Why is Colorado Parks and Wildlife paying for wolf kills?

The “taxpayers” are paying for this. As the House, CPW just takes their cut for furnishing the chips.

Government doesn’t have any money.

I get that

But it's what account that money is in.

Wildlife shouldn't lose funding to pay for federally protected wolves.
If you read the article it has nothing to do with Federal protection.

The payment is linked to 2 laws. One law existed before Federal protection of wolves. The second was a recent law which was negotiated so Colorado, NOT THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, would do wolf re-introductions. The agreement was made to avoid lawsuits.

So basically the state is paying a few thousand bucks to avoid a couple million bucks in legal fees.

You're welcome.
"Colorado makes first payment to rancher for wolves killing cattle" https://amp.coloradoan.com/amp/6696519001

If the state isn't allowed to manage them, why does the state have to pay for them?

This should be the feds paying, until the state gets to control them.

First off, the state is managing them.

"More than 45 years after gray wolves were first listed under the Endangered Species Act, the Service and its many conservation partners have successfully recovered the gray wolf under the ESA.
State and Tribal wildlife management agency professionals have resumed responsibility for sustainable management and protection of delisted gray wolves in states with gray wolf populations, while the Service monitors the species for five years to ensure the continued success of the species."

Secondly, Colorado is responsible for payments.

"Compensation for wolf depredation will not use revenues generated by the sale of hunting or fishing license fees. Those funds will come from the general fund, Species Conservation Trust Fund, Colorado Nongame Conservation and Wildlife Restoration Cash Funds and other sources of funding for nongame species.
The wolf compensation funding sources were mandated by the wolf reintroduction ballot initiative (Proposition 114) that Colorado voters narrowly passed in 2020. It also calls for wolves to be reintroduced no later than the end of 2023."
and just like that.....

For Immediate Release, February 10, 2022
Contact:Collette Adkins, (651) 955-3821, [email protected]

Federal Court Restores Gray Wolf’s Endangered Species Act Protection​

OAKLAND, Calif.— A federal judge today restored protection to gray wolves, reversing a Trump-era rule that removed Endangered Species Act protection from the animals across most of the country. Today’s ruling prohibits wolf hunting and trapping in states outside of the northern Rocky Mountains.

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