Who's Wanting to Go!!


Long Time Member
Who out there is bad wantin to go buck huntin? There's no doubt that i am.

This year brought me a X3-a tag and i can't wait. i hunted it last in 1990 but back then it was part of a bigger zone and i didn't get to the northern reaches of it at all. I'm packing up and Monday, i'll be heading up there for up to a week, probably 3-5 days, of scouting, fishing, and kicking around. If any of you guys have contacts of ranchers, guides, or old time hard core hunters that know that area, i'd like to look them up or give them a call and chat. Post here or PM's welcome.

I always look forward to Buck huntin season but this year maybe more than most. How about you?

Have to work this weekend :( but will be able to hunt the week.

" I have never been lost, but I will admit to being confused for several weeks"
Daniel Boone
I'm always wanting to go hunting! Waiting for my Wyoming deer and antelope trip to roll around! getting very impatient! Not near as excited for my B tag or my D3-5. No good draws for me this year, just old faithful B and D.
Sage you can see from my post I cant stand it anymore and have to go hunting. Good luck with your Tag. I hope you scouted up a few acceptable bucks and a good one or two. Is it cooling off at night in Chester yet? I was in Burney this past week early one morning and it was 51. You better have your wood pile done before you go hunting:)
Thanks guys!

cjboz, i had a very fruitful scouting trip, thank you. I now know where one 30"+ is watering and bedding. He's with a couple other shooter bucks. Hopefully, the archery guys won't get in on him as he's "the kind!". I also talked to a ton of hunters, store owners, ranchers, farmers, old friends, as well as getting some dirt on them new tires and looking over lots of great looking country. I wish the season opened this weekend instead of over a month away.

Mid 70's to low 80's. It's finally starting to cool off during the nights but not even close to turning the heater on. We had no spring this year to speak of but a very nice summer!

I'll be taking another scouting trip the second week of Sept. Some of the private landowners i wanted to talk to were unavailable and a MM member through PM's has alerted me to a area that is so obvious but because so, easy to look elsewhere instead of what is right in front of you. I really need to check that out as well.

Good luck to all of you guys! Good tags, not so good, you just never know what might step out on any given day!

Sounds like a good scouting trip. Thats a funny story about the obvious. My dad had an X-5b tag in the 90's and a family friend with a ranch out in Madeline told him about a monster buck living on a little mesa off the road. ignorance got the best of my dad and he thought no way a monster could be there. A few weeks later another guy killed that buck and he was a 30+ gagger with extras. My dad still kicks himself. lol The locals know. Good luck!! Keep us posted!!
LAST EDITED ON Sep-01-11 AT 08:22PM (MST)[p]Good luck Sage. My limited experience in X3A is an archery in about 2000. Year after the burn near Blue Lk. Saw tons of little bucks in that burn. Original plan was to pack into the Warners with horses but i talked my partner outta it cause with a bow any Kali buck is a good buck, IMO.
Thanks Guys! Slayer, Blue lake, Warners? Are you thinking maybe of X3-B? In any event, i appreciate the well wishes!

Well, I'm told that a huge 30+ buck was taken during the Archery season by a young man from Orville country and i'm hoping to find out if it's the same big buck that i had scouted out.

I also have a friend who bought a landowner tag, late season, and it turns out that the ranch property boundry is in the same general area as where "my" huge 30"+ buck was watering and hanging out.

I'm looking real hard at plan(s) B, C, D,...! :) and need to get back up there soon!

Check your Email, I sent you some pictures of the four archery bucks the Oroville boys shot in X3A.
Tesmitty come on show us all the pictures.
Hope you find a big one Joey you deserve it.
4 weeks from today i'm going crazy gonna make one more scouting trip in 2 weeks.
Good luck to everyone
Tesmitty, Thanks for the pics of this years 3a bucks. looks like a good Colorado trip!

I'd post it up guys but it's not my pic. There are four young archer's each with their own dandy trophy buck. The biggest looks to be 30+ and the smallest, a 23" 155-160 type buck, all of them in velvet. One nice thing the pic shows is that the really big buck that i have my sights set on, is still walkin.

