why hunting should be legal.


Active Member
i'm writing a paper in english about why hunting should be legal. why do you think it should be legal? give me some ideas...
I think you should first be a little more specific, i.e. hunting methods, locations, species, seasons, etc. Hunting is legal, so you need to be specific about one or two parts of the broad topic of hunting in order to write a paper that gets the readers attention. Just my $.02.
"success Is Reason Enough!"
>i'm writing a paper in english
>about why hunting should be
>legal. why do you think
>it should be legal? give
>me some ideas...

one of my biggest reasons is that it helps youth grow into responsible young adults.it teaches them a core basis of values that can not be taught in a class room.not to get into to much detail but i lost my father when i was 14 due to cancer. and if it were not for him teaching me the hunting and fishing side of the outdoors. i could have easily been in a bad place right now the temptations were definantly there. but he was so dedicated and respected the sport so much i could not let him down.now i am so hooked on hunting all my wife and daughter has heard about for the last few months is my upcoming wasatch elk hunt.and my nephew actually has a calender counting down the days untill we can go chase bulls on the wasatch.
Another reason is that humans are predators (see how our eyes are forward, K9 teeth) and deer are prey (eyes on the side of their heads, very different teeth/stomach). Humans should have the right to express our predatory instincts. Deer have many other natural predators including man.

Great way to manage game herds.
Great way for families to be directly involved in feeding themselves vs. grocery stores only.

Good luck on your paper
Hunting has been an indispensible part of human existence since time began. Animals must be killed if we are to eat-happens every day. Happens every day in nature also.
Hunting is a natural part of who we are.
Hunting should be legel because:

1. Hunters want surplus large mammals.

2. Hunters fund both habitat and animal balance.

3. Humans can't do much to control wind, rain, snow, or temperature, all key factors in undulant reproduction but we can control human predation wherein we can manage against these uncontrollable elements in the environment by increasing harvest to prevent broad-spread starvation when herds over populate. Humans can harvest predators when undulate numbers are too low to produce a surplus. Humans can, through hunting, keep all mammals in the system in balance. Left to themselves nature large mammals will balance their numbers but they do it in decades and centuries rather than in a few years like humans can do through cognitive pressure points on specific species in specific locations.

4. In as much as humans can't leave the planet nor roll back our demand for acreage we are unable to allow large wild mammals free range, therefore if we simply leave these species to themselves the non-human predator species will over harvest the undulates. Eventually the predator numbers will drop back to a much smaller number because of the lack of wild undulates, ( assuming we could prevent them from eating our sheep, cows, horses, dogs and cats ) unlike human hunters predators do not have the cognitive ability to back off when they over hunt, they just kill by instinct (much like the dwr) and will kill the last of the herd without the knowledge that tomorrow they'll starve.

5. Because most humans, at least those that understand nature in any way, want to share our environment with as many species as possible. Hunters, above all, want wolves and bears and cougars as well as undulates (moose, elk, deer, caribou, etc.) Where hunters differ from non-hunters is hunters understand that there are locations where our environment can tolerate specific large predators and environments where it can not. We want them where conditions will tolerate them and we want to controlled them where our "civilized environment" can not tolerate them. Many years ago our grandparents had it pretty much figured it. Recent experiments with the wolf reintroduction in Idaho, Montana and Wyoming have proven what happens to the predator/prey balance when hunters are removed from the equation. Hunters believe and have proven over the last 100 years that we can have large amounts of all large mammals, in certain locations, (obviously we can't have large herds of moose and elk in down town Boise, Billings or Salt Lake (for obvious reasons) but we can have them in our less populated mountain and foothill ranges (for obvious reasons), and we can have large herds of moose and caribou and wolves in the sparsely populated areas of the north, which should once again should be clearly obvious but some pretend it's not, however it's political rather than logical.

6. Whether some accept it or not hunters can see the big picture and will manager for more of all species than non-hunters have interest or investment in having. Non-hunters want animals but they are generally uninvolved and unattached where as these animals, all of these animals are directly connected to hunters lives. Hunters are highly interactive with wild animals, up close and personal. We have elk, because of hunters, we have wild sheep, because of hunters, we,have mt. goats, because hunters want them, we have moose because of hunters, we ever whitetail deer, because of hunters, we have upland and migrator birds because of hunters. We have antelope because hunters want antelope. If we ever have mule deer again it will be because of hunters.

We protect them, fight for them, invest in them, and we worry about them, without legal hunting, pure and simple, we'll have FAR FEWER ANIMALS OF ALL SPECIES.

And all the reasons listed in the other posts.

DO NOT INCLUDE ANYTHING IN YOUR ARTICLE ABOUT CONTROLLING HERDS AND POPULATIONS. One of the biggest whiny arguments on this site is that there aren't enough deer and/orbig deer... especially here in utah. can you really look at me and tell me that the deer are starving to death because there isn't enough vegitatian? can you really write in a paper that you are controlling the numbers when we all know and argue the fact that there can and should be more deer/elk/ big game in general?>>>

just my 2 cents... omit anything about herd control...
LAST EDITED ON Sep-09-10 AT 09:31AM (MST)[p]If it weren't for hunting there would be no game species left on the planet.
Hunters dollars give game animals value, without that they would have been killed off for food long ago.

This goes for non-game species as well. Hunting dollars are used to manage support preserve those as well.

Surely you didn't think the anti-hunters contribute much in the way of dollars to support wildlife.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-09-10 AT 09:38AM (MST)[p]Based on much of the great information you have received, I would suggest that you change the title of your paper to "Why Hunting Should Never be Illegal". (poaching excluded of course) Kudos to you for coming to a place like this to ask your question. That alone demonstrates that you are researching in the right types of places. Best of luck on your paper. After it's graded you should post it up for us to read. I'm sure you'll get some wisecracks from a few on here, but I would really like to see what you come up with. It would also be interesting to see how your teacher ends up grading it.

Awesome well thought out response from 2Lumpy!
There is a really good book out there that may be worth your time.

It is called "The Politically Incorrect Guide To Hunting" written by Frank Miniter.

It is a very easy read and a book all Conservationists/Hunters should read.

Just sayin!

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