Why do we call em Ex's??


Long Time Member
Alright quick why my ex is my ex story...so after going to school and working all night I went to sleep when I got home yesterday morning. I get a call from my ex wifey who I've been divorced from for about 6 years now...now as the phone's ringing I begin to wonder wtf she could possibly be calling me about...lol child support isn't due til Friday beyotch!! Tyson's with her parents right now in Denver (went to the Rockies game last night) and then is going to Nebraska to see his greatgrandparents for the weekend...so it's gotta be child support right??

Me: "Hello..."

Ex: "(sounds of a crying girl) hey are you awake?? I need to talk to you about something REALLY important but if you're asleep I can call back later."

Me: "I'm awake, what's up??"

Ex: "(crying gets stronger) is there any possibility I can borrow $1,459??"

Me: "Are you high??"

Ex: "No you don't understand, they came and took my new car yesterday because I was 45 days late on my payment...and I need my car."

Me: "Let me help you understand, half the reason I have no respect for you is because you've always been horrible with money, the other half of the reason is because you're a ho!! How much is your car payment??"

Ex: "$277"

Me: "Ok so you can't, and I say can't because you obviously didn't, pay the bank who you're contracted to pay, the $277...but somehow you'd be able to pay me back $1,459!!!!!!??????"

Ex: "You're an #####!! Blah blah blah...I was just thinking maybe you could help me and that would count as child support for the next 5 or 6 months??"

Me: "You can pick up your $250 for child support Friday morning, I'm going back to sleep...might need to borrow your brothers car to come get your check...BYE!!"

So stupid ass gets her car repo'd and calls me to bail her out so she doesn't lose it...my son already lives with me and is about to start school in my neighborhood...she'll lose her job if she can't drive...no job in court probably doesn't look good...I JUST MIGHT FINALLY HAVE ENOUGH TO GET FULL PHYSICAL CUSTODY!! :) Then she can pay me child support so I can wipe my ass with it cuz I don't care about the money!!

Ex's are ex's for a reason, or two, people!!

What's the craziest thing an ex has ever asked you to do??

http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb37/Feleno/zFix.jpg[/IMG] ~Z~
If someone always bales her out she'll never learn. The only ex's I have are girlfriends. Hope to never have a ex wife cuz I married up. Way up.
Here's a good one for you. When my Son was about a year and a half old the ex decided to split. She flat out told me that our life was too boring and she didn't want to stay at home and raise our child. We hadn't heard a word from her until she calls out of the blue about 2 years later.

Ex, crying of course. Can you come get me ?

Me, No chance.

Ex, I will never ask for anything else just please come get me .

Me, I think you have the wrong number.

Ex, Listen, I am in jail and need you to bail me out.

This was getting good so I decided to play along.

Me, Really ? What happened ?

Ex, I got in a fight with my boyfriend and the police arrested me.

Me, Really ? They usually arrest the guy in those instances.

Ex, Well I caught him with another Women and I shot at them.

Me, Sounds like everything has worked out then.

Ex, What do you mean ?

Me, Your life sure isn't boring. Click.

That was over 23 years ago and I can count on 2 hands how many times She has called her Son over that time. I sure don't envy you Guys that have to continue dealing with crazy ex's.
Rofl! Thanks for qthe story NC. Your dry humor kills me. Keep the stories coming. I love it when guys turn the table on those beeotches lol
Tagattractor, you race a trophy truck!?!

Your life is boring!?!

Its a good thing you have custody

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
I'm still paying for an ex who is a huge drug addict...She did things 8 years ago I'm still paying for because we were married at the time. This is a no fault state and you are resposible for your spouses debts up to the date your divorce was finale....Trust me when I tell you drug addicts are the best liars in the world....

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
Haha Kawboy. I was dirt poor back then. Having a pretty fun time now though.

Kingfish, I agree 100 percent about the drugies.