I started off trying to help tesmitty on his 6b hunt and he turns the tables and has been really good about helping me with my little hunt. It goes that way sometimes and when it does, it's very nice nice and appreciated!

Oilcan, Pard, i'm looking for you to pull a dandy out them hills around 5b. My buddy said that he enjoyed talking to you but you may want to try him again. Even i can't get all the good scoop outa him on the first try. Thanks for your kind thoughts and good luck in your scouting!!

we're approaching crunch time in A zone north.
I've climbed a bunch of mountains and passed 15 legal blacktail bucks so far.
Getting a tad tired but I have the last two weeks of the season off and that is when the big boys make mistakes.
I sit here lacing up my Danners for another assault on Mr. Big.
It's coming, I can feel it.

Thanks Joey i had planned on giving him one more call before the season starts.With my vacation i have 12 days to hunt so i will give it my best.
Two more weeks! Time seems to have been standing still, i can't remember when the days passed so slow.

Went with a good friend up to my deer zone Sat. He, along with a couple friends of his, were able to purchase Landowner tags, same zone, and we went and checked out the ranch. Turns out that the Ranch is Very Near where i have scouted out my Plan "A" buck!

They found this dead head buck very near the hi-way but still on the ranch's property. I'd call him a shooter for Kali, good mass all around and tall racked. What do you think of this guy?

I gotta couple things got to get done but am trying to get outta here for another scouting trip.

Thats a nice Buck joey a shooter in Kali for sure.

I went up one more time this past weekend and saw quite a few Bucks.One really BIG 3 point and a really good 4 point.

I will try and find them when the season opens my brother would be very happy with either one of them.They where up high in a basin a long ways from the road so they might be safe until we get there.

Good Luck on your hunt Bruce
My truck already loaded.....I have an operation on Monday hope to leave early Friday....then back the 11th then over to B zone...back to ducks and geese...
Thanks Guys!

Just a note, The plan "A" buck that i'm after has been determined to spend at least most of his time on Private Property. From talking to a local bud, a neighbor, and a couple other non tag holders, i was told to go ahead and hunt him as the owner is a non local and probably wouldn't be around. That not being good enough for me, i finally found out who the owner of that land is and was able to talk to him on the phone today. I was granted permission to not only hunt the property but to park and camp on the property as well.

Now all i have to do is wait until Mr Huge rack gets thirsty. I'm excited guys! There is major potential here for me to take my biggest buck ever... by a very large margin!

Hoping you get it done up there. That dead head is a nice Buck in it's own right.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
I think Joey has done his home work and will have a very successful deer hunt this year. Good luck buddy.
Wow, thank all of you for the vote of support. Now that i have properly built up this hunt, i guess i should share my goals, thoughts, and expectations from this hunt. There is little doubt that this zone is a very good one. Many in the area that have hunted bucks far and wide consider it one of the better units in the state. I'm sure that there are somewhat better late season hunts and maybe a few VERY limited draw hunts a guy can put in for but for just gathering up 5-6 preference points to draw it, this one, IMO, ranks right up there with X-5A and 5B.

That said, if you remember, i drew this same general area for my Calif Antelope tag last year. I had a great time, found getting free permission to hunt excellent properties very easy to get, and fell in love the area and it's people. The Antelope hunting was IMO, World Class. I saw more than one buck that i'm pretty sure would have no trouble making the All Time Records Book had i been able to relocate them on the property that i had permission once the season started. As it was, i took a lesser but still very nice 14+" lope buck that scores in the mid 70's. Part of it was i was by myself and got pretty shook up at seeing all these very nice antelope bucks and the other part of it is the simple fact that i'm losing the drive, that i once had as a young man, to kill the biggest buck that ever walked on the mountain. That nice lope buck floated my boat, he was pretty, and he was plenty good enough for me...boom!, done deal.

So, yes i have a monster buck scouted and yes, i should be the only one hunting him, and yes, i plan to dirt nap that old bastard at first opportunity, but, sometimes it's the old, "what can go wrong will go wrong" so i don't want you guys to get too excited and maybe be disappointed if i only bring home a nice but lesser buck. If i don't get a nice buck, it'll be on me as the deer are there and the hunting of that area, is that good.

