WHY ? Enquiring minds want to know!


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Aug-07-08 AT 02:18PM (MST)[p]Why is it that so many so called "hunters" come on here and constantly trash others for what they do when they have never even met or talked to them? They group guides into a no good, bunch of scum bags who ruin their hunting, and cheat and lie.
They accuse anyone who has success of doing it illegally.
Holy Cow!!
Does it make them feel big and tough to make up rumors, question their morals, drag their success thru the dirt, and try to smear their character?
And isn't it funny how these guy's info is "set to private"..

And is it really necessary to do this??

Just want to hear your thoughts?
LAST EDITED ON Aug-07-08 AT 03:43PM (MST)[p].... A.R- It really isn't that bothersome that some folks are so idiotic as to think what ever it is that they think. To prove themselves idiots they post their simple thoughts on a variety of subjects in these forums.
.... Some people really are narrow minded and they have one way of thinking and thats it. Anyone who differs with their way of seeing things is wrong in their eyes.
.... It simply boils down to this. You are a lot more familiar with the subject than they are, and as soon as their stupid little typing-fest starts bugging you, they've "won". It can be difficult at times to tolerate the uninformed when they start on a rant but the guys that really know what their talking about( and its these opinions that should really count) know the truth.
... Just my 2.5 cents, now its off to offend someone in another forum!

"Damn i hate all the little idiots"

*edit to do some spelling corrections-
Let me guess!! Are you talking about how everyone trashes Doyle Moss? Hell thats easy. Little Winkie + Ill Breeding + No Respect = $h_t Talker. Even though I am not into guiding services I have no respect for someone that runs their mouth about another's successfulness.
No, I'm not just talking about guides, but it seems anyone that does well gets questioned one way or another...
Moss gets his share of trash flung his way, as do his guides, and about all guides on here.
Just seems like at times this place is all about trashing everyone instead of giving kudos for a quality animal, or working hard for something you dream about.
Some of the members are great and give congrats to everyone, but others never have a good word to say about anyone..
Those members that never have anything good to say about someone else's success are jealous. Gotta try and tear someone else down to feel better about themselves.

By the way,
I live in UT.
There are a lot of UTARDS that live here.
I have also seen quite a few WYOMORONS, NEVADUHNS, COLORADORKS, ID-IOTS and AIRHEADZONANS in my travels.
You dont like my clown, why not?... besides I'm not here for your approval...deal with it, he's staying!lol...

sorry, not trying to hi-jack the thread.
I have wondered the same thing many times. As much as we get hammered on this site and others, I have never once met anybody at a hunting show that hasn't come up and cordially introduced themselves and been civil. I'm not sure the reasoning behind all the slamming other than I do believe that one outfitters bad actions can tarnish the reputation of outfitters in general. However, it is grossly unfair to lump ALL outfitters/guides in the same category. When I first got into this business it was an eyeopener as to the number of negative comments about guides. For a while, I was careful who I told I was a guide. Then I decided that I would do my best to change the perception of outfitters/guides. I don't know an outfitter who thinks he "owns" the mountain or a certain animal. I do know of some guides who have done some questionable things on public land and unfortunately, those are the ones that get talked about the most. Those are the views that the public has of outfitters/guides. I have my own personal views on how things are and what they should be but that would take up a lot of computer space. As for now, I try and treat everyone with respect, on and off the mountain, and I know the guides and outfitters that I associate with do the same thing.

It's always an adventure!!!
Rick, you have to keep this all in perspective. The ones who complain, b*tch about guides, guided hunters, people who earn too much money, people who can afford to come out on a hunt without spending days or weeks scouting ahead of time, people who come in groups of more than two, and probably go on other sites and b*tch about people who are better looking, more intelligent, and anything else they can think about to b*tch about, because they're too busy being jealous, to be better themselves.

I call it small p*nis syndrom.

To me this syndrome is the same as someone that cuts you off on the freeway and then flips you the bird! It is your fault for being in their way!

If you were having these same discussions around a REAL campfire, people would be more respectful and just plain nice.