I can't believe Kingfish, New Crotch and I are the only ones with crazy Ex's.
Tag, I could tell you some stories that would curl your hair?? My ex did a stint in jail for forgery, She has cost me somewhere close to 100,000 dollars in medical debt, Had our cars reposessed, I put her through drug rehab 3 times, I had to sell the house before I lost it, She charged some medical debts using our daughters name, She stole from my parents, her sisters, our friends, It has been a nightmare getting my life and my three kids lives straightened back out. I paid child support for kids that always lived with me. It's almost over now but my kids still have issues. Their mother hasn't seen them in over a year. ( Thank God ) My kids are 23, 22, 20 so they are getting older and understanding things better.

Kids are always the victims when parents use drugs.

Life is good now and I have found a great lady to share the rest of my life with. God does listen!!!

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
LAST EDITED ON Jun-30-11 AT 03:19PM (MST)[p]Mine wanted me to take her hunting after she moved in with an ex buddy!! Told her to have him take her and said wait he couldn't find a deer if it kicked him in the nuts! Never hung up so fast in my life lol. Last night she calles to talk to out two year old and starts screaming at me cause she didn't want to talk. Followed the kid around for five minutes trying to give her the phone! Of course it is my fault! Says our daughter is not happy with me! Only 16 more years of this crap!
My ex forged my name to a credit document, got the CC and charged it full in two weeks.

Then she asked me why I wouldn' pay half of it. I started laughing. SHe said 'go to hell'. I said NFW, you aren't coming back under any circumstances.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
Yea I got one for ya.

I put my ex through nursing school, built a new home, you name it, we were young and dumb. too horny to think straight, we got married cause we had a baby. anyhow, finally get divorced, and I mean FINALLY. She moves out, and proceeds to bang everybody in the area, and I mean EVERYBODY! News gets around fast in a small community, well I'm hearing reports of this that and the other, way too nasty to post here, dudes, gals, friends, complete strangers, etc..etc...she ends up getting pregnant and doesn't know who the father is, I've got joint custody and she bails to texas without my permission to hide the pregnancy, comes back after the bastard is born, and picks up right where she left off, except now she's added married guys to the list of sperm donors.
While she was living in the house I built, I was paying half her mortgage payment, well instead of paying the mortgage she spent the money, when we sold the house, instead of getting my half of the equity, I had to take in $1200 just to sell the house! Oh the list of lies goes on and on, self righteous bullcrap, nothing was ever her fault, never took care of our baby, never cooked, never cleaned, never did laundry. I remember doing 6 loads of her clothes, folded everything, laid it on the bed so she could put it away, she just shoved it all on the floor and went to bed. Judast who started this thread? Now I'm pissed off, remembering all that crap!

Now I've got a great woman, couldn't be happier, learned my lesson the hard way.
Damn dudes, ya'll have some frickin horror ex stories compared to mine!!

Stupid beyotches...

http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb37/Feleno/zFix.jpg[/IMG] ~Z~
Had ex-GFs, but not an ex-wife thank goodness. Most of mine were ex'd b/c the grass was greener somewhere else. It was a whole lot of fun while it lasted though.
Well smitty!

Sounds like a real class act to me!

Coulda been worse!

You coulda kept her!

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Zac... did I forget to tell you about Brittney cheating on me? She got caught and I left, 3 weeks later calls me up, says she's pregnant but im not the dad and asks me to be the dad!!! I say... you want me to be the father of a child who's dad you cheated on me with??? You must be F****** crazy!!! CLICK!!!
Watch out there Trix4me. That was your 333 post also. Gotta be some psychic meaning there. Just kidding. Congrats to you and your wife. I guess there are a few good ones after all. Cedar
Brandon, you've got yourself a keeper now, I think. There's one thing is fellas always gotta remember about chicks though...whether they use to be, currently are, or will be in the future...they're all nuckin futs!!!!

http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb37/Feleno/zFix.jpg[/IMG] ~Z~

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