Anyway, good luck to all you guys out there this hunting season!

Joey, we're all pulling for you to kill that masher buck. We all know your experience and ability. I think we all also know that seeing a big buck and putting your tag on him can be two different things. Sooo many things can not go your way, and go his way. Big bucks live a charmed life you know. Not to mention how wiley they are. Sometimes the slightest pressure will send them into hiding for the season. This is not your first rodeo, nor is it his.

The opportunity is the whole deal.

If there was a way for me to join you and be an extra pair of eyes in the background I would.

Personally, I like your chances. It doesn't sound like you'll have a bunch of competition, so hunt him on your terms. Have him make the mistake, not you. Even if you have to back off and wait for conditions to change. Be patient, as someone else mentioned.

Joey; You get that monster buck and break that knife in right. we are pulling for you and do not forget to post the pictures after you bring him down.

This my first trip to the California Hunt'in Talk so you'll be just fine Joey, cause I'm here now.

Let me share my usual skewed perspective. Your "hunt" has already been a success. The "hunt" takes place prior to the "kill". The "hunt" is the fun and the thrill, IMO. The "kill" is a small and less important part of the process. Hunting today, at least in my mind, is the process of learning which unit to apply for and calculating the chances of success in getting drawn, or as some folks do, applying for a unit they know they can always draw because "going" is more important than "killing". So, your hunt for a X3 tag (or what ever it was) has already been a success because, you "got the tag".

Next you "hunted" up different locations on the unit to look for deer. You "got some good ones", another hunting success. You then looked for, in other words, you "hunted" for a big deer. Another success, you found one. You then had to "hunt up" the landowner and even more challenging, once you found him, you had to get his permission to access the property. Two more successes, you found the owner and you got his permission.

I my opinion, you've already had a very successful "hunt". You have the good memories of drawing a good tag, locating a good location to look for big deer, finding a deer that, if you kill him, may be the best buck you've ever taken. Got to see him, watch him, got to know his behavior, see his magnificence etc. etc. You'll always be able to have that buck because he's already imbedded in your mind's eye. He's already yours forever, dead or alive. (I've got monster mule deer trophies in my mind that I have more and better memories off than the guy that eventually killed them.) Who's memories of the deer a better, his or mine? The answer will be different for each of us, having a set of antlers on the wall is a darn great feeling but the memories of the process are a huge part of it too, or so it seems to me.

So 90% of your "hunt" has already been successful. You'll still want to finish the "hunt" with a "kill" as we all do, but I think the best part of your "hunt" is already in the bag.

We're all just waiting to congratulate you on the table fair. If that doesn't happen, you've still had a very successful "hunt", IMskewdO.

May the "killing" gods be with you. Go put him next to the mashed potatoes an gravy!

That's BS.......joey you better get him or you suck..
How's that for pressure?
Jk have fun..(hope you use your good eye!)
Opening Day Weather forcast for that area
High 67
Low 32
60% chance of rain

I'll take it my last 3 scouting trips it has been 100-95-84 degrees.
Steve, You are so right in your post there that i found it spooky exactly how much we think alike on the subject.

If you could get away, you'd be made very welcome in my camp...such as it is. I generally don't set up a standard camp. I much prefer to stay mobile because, as you acknowledged, the plan "A's" in this world often don't pan out and plan "B" might be 40-50 miles away. Also i have in mind staying at one of two different motel places for a night here or there. A hot shower and a nice big bed goes good after several days going without.

RELH, Wouldn't that be something! I just love your knives and i really like the fact that they didn't cost me a arm and a leg. This way, i won't feel so bad about taking the "cherry" out of them on this years buck. Everything said and done, i do hope to get a buck this year as my freezer has a few nice trout but not much else. A nice fat Muley goes a long way and is much appreciated during the slow winter months. That said, your knives, at least one of them is sure to get broken in and even though i only use a disposable camera, pic's should not be a problem.