I would have to agree with awholelotabull also. I have thought about responding to some threads, but haven't because of the wrath that some of the narrowminded would bring down on me! LOL
I love the know-it-alls who trash ranchers on here. They must not eat steak or hamburgers. Think about it.... Who puts in more time feeding wildlife, building water developements, seeding, chaining, posting areas so a little bone can grow on old deer? Sure we get nervous when the DWR wants to increase herd numbers statewide. Sure we voice our opinions on increases. If your neighbor started to build a pitbull breeding facility nextdoor and you had a young family would you be concerned? You may even give him the benefit of the doubt until one of your kids fingers came up missing. We work hard to provide for our familys raising livestock. Tree huggers want us out. Subdivisions want us out. The BLM loves to cut permit numbers and rarely returns them after cutting them. Hunters want to hunt our ground until we get too involved and then they scream. Meanwhile, we improve our own range and work hard to be good stewards over the public allotments we lease. We watch people cut fences, shoot livestock, pour used oil on troughs, shoot off locks, destroy areas with crazy off road machines, leave trash in campsites and bad mouth us for caring about what puts food on our table. All hunters are not idiots! And all ranchers arent greedy, land whores! But on here, you may think different after listening to the unfounded attacks. Im sure i'll get trashed but i really could care less. Just remember that behind each handle on here is an actual person. Right or wrong we still can have opinions. Even the folks who hate ranchers. And when the ranchers have had enough and sell out to builders and strip malls, watch your gigantic herd numbers plummet. Watch your quality animals disappear. Watch your enjoyment in hunting do the same thing. Watch what happens when people who don't love the land take it over.....wonder if that'll suck? Sorry for the rant but you are right. Lots of folks on here who don't think and have never been wrong, ever. That must be nice.
I think you're on the wrong thread here but I'll reply anyway. It's not about "hate the rancher". It's about a select few of them feeling "ENTITLED" to something they have no right to feel entitled to. I am assuming you are referring to the whole "ranchers want tags" thing going on here at MM. I come from a ranching family. In fact, my family, at one point, had the largest active cattle ranch in Nevada, so I know the ranching mentality. I can appreciate your oppinion as well. Some of my very best friends share your same oppinions. The argument is you should not get compesated with public resources for using public resources. Most people, as you can see, have a real problem with that. Of course, this is just my personal oppinion. To each their own.

It's always an adventure!!!
Rick, because they haven't had the privilege perhaps of sharing a campfire with a great group of guys who all want you, as a client, to succeed, I guess.

That being said, it can be about jealousy. What was it your wife said last week about being accused of not shooting her own bull? Oh yeah, been there, done that lots of times.

I don't know why we can't just enjoy the company here. We as hunters are our own community, and unfortunately all communities have strife. The key is to find a way to at least agree to not denigrate each other, to come together as that community for the good of all members of that community. You can agree to disagree and still get along. To each his own, as it were, as long as it doesn't affect the community as a whole (as in poaching).

Otherwise, it will eventually rip itself apart until something major happens to drive it back together again. The beauty of it is that we all have a place to express our opinions, be they mean-spirited or not.

I absolutely agree that the Net provides enough anonymity that people say things they would not dare face to face.

We MUST decide to be ambassadors for our brotherhood of hunting, or we shall be nothing but dissenters as it dies away.
Hey Lisa,
The comment my wife made is one of the things I was referring to. You got to see in person what a hard time she has even getting around. She done something for herself that she didn't think was possible after her injury, which was so gratifying to her. For a woman, handicapped, and unable to do much physically, to go do the things she didn't think she could accomplish, and succeed, was something dreams are made of and made her appreciate it more than most of us realize. It should make the rest of us thankful for our health and knowing that if someone like her can succeed, then any of us can do the same thing.
Then some of the first comments we hear are "so who shot it for ya?", or "you didn't shoot that".
What a disgrace for people to say something like that when they don't even know the person at all.
You can look back thru a lot of the posts of big animals and somebody is always questioning something about there hunt.
I just don't see what their gain is from trashing people's success and questioning their ethics. If they have a problem with someone, they should go to that person and discuss it, instead of doing it in public..
Just my 2 cents worth..
Rick this is a great thread. I think people should let others be. I know for me I get a great deal of satisfaction hunting with my family. I have the time to go hunt and do things for myself.

That being said, If I had the income to provide me with the best guide out there, I would hire one for any LE elk tag, or OIL tag. We all want to kill the very best animal possible. There is no shame in allowing someone else to help you scout etc. If you think about it, everyone has help from somebody.

I did not hire a guide for my archery hunt last year, but I had help from many people on this site who shared info, took me to places to scout, and in the end I killed a nice bull. Is that any different than hiring a guide? Not really.

Some of the hunters I respect the very most are outfitters and frequent this site. They are selfless and willing to help even those who are not clients. That tells me a great deal about their character.

