Why are liberals so unhappy?

Well....... People on MM are always calling me a liberal. I'm unhappy because I can't draw the tags I want and don't have nearly enough money to hunt where and when I want to hunt. I'm sure that's probably the reason with most liberals. Oh! I also can't get time off during the middle of most seasons in the west and this also makes me unhappy, same with most liberals. Glad I could clarify that for you Ransom.
I have neigbors that are libs,but i do get along with them.
When politics come up they trash the USA, hate Bush, hate Wal-mart, hate the rich,hate the military, blah,blah ,blah.....I ask why,but they never come up with a logical answer.
I call it global whining.

You aren't a liberal. You are what most would call a moderate. You just seem liberal here surrounded by all of us who are further right. T and Dude are just messing around, I know they don't really believe all the BS they write.

The ones I know are deffinatly less happy then the conservatives I know. I think it's because the conservatives "just live" and take care of themselves, Liberals stay awake at night trying to figure out a way to feed and cloth(?) people who refuse to/can't do it themselves.

Noble ideas, but a waste of time. I also think that Liberals are usually( but not always) FUNNIER and more WELL SPOKEN. I wish conservatives were funnier! Sat night live, steven colbert, jon stewart, comedy central, ect are extremely liberal....conservatives still watch cuz it's funny! I also think that there are way more well spoken liberals, which sucks. Am I wrong?
I think they are basically negative people (not always) with negative personalities that give them a bad outlook. Everything is gloom & doom and as soon as this man made global warming hoax is de-bunked they will be off on their next plan to tax and save the world as they did with the myths about acid rain, ozone depletion etc., etc.

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