Why Men Drink


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:)Wanna Drink?



Later, Brandon
Things that make ya go....BHAAAAAAAAAA!
Time to make a beeline for the jack and coke!

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." -- Abraham Lincoln
"Why Men Drink"

I didn't even have to look at the picture. I already knew why men drink!


Eel ... you must not have a woman constantly bitching at you about your drinking.


I even got drunk and looked again, those are some ugly lookin things you got there!

You know what I've definitely had some bad things happen in life and one thing I noticed is none of them ever happened while i was drinkin

God Bless Jack Daniels and coke
>Eel ... you must not have
>a woman constantly bitching at
>you about your drinking.

RUS, I quit drinking but the bitchin' didn't stop so I started again.:)

I can't drink enough tonite to make one of those women look good. I need another beer and a shot.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-26-08 AT 02:56PM (MST)[p]Rifleguy, Comeon you know thats the girl, bottom middle, that obliged ya with a Dance to Ledoux last night! to bad she passed ya off the the one one the left.

"Good thing you can drink em pretty but ya cant drink em skinny."
I dont think even this motto can take it that far.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." -- Abraham Lincoln
DUDE!!!!!! The one on the left is SEXY!!!!:)


Half those things look like men wearin dresses...

Jake H. MM Member since 1999.

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