whose got some sheep pics?



I need some practice lets see some rams. Whose got some good pics out there? Gary
Here's one for you. Hope the pic comes through ok.

This one is mine, as was the ram in the first pic that I posted.


Now that you've had a chance to judge them, here's some scoring info.

First ram is 36-1/2x32x13-6/8. The off side is heavily broomed, so that may have fooled you. He scores 155-6/8 B&C and was 9-1/2 years old.

If I recall correctly, several of the rams in the second pic make B&C. The 4th ram for the left I know for sure makes B&C, and has the second shortest horns of any ram in the book.

The final ram is a runt. He's 12-1/2 years old and still has his lamb tips, but is only 36x12-1/2 on both sides. I've never added up his B&C score.

Hope you enjoyed the pics. I'll try to post some more, including some monster bighorns (unfortunately, none of them mine), when I get back from vacation in 2 weeks. This was just a teaser!

LAST EDITED ON May-29-05 AT 09:05PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON May-29-05 AT 09:03?PM (MST)

s32 ram at 15 yrds
Sorry I was away in mexico fishing, now im back. Thanks for the pics lets see more !!!! Gary
Nice pics!!! Those last two look big what does everyone think they would score. Gary
The last two are both sides of the same ram. He's not as big as I dreamed he would be, however he is now on my wall. Mid 150's is where I measured him. I'm certainly no expert on scoring. Here he is!

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