2lumpy, Thanks for stopping in! Someone mentioned recently that you have a future as a outdoor writer and i wholeheartedly agree.
From long ago i've enjoyed your threads and posts, probably right up there with the very best this website has to offer!

This year more than ever, the folks here at MM have really gone out of their way to help me with this hunt. Only one guy has offered to actually come and "help" for a couple few days but many have sent pm's of key info and eventually through these contacts, map work, and actual scouting made from those Pm's, the hunt plans were/are now put together. I love it! Thanks for your kind words, i'm afraid that i just can't do them justice in my reply!

Tacoman,Thanks for checking in. I'll do my best but this old body has been failing on me for some time. I'm not done yet and i suppose i can still have my moments but the limits are known to me as a reality. Fortunately for me, even the biggest ol muley has been known to make a mistake from time to time!

Oilcan, Thanks bud! i had not checked that far ahead but that is really great news. We have really had a extended Summer with temps in the mid 80's most days around here and it barely getting down to the 40's at night. A good cooling down will certainly help both our hunts. What's the moon supposed to be like around the first of the month onward?

So how big was the big 3x3 you scouted? Big big? That would be neat to get a big old monster 3x3. i have a couple decent ones but the're only 24" or so with normal mass. I liked them when i took them though. I still like them! Again, I really hope you do well on your hunt. You deserve to do so and much of what 2lumpy and Eelgrass said should apply to your efforts and hunt as well!

I agree with Lumpy.

I am feeling a lil angst as my 2011 California blacktail deer season is almost a wrap with only three days left to hunt.
I've hunted nearly every day since the second week of August.
I've climbed every mountain on the ranch this year enjoying every sunrise and sunset.
I can feel both satisfaction and heartache as the season rapidly draws to an end.
Saw 2 more bucks this morn putting my buck encounters at 33 on the year.
This weekend I'll give it all I got to fill my second tag.
Life flies by, and we only have so many deer seasons in us,each one a precious chapter in our lives.
Make it count Joey.
Joey hope you catch up with a great buck....I just returned from Utah and hekped my little brother find a grea bull moose...what a ball!!
Sage, what day do you plan to shot this "Muy grande"?

My son has a mt. goat tag that starts this Weds so I've got to admit I'm feathering my hopes for success to two hunters but my karma is powerful so not to worry!

Lumpy,The season opens Sat. I'm leaving Thurs and will be hunting by myself both Sat and Sunday. A good friend is going to join me, he doesn't have a tag, Sunday night and stay thru Wends. I told him that i'd hold off and wouldn't take a buck, unless it was a monster, until he got there. So, if all goes well, Mr big rack is gonna find his share of trouble sometime between Mon and Wends!

Because i was able to get a bunch done on the telephone and haven't really been feeling that well, i didn't get a chance to make my last trip up to the hunt area. A lot of water has gone under the bridge since the Big guy has been last located. I believe he's still there with his shooter buddies but...he may not be. If that's the case, i'm well stocked with other alternate plans, in fact, that's what i've been spending most of my time on. I do appreciate your sending shared positive thought powers my way and i'd like to wish strong good luck thoughts to your Son on his Goat hunt. Thank You!

Tesmitty, I followed your brothers Utah hunt on another thread. Awesome, just Awesome. Thanks for your help! Just two more days until i'm outa here. Any last minute info or clarification would be much welcome!

HH, Thanks for the PM!! Well, did you get him the last weekend? Was your Son able to hunt with you this year? Thanks again!!

Oilcan, Strap em up tight and get after em bud! Hope you get a SMOKER!! :)

Note; Several guys have offered to come and help me with this hunt. Though i have only met one of them, they felt strong enough in the words that have passed between us on this site, to go out of their way, maybe take time off work, to come join me on this adventure. You guys know who you are. Even though in some instances, it just wouldn't/wasn't going to work out, Bless you, words can't come to my mind to fully express my appreciations!

LAST EDITED ON Sep-28-11 AT 03:18AM (MST)[p]sage,
I'll be cheering for you from goat camp. I hope that a monster buck is the outcome. Thanks for sharing your hunt with us.

