Why MEN are Republicans!!!!!!!!


Very Active Member
Colter and Ingram are like hookers, they follow the money. when Oprah gets her tv network up and running next year she'll probably hire them to bash the republicans.

Actually I'd take my chances with dem supporter Cammaron Diaz over any of the paid to support the republican skanks you have there. other dem supporter women like Jennifer Lopez,Nichole kidman,Jennifer Garner,Christy Brinkley,Demi Moore and Jennifer Aniston to name a few actually paid TO support their party rather than getting paid to support it. who says money can't buy you love?
Ransom without Dude, T, Russ, and myself on here you would totally lose your sense of reality and what the mainstream part of the world is thinking. Don't worry Ransom no personal thanks needed I know you really appreciate us.
Colter would probably like hunting, just look at her adams apple sometimes I thinks she's a guy.

I'd go anywhere with Diaz, I'd wear a pink jacket and purple slippers to a PETA rally if we were spending the night a hotel. there's an old saying, you can't be both rich an be proud. you also can't always be proud and always get any.
>Colter would probably like hunting, just
>look at her adams apple
>sometimes I thinks she's a
> I'd go anywhere with Diaz,
>I'd wear a pink jacket
>and purple slippers to a
>PETA rally if we were
>spending the night a hotel.
> there's an old saying,
>you can't be both rich
>an be proud. you also
>can't always be proud and
>always get any.

well.....her adams apple gives me wood.


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