Who's watching what?



Being as the olympics have started, 1) are you watching? 2)What event/events are the most interesting?(besides womens beach volleyball)

I'm kinda watching the story of the Phelps kid, he'll end up with the most gold ever by one athelete, but will he get Spitz' record, for most in one olympics? I also like the Volleyball- indoor 6 person. But i will not watch the Streetball demonstration from the "redeem team".....

and on a slightly different subject, this link goes to some funny video of some olympic events not done by olympians.

I watched the mens basketball this morning against China, what a blowout that was!!

Gotta hand it to China though, they had a lot of heart and kept playing tough till the bell rang at the end!

I wanna know whan the womens fast pich is on, my relative is the "Finch" pitcher, fastest softball picher on the planet.
She can throw a softball 100mph, that's insane!!

Hit the chat Tag!!

Yep, that's her Grizz!!

I'm glad she's only related through marriage and a LONG ways down the line, that way I don't feel guilty when i say i'd like to throw HER a fast ball!! Lol

I would rather hold the flashlight and watch a bull moose get a midnight hemmoroid operation, than watch Olympic men's basketball.

Our team members earn more, collectively, than the GNP of half of the represented countries.

What part of that "Olympic" event could be fair or interesting?

The modern Olympics, in any team events suck!
LAST EDITED ON Aug-10-08 AT 11:47PM (MST)[p]The women's softball should be great to watch. As much as I like Jenny Finch and agree that she's an awesome pitcher, she does not throw 100 mph. Nobody pitches at 100 mph in softball, nobody. She does get right up around 80 though, and that's throwing serious gas from 40 feet! By the way Slam, are you from the Daigle side, or hers? Casey has it going on, even though she's a much better pitcher than he is. My son got to catch him a few times over the last couple years as a bullpen catcher for the sidewinders, said he's a really great guy who loves to hunt and fish more than just about anything else.

Looking forward to watching Phelps and seeing if he can pull it off, that'll be an incredible accomplishment if he can.
Caelk..i believe the 100mph is an adjusted speed, based off of the major league baseball mounds. Jenny throws a pitch that gets to the catcher in the same amount of time it takes a major league pitcher that is throwing at 100mph. Your right she doesn't throw 100mph, but the batters have the same amount of time to react to her pitch.

GO USA-----except for the Mens BB team( hope ya'll get the chit kicked out of you!)

I completely understand about real speed vs. adjusted speed. I just happen to be one who thinks this whole thing about 'adjusted' speed is a bunch of BS. It was started in the little league world series, comparing the time a batter has at 46' to 60'6". Pitch speed is pitch speed, and if you want to talk about reaction time, then call it what it is, but don't confuse the two.

If a twelve year old is throwing 65 mph at 46', then call it that. Don't put up that it equates to a 88 mph fastball, because it doesn't. There are very few men, relatively speaking, who can pitch a baseball at 90 mph let alone 100 mph, and all this talk about 'relative' speed makes it seem that people are doing stuff they aren't even close to doing.

Think of it this way; Brian Wilson is the SF Giants closer, and he sits at 97-98, touches 100 on rare occasion. If we move him up to 46' like in LL or 40' like in softball, is he now throwing 140 mph? NO, he isn't. He's still throwing 98, but at a closer distance.
Your right and like tag stated, it's an "equivelent" of a 100mph fast ball that Jennie throws.
She consistantly pitches at around 70+mph....still quite impressive, and Barry Bonds couldn't even hit off her.

Should be fun to watch!!


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