


Just trying to get a guesstimate of who's going to the Expo this year?
Please post!
I'll be there a few times :)

LAST EDITED ON Dec-06-09 AT 07:12PM (MST)[p]I think I'll go this year. I know Rus wants to...he is still working out the arrangements with his parole officer.
i think i might try and make it. i really want to get in on the draws, meet bobcat[serious] , have lunch with sage and d-13, and huntrez............:)
I will be there on Saturday.

I think the wife and I will come up on Friday and stay at the Marriott across the street and take her out for a nice dinner....to suck up so she does not freak at how much I spend on hunt draws....then she actually wants to walk around the show on Saturday.

Hope to see some people there!!!!
going to try & make it a couple of days. hope the cat doesn't hide from me again this year.

I hear that one of the first things people are going to see when they walk in is a bull in Paul Pennies booth that says stinkystomper on it. Wonder how many people are gonna be cussing when they see that? lol
I wish you could kill a bull every week Stinky....You were pretty humble for 5-10 days.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
I was going to go but I remembered I have to drop $165 for being an out-of-stater. I think I'll stay home. I'll probably have the same odds.

I'll be there at some point or another. Not sure which day just yet, but I'll be there.

Nocked N Loaded
If somebody knows how to post a few pics on this, i can email them to you and you could add them to this site.

the monster 451 Canadian Elk is in Utah being mounted for the EXPO, the 203 inch Montana bighorn will be there, as will a 466 inch Caribou and several 235 plus bucks from Utah and Colorado this year.

Expo should be lots of fun, we work hard to make it someting for everyone, but as a few posts have said, it is a great place to spend some time with folks who believe like we do - hunters are a minority these days.

my email is [email protected] if anyone wants to see these pics. and post them
Not this year, don't have the money for the ticket to get in, or the gas to drive 40 minutes down there, let alone money to donate to the "draw".

More likely than not I will make it this year. Hopefully I can score another free entry.

--I'm looking for a man... who calls himself Bucho! That's all! And you had to do it, the hard way!--
Here are the pictures from Don of animals that will be at the Expo. I had a chance to see Pat White's ram last weekend. Incredible!! And look at that Caribou.



I'll be there come hell or highwater. Cant wait to shoot the crap with Don and the boys!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-31-09 AT 08:54AM (MST)[p]Hell Yes I'm going. I have been lucky enough to win two tags there. Lets try it again!!! Thanks Don, Ryan, and everyone else for all your hard work!!!
Yess'r. I love looking at all the things I can't afford. I still have hope one day!
I'll Be there...Maybe 2010 will be our lucky year to draw... Hope to meet some MM regulars....

See Ya In SLC...

is the closed mouth short guy gonna be there?

soon the love in his heart will be the rage in his fist

Jesus is coming and boy is he pissed


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