Why are wolf crazies teaching our kids?


Very Active Member
I ran into this story in the paper and was instantly pi$$ed off.


This Teacher in Idaho Justin Taylor who makes 31,750 dollars per year from taxpayers for indoctrinating our children. If I lived in that school district I would want him fired. This kid of cr@p makes me sick. He is quoted in the story saying

"We were exploring facts and creating opinions about the wolf hunting debate in Idaho," Taylor said. "We also looked at propaganda and bias to determine the reliability of resources. We held a debate and argued for or against the hunting of gray wolves in Idaho."

Then he goes on to say.

"Idaho Fish and Game has a lot of info on the topic and is clearly in favor of hunting wolves," Taylor said. "I also found some video put out from New York Times that objectively examined and reported on the situation."

The new York times objectively reported? Ya right.
This guy needs fired ASAP.
asking fifth graders if there for or against wolf hunting,REALLY!!!!!

what a crock.

"if you want some get some...if your bad enough come take some"
LAST EDITED ON Nov-25-11 AT 07:37PM (MST)[p]Objective for treehuggers agenda.

I got in a debate with a history teacher in 9th grade. He was shoving his left wing views down our throat. I told him if he was a good teacher he would give us unbiased facts and let us make our own minds up. We went back and forth and I got kicked out of class and had a F that night on powerschool... Told my dad what happened (he was our neighbor) my dad walked over to his house for an hour or so and I wasn't failing anymore.

He kept trying to push his views on us, pro gay marriage, anti hunting, pro abortion (used girls in class as examples like what if Melissa found out she was pregnant tonight.. Etc). We got in many debates and I was kicked out many times but I got B+ out of his class.

He taught another required class, I walked in the first day and he pulled me off to the side and said I have a free pass to do whatever I want as long as I'm not in his classroom. I will get an A if I don't step foot in his classroom. Knowing it would get under his skin, and wanting to make him look stupid in front of 30 kids that is the only class I never skipped.

But that was high school, not 5th grade....

Now we need to have a local rancher bring in an ass eaten, still alive and suffering hefer to allow the kids a first person view of what these wolves are doing to livestock.

We should also have a hunter there with one of their bear or lion dogs killed by a pack while in the field.

Let's not leave out nature and make sure to bring in a new born (dead) elk calf from next spring that gets pulled from it's mother before it has a chance to be fully born.

I think some video on wolves hunting and eating should be shown as well.

After all that we can ask the kids if they'd like to kiss the wolves again or if we should be hunting them.
We need to find a way to contact the state superintendent to complain about this. I don't have an email for Tom Luna. Maybe we should complain to the governor's office. This to me is an outrage.
This jackass needs to be fired. Elementary school children need more education in the 3 Rs, not this kind of garbage.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-27-11 AT 10:43AM (MST)[p]The little kids got "kissed by a wolf". "OK kids, who wants to murder a wolf, raise your hand".

This teacher needs to be fired!

Now they even have cartoon penguins that talk, cry, laugh, and have feelings and emotions just like humans. The next step will be to bring live penguins into the classroom, and say "OK kids, who wants to burn fossil fuels and heat the earth up and murder penguins, raise your hand."

We're so screwed!


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