and a drawing of the group's formation when it was to pass through the dangerous Strait of Hormuz in the Persian Gulf on April 29, 2001.
Abu-Jihaad's attorney said a four-year investigation that spanned two continents failed to turn up proof that Abu-Jihaad leaked details of ship movements and their vulnerability to attack.

Federal prosecutors said he sympathized with the enemy and admitted disclosing military intelligence. But they acknowledged they did not have direct proof that he leaked the ship details.

Authorities said the details of ship movements had to have been leaked by an insider, saying they were not publicly known and contained military jargon. The leaked documents closely matched what Abu-Jihaad would have had access to as a signalman, authorities said.

Dan LaBelle, Abu-Jihaad's attorney, tried to show that many details of ship movements he was accused of leaking to suspected terrorism supporters were publicly available through news reports, press releases and Web sites. He also noted that Navy officials testified that the details were full of errors.
Prosecutors say investigators discovered files on a computer disk recovered from a suspected terrorism supporter's home in London that included the ship movements, as well as the number and type of personnel on each ship and the ships' capabilities. The file ended with instructions to destroy the message, according to testimony.

Abu-Jihaad was charged in the same case that led to the 2004 arrest of Babar Ahmad, a British computer specialist accused of running Web sites to raise money, appeal for fighters and provide equipment such as gas masks and night vision goggles for terrorists. Ahmad, who lived with his parents where the computer file was allegedly found, is to be extradited to the U.S.

Abu-Jihaad, who was honorably discharged in 2002, was prosecuted in New Haven because the investigation first focused on a Connecticut-based Internet service
Islam is a bad religon. Period. There are good folks and bad folks in all religons. Yet this is the only religion I know of that in its text tells its believers to kill non believers. To a muslim a non believer has 3 choices:
1. Convert to Islam
2: Keep your religon but pay Dhimiutude (taxes and live under their rule) to Islam
3. Death

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
Christianity doesn't tell you who to kill, just who to hate. you can decide if you hate them enough to kill them on your own.
I don't really think the bible intended it that way but those who decifer it often seem to think so. Torquemada, witch hunts, gays, abortion doctors, the KKK and on and on history is full of religious based hate and killing.

I only know one Muslim, I'd trust him WAY farther than I would some of the local born agains. there are good people and bad people, I'm not sure religion is a major factor when it comes to American born citizens.

I can say for positions of great importance close observation may be warranted due to the reality of the times we live in, observation not discrimination. there is a difference.
> Christianity doesn't tell you who
>to kill, just who to
>hate. you can
>decide if you hate them
>enough to kill them on
>your own.
> I don't really think the
>bible intended it that way
>but those who decifer it
>often seem to think so.
> Torquemada, witch hunts, gays,
>abortion doctors, the KKK and
>on and on history is
>full of religious based hate
>and killing.
> I only know one Muslim,
>I'd trust him WAY farther
>than I would some of
>the local born agains. there
>are good people and bad
>people, I'm not sure religion
>is a major factor when
>it comes to American born
> I can say for positions
>of great importance close observation
>may be warranted due to
>the reality of the times
>we live in, observation not
>discrimination. there is a difference.

Dude? that statement sounded like a politician, can you tell me where that verse is written in the bible, cause I don't see it there, there's always been misguided people operating in the name of God, but they were delusional if they committed crimes of hate?

Your not really well versed on the Christian religion as well as the Muslim one either, read up on Muslims, see how they treat their woman, I watched a father beat & cut his daughters throat because she secretly dated a Christian man.

Matthew 5:44 Jesus says, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
Manny I can't tell you one verse from the bible and like I said I don't think the bible intended for there to be hate or killing. the fact is there are those who preach hate and kill in the name of the bible, lots of hate actually, is it possible some muslims do the same?

Don't get me wrong I'm not big on muslims they're a pain in the butt, but I don't single them out as the only source of bad people.
>Manny I can't tell you one
>verse from the bible and
>like I said I don't
>think the bible intended for
>there to be hate or
>killing. the fact is
>there are those who preach
>hate and kill in the
>name of the bible, lots
>of hate actually, is it
>possible some muslims do the
> Don't get me wrong I'm
>not big on muslims they're
>a pain in the butt,
>but I don't single them
>out as the only source
>of bad people.