And lumpy is a story teller for sure. Im glad his fingers are not as fast as his thought or we'd have to just send out copies of The Daily Lumpy.
Good Luck, Joey! Email me some pics when ya get back.
We went 2 for 6 on opening weekend in D-4, with one great 3x3 and a small 4 pt. Three others missed bucks and I played dog!
I've sent ya a couple of pics.
I just got back from spending a couple of days with Sage on his buck hunt. Plan A on the big buck hasn't worked yet but he may return to that area this weekend. We covered a lot of ground and saw a few small bucks. The weather moved in yesteday afternoon and should change things to the good. Shoot straight Joey.
Snowing right now waiting for it to get light.I have seen alot of deer but nothing i'm willing to shoot yet.yesterday a guy in camp brought in a 32 1/8" 3X5.
Looks like he getting some help from the snow gods. Find a good one Joey.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Thanks for the reports larrbo and oilcan. It looks like we'll get some more weather comming in about Sunday or Monday.

Full moon on Oct.11th

Hi guys! I just now walked in the door. Tuff hunt! i only saw 7 legal bucks in two weeks and not a shooter in the bunch. Last night i had a young forky standing looking at me at 40' and couldn't squeeze the trigger on the little guy. Tag Stew for me!

Though i didn't bring home the trophy or the bacon, i had the most awesome time. Some highlights, odds and ends, to follow as time allows. I not only have all my gear and packings to unload, i bought a freezer full of meats and stuff in Susanville to fill the large void in the freezer that i had hoped needed for a good buck.

I best get after it!

Proud of you sage. Next year that youngster will be waiting for you and he'll be sporting more goods.

I got admit, we was about to send out search and rescue. When you go hunt, you throw the cork away!

Well thats a fine how do ya do :) All this hub bub for nuthin...LOL. Glad you had a good time Joey... If I know Sage.....Damn sure gave it hell.... be nice to hear your write up when you get time.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Thanks Guys!

I find myself searching for ways to describe what went wrong. Nothing went wrong, i believe it's more a case of a few things that didn't go really right. I zigged when maybe i was supposed to zag!

Right off the bat, i found out that a couple guys had been hard after my #1 buck during the archery season. I was told by a young guy at Eagle lake that "that exact spot" was the place they got their big deer and he didn't even know that i had permission to hunt that, was the only one who was supposed to have permission to hunt there. If in fact, that was the case and my big bruiser was taken as i was told he was, or, he was still running the ridge above the little lake, i don't know for sure so i won't say it as fact but that little bit of news sure put a damper on my spirits, especially when i put in some good quality hunt time there, several hunts scattered through the season including today the last day of the season and didn't even see a horn of any kind. Oh well.

Plan "B" was even further south in the zone, a area that had been burned and much of the charred timber was in the process of being bunched up and chipped. Larrbo and i had seen the area through our glass from miles away when we were up there scouting a few weeks before the season and it looked promising. It took some map work and determination but i finally put myself right in the middle of this old fire. The newly harvested area looked like a moonscape, the tractors and such scared every square inch of those hillsides right down to the bare dirt. There was nothing, no feed at all left, only dirt. Other places not yet harvested though, were lush in new growth, which is the typical expectation after a fire,.. and looked to really be a mecca for the deer. This was glass country and i was getting more and more into it but had only seen a couple does and one buck, a decent older forky with matching bent antlers. He looked to me like he had ran into a low limb while he was still in velvet. Nice buck, nice big body, just way lacking in the horn dept.

There was also at least 2" of very fine easily airborne powder dust on all the roads from the chipping equipment and the truckers that were hauling out the product. This really made me wonder what would happen to the roads if/when the forecast heavy rains came this way. I liked some of what i saw, the non harvested parts, but i was 20 miles back in from where i agreed to meet Larrbo. He was coming that afternoon to hunt with me a couple days so, now kinda knowing this area and not seeing a lot of deer or much sign, i figured that we'd go look at some other country that i heard about and had goggled up, had looked pretty good from space...