As for the bad rap about some outfitters, I know a guy who had a "run in" with a well known guide service here in Utah on the Pahvant 3-4 years ago. He killed a bull that they wanted. It got ugly and quite frankly should not have happened. I also have a friend with a Monroe archery elk tag this year. He had the spider bull hitting a waterhole. Someone found his trail cam and absolutely destroyed it. What kind of a sportsman would do such a thing? It is dispicable to me that we as "hunters" would willingly and knowingly vandalize and destroy someone elses property. Who did it? Who knows, but it undoubtably was someone staking their territory and "ownership" of the bull. Pretty sad.

The stakes grow higher and higher each year. I hope that as hunters, guided or not, we can keep our heads and not ruin hunts for anyone. We all love this obsession of ours. I just hope the passion we use to pursue our game is not used negatively to hurt hunting in general.

Good luck to each of you this season! Have a great day.

Well said, Chad. Let's take this discussion another way. Do you think it could be a cultural thing, as in the way we as Americans are raised?

Think about that for a minute. The history of this country revolves in a large part on individuality. We have and will defend our individual rights to the death, will we not? We broke out into individual colonies and to this day value state rights over the rights of the government.

We are so focused on 'me' sometimes that we forget 'we'. Hence my comments on community. We should not wait until our passion for the outdoors is threatened to come together.

It saddens me to hear about those who have put in the time to have a confrontation over an animal. I admit that on a buck hunt not too long ago, I put in some serious time to scout the area and work for the privilege to hunt it. When some other hunters just showed up the day before and chose to hunt the exact same spot, I admit that my first reponse was feeling like 'my' buck spot was threatened. It wasn't my buck spot at all, it was the fact that I worked at it and resented someone else lucking into it. In then end, we did come to a gentleman's (woman's?) agreement and I took a helluva deer. And the guys that were so testy the day before ended up celebrating the moment with me.

I don't come to MM to necessarily pick everyone's brains. I come here for the community of hunting. For this very forum that was used in the beginning for discussions such as this. For the celebration of our passions and pursuits.

Anyone else hear read any of TR's writings? Even back then, in the infancy of this country and the barely explored tenets of what is now our own backyards, he and other hunters recognized that it wasn't just the hunting, it was the community of hunting, and the COMMUNE with nature. Even then, they saw that the community as a whole needed to be reined in for the good of the whole.

IF it wasn't for their leadership and the respect of their fellow countrymen, where would hunting and conservation be today? Seriously?

They put aside the me and threw themselves into we. And look at what WE have as a result.

Turn in the poachers, don't turn on each other!
Nice read Pred. On a side note, Are you set for your hunt. If you want to talk things over let me know. I will be at work saturday, monday and wednesday. I should be at station 1. Stop by and bring a map!
X 2 what CAelknuts just wrote.
We have become a nation of "what's in it for me". Sad but true.

LOL...Chad, I have more maps, aerials, topos, GPS waypoints than you can put in a tent trailer!

I'm sitting her eyeing the stacks of crap in my basement thinking I need to pare some stuff down!!

I'm really pumped, man. Just the thought of stalking bulls in the timber for 4 weeks just makes me smile ear to ear.
Hey Ransom, between you an Nochawk you have two good legs. You guys should come down and hang in elk camp.

I wouldn't mind having a couple camp jacks!

We could name it Crippled Creek Camp or something...LOL

JUST KIDDING! Sorry to hear you are laid up, there seems to be abit of that going on around here right now.

Thanks for the offer. Can we bring RUS with us? He'll have 2 broken legs when I get my hands on him.

Boy, I dunno about that! If you and Nate only make up two good legs, and you break both of RUS's legs, doesn't that make everyone a cripple??? If you guys can work it out so that dinner is on the table, flowers on my pillow and a nice warm Sun Shower is ready to go, heck yah! COme on down!!

I am not sure that the three of you will fit on my game cart; but it would be darn funny to try.

I can see it now. Somebody makes the mistake of walking into Pred's camp while she's out hunting. The three crips demand they leave, only they can't do anything about it really......gosh, a scene from Monte Python is coming to mind, actually.

"Come back and fight like a man!! I've still got one arm!"

"We are the Knights that say "NI" Shrubbery! We want Shrubbery!"

Guess i'm a little late posting to this thread, but here's my .02 on the subject.

It's plain ignorance that sparks the bashing of the guide's and hunters that pay for our services....plain and simple.

I'm sure if they had a chance to go on a "top notch" guided hunt, they'd come back with a new attitude.


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