you may have not singled them out but they have singled americans out for death though
Muslim's aren't the only source of bad people. Cowboys and Muslims? How bout we play Cowboys and idiots...that would solve the problem. As far as "why should we trust them", I don't think that's much different than what people would've been saying 50 or 60 or 5 years ago about black people, hispanic people, indians, etc.....No, I'm not defending them (muslims) by any means. I spent enough time "over there" to know better. Your best friend today is the one that is trying to blow your a@# up tonight. I know a lot more "Christian" people I don't trust than any other faith, simply because 99% of the people that I "know" are Christian. As far as stereotyping or generalizing, I would agree to a point, that I don't trust people that are muslim if I don't "know" them. However, I know a few, very few, Muslim's that I do trust and are good people. It is an across the board thing and I think we all know that, there are bad people in every religion, every race, every nationality. That being said, Muslims or "radical Islamists" are definitely out to get anyone that isn't "them". The radical part, which I assure you is growing, not shrinking, because we are blowing them to bits, is a very bad thing. They will stop at nothing to kill you, me, or anyone that is around them when they pull the string or push the button. If we think they're not here, we best think again, because they are. All they are doing is looking for the best place and time to strike. So, I guess, in the end I don't trust them....Generalized, that is. A guy can't be too careful when looking out for his family and way of life. I just wish that message carried upward to our government. There are way too many of them that don't even think Islam, the radical part, is a threat to our way of life, or to the World's wellbeing... My .02 cents, ok maybe .05 cents worth...
LAST EDITED ON Mar-05-08 AT 10:54PM (MST)[p]
338RUM, now, I would say your comments made allot of sense, with out all the rhetoric thanks
I'm 37 and have been Catholic my entire life. I have never heard anything so ridiculous as "hate and killing in the name of the bible"! I don't know where you got that from, huntindude, but that is not what the bible talks about. Not sure if you've read very much of the bible.

Muslim or Christian....people are people. Who ever thought Catholic priests would be kicked out for molesting young boys. Who'd of thought that Jim Baker would be boning other women. People are people no matter how you slice it. Muslims...I'm afraid as hell of them...because they will give up their own lives for their religion. That is scary. A Christian man may kill prostitutes because God told him they are bad people. People are people!!

Sorry, Manny, I will be more to the point from now on. If I typed everything I thought you guys would have a novel to read before being done....I will try to consilidate facts, etc....
I heard Osama say in a video, americans love life, we love death......thats their advantage, in their minds.......
Is'nt trust supposed to be EARNED? I think comparing this to racial bias decades ago towards blacks, (which now has become a racial bias towards whites),is crazy. These ba$tards are waging a war against us and our way of life, everything we stand for.
Quit being politically correct and see the writing on the wall.

>Is'nt trust supposed to be EARNED?
>I think comparing this to
>racial bias decades ago towards
>blacks, (which now has become
>a racial bias towards whites),is
>crazy. These ba$tards are waging
>a war against us and
>our way of life, everything
>we stand for.
>Quit being politically correct and see
>the writing on the wall.

Booyah, my point exactly.......
So if all muslims are bad why do we spend money on them and buy oil from them? the Saudis are muslim ( and it was Saudis NOT IRAQIS who bombed the WTC ) and we pretend to like them and buy oil from them, if all muslims are trying to kill us why finance them? sometimes I feel like you guys talk out both sides of your mouth. if we're at war with muslims then be at war, if we're not then enough " we're at war ' crap.

We're at war with terrorist, not muslims. so get that banged into your head somehow.
True enough, we are at war with terrorists not just Muslims. HOWEVER, when 99% of the terrorists we are at war with are Muslims, well, its just word play to call it anything else. We don't have to like them to buy their oil do we? You ever been in a store you did not like out of necessity? Same deal.

The oil is simply supply and demand. They've got the oil and we need it to run our country. If America wasn't so "ecologically correct" we may have enough oil so we wouldn't have to buy it from the Middle East. There have been oil rigs off the coast of Santa Barbara that didn't drill because it is not good for the habitat. What about Alaska? We have the means to get oil elsewhere...it is just ecologically unsafe. So, we'll continue to pay top dollar to those who have it to sell.

"Matthew 5:44 Jesus says, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;"

It also says somewhere in the bible "an eye for an eye".

I'm with d13er, "time to play cowboys and muslims".

I went to Florida last august and there were a pair of "camel jockeys" on our flight, don't think there was one person on that plane that wasn't thinking.."Are we going to die?"
It's sad that it is that way now, but it just is.

It's also time to go to the southern borders and do a little "can shootin".

We are ruining our own country by letting just anyone come in that wants too......even the ones that hate us.

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
"We are ruining our own country by letting just anyone come in that wants too......even the ones that hate us."

scarry but true!
i just git this in the mail ... March 6, 2008

You have heard that it was said, "An eye for and eye and a tooth for a tooth." But I tell you not to resist an evil person. But whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also. {Matthew 5:38?39}

Say the truth and shame the devil. -- Hugh Latimer

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