Penny, Pinky, Larrbo, and me...coming soon! Also, don't miss Plans "C,D & E" of how not to hunt the fantastic Muley zone of X3-A!! :)

Welcome back Sage, glad to hear you had a good time and too bad you didn't find Plan "A".


Look out Forkie, FTW is watching us!
I know a guy who had a plan a buck last year in nevada a 34 inch buck, he spent 4 days backpacked in and when he come out and talked to his friend that told him the buck was up there, he informed him it was taken the first day one ridge over.He had to make up plan b,c,and d as he went.
Well, forget the bucks! I'm just glad you made it back in one piece. I know you gave it all you got Joey. Sorry I couldn't be there to help. It probably wouldn't have made a difference, but it would have been great for me.

LAST EDITED ON Oct-17-11 AT 07:20PM (MST)[p]HuntinDad, Yeah, i did have a great time, nothing like a good hunt to make a guy feel good and pick the spirits up! I just can't dwell on the outcome of plan "A". Just wasn't in the cards.

Nick, Thanks for the email pics of your hunt! I too am looking forward to telling the tale of my trip. Even though some may not care to read of a "unsuccessful" hunt, please then don't read on! There are some though, i'm one of them, that always liked to hear the whole story. Many of a time I'd sit with my Grandpa and have him tell me of his trips and then in the later years he have me sit and him wanting me to tell him of my adventures in the outdoors. Grandma too may have been out in the kitchen but you can bank money that she didn't miss a word said. It really didn't matter exactly how many fish or how big the bucks were, it was the telling...and the listening. He was right along with me or i'd be along with him, even though we may have been many miles apart while we were actually out there, doing out thing that we so much loved to do.

6X7, Yep, it happens. I'll be getting to them alternate plans here shortly.

Eel, You know that you would have been more than welcome! I fear that i didn't really give Larrbo much of a great time though.

Once Larrbo and i met up at the predetermined place and him being a little early, about perfect, we talked over what i had seen and i tried to get a feel of what he thought we should do next. We decided that we'd go do a evening hunt back at that special ridge above the pond and then camp near there for the night, do a morning hunt and if not successful, then go scout out that northern boundary country i spoke of in the last session. As some of you know, my legs are about done. They swell up bad and hurt. On top of that, there are other medical reasons that i can't near walk like i used to love to do. Larrbo though, can flat go! So he put is pack on and took off up on the ridge to put a quiet sneak and peek on any bucks that may have been bedded up there. Me, i found me a nice vantage point a couple hundred yards from our rigs and kept imagining big ol bucks stepping out from behind every Juniper tree. We had Radio's along and it wasn't too long before i got the message that the skeeters were pretty bad up on that mountain mahogany choked ridge! At the time i had ten or 20 skeeters on me myself and they weren't the shy type that would shoo away at the leastest shake. They were in it for the win and though we stuck it out for that hunt, we liberally doused ourselves with repellant once back at out temporary camp.

Next morning at dawn. Larry headed out the opposite direction and then baled off the ridge and down onto a timbered canyon that i was sitting on. Bout a hundred yards was all i could see but it was bucky country and i sat, listened, and watched. A couple times i thought i heard something behind me but i didn't see anything until it was time to meet up with Larry back out on the road. Partway there, not fifty yards behind me was a super fresh patch of really big deer droppings. They were glistening in the morning dampness and when i reached down to see if they were still warm, i really didn't want to find them so as that would have meant that maybe my big guy was right behind me while i was sitting there on that old tree stump and looking the other way. They were cold though, thank God!!

We quickly packed up and headed to parts unknown. Before we did though, We made reservations to a couple rooms at a old relic of a place called the Canby Hotel. While scouting, i had dropped in there for cold refreshment and met the current proprietor, Penny. Soon i realized that this gal was no ordinary lady and was taken with her charm. Somehow she must have gotten the idea that i had money though because she soon put the pitch on me to buy her out of the place. Anyway, no doubt the place has seen better days but i was charmed and wanted to pass on a little business if i could...plus i had been in my little pop-up camper for a few days and a hot shower seemed in prime order.

With myself now riding shotgun, Larry cruised the roads in that whole north western section of my zone. There was some country that looked good from the dirt roads but there was no way that i was going to be able to get up there to hunt it. The rest of the country was pretty timbered and thick with brush, lots of bitterbrush, but not really what a guy thinks of when you imagine good muley country. We never did see a place to actually hunt though we saw a legal buck or two and a few does. That hot shower and a nice sitdown dinner was calling us though and even though we still cruised any, every, and all the available dirt roads in that whole area, later on our minds were partly on dinner so we kept moving back that way some and eventually pulled into Canby about dark...almost a wasted day and if not for Larrbo's company, it would have felt like one.

So, Larry meets Penny. We get our rooms and get to showering up before dinner. The rooms were spartan, old bed frames under old mattresses, under old blankets, but everything seemed pretty clean and it worked out to be just fine. As we sat in the Dinning Rm, Penny came out and offered Larry a half bottle of some "Elegant Grape" wine, all she had available i think she said, and told me that Pinky was in the bar and she'd ask him to come talk to us. During my scouting and during my previous visit with Penny, she told me that Pinky was the guy to talk to about buck hunting that area. Seems that he puts up a lot of Alfalfa and runs a lot of cattle, controls many thousands of acres, and is known for giving guys who ask, permission to hunt.

We both order the New Yorks and about the time our salad comes, so does Pinky. Not a tall guy but he made up for that with his girth and personality. What a guy and man did he talk up a storm. I later asked Larrbo who liked to talk more, Pinky or Me...he said it was about a tie, what are friends for... When out steaks came, Penny held them off as long as she could and still have them in rare condition, i offered Pinky to join us for dinner if he cared to. He declined dinner but stayed on for the company. We talked hunting, the price of beef, some politics, and just about everything in the way of current topics. Long story short, Pinky gave us pretty much run of his ranch but said that he didn't know of a single decent buck on his places. That wasn't good news to me. Pinky was plan "up there" and i had hoped that if i had not gotten my buck down south and came up Canby way, i'd be picking out a good buck from the many on Pinky's place. Penny soon joined us in bringing out some kind of after dinner wine and we all talked, laughed, and really enjoyed each others company until we finally begged off in need of sleep to get up early for another day.

BTW, Penny won't give her age but we put her some here between 75 and 85, she don't look it but she may even be older, used to be the in-charge narcotics officer of West Sacramento. Tall, Blonde, elegant, and well spoken. A tough cookie but also a genuine Sweetheart! Canby is lucky to have her...Oh, and she tried to sell her place to Larrbo too! :)

Next issue, Headed Alturas Way!

Well i'm back from X5B and after spending 11 days in the unit the season ended without me filling my tag.

I passed many bucks including some i probably should not have early on.Sunday morning a pretty nice 3 point and a smallish 4 point tested me but i was able to stay off the trigger.The sun set on the season with about 30 does and a small Forky being spotted that evening.

So after drawing this hunt for the first time and using my max points here are a few thoughts on this unit.

By all accounts X5B is not nearly as good as it once was.While there still are some toads in the unit the numbers are not that high and the number of mature bucks seems low.

I personally saw 17 bucks that had been taken and only 2 where GREAT bucks and maybe 2 more i would call GOOD Bucks.A guy on this site just posted a really nice Buck taken there and i saw photos of 2 others that where really Big but not sure if they where killed on Public or Private.

So with all that being said i would like to hunt it again but do not think it was worth the wait of 9 years and will not wait that long again with all the other options out there.

No regrets at least now i can say i hunted X5B.
Almost forgot i wanted to thank everyone who gave tips and advice Sage,Larrbo,Aaron just to name a few.
Oilcan, was just going to PM you to see how you did. Tag stew at your place or mine, we are both set up! :)

BTW, some of my best hunts ever were ones where i never fired a shot! Sounds like you hit it hard and congrats on a good hunt!!

Thanks Joey no complaints here i love hunting that type of country.

If i wanted to just fill my tag i could have but i leave for Wyoming in 3 weeks so i should be a able to get one there.Besides i figured might as well let the young ones go and let him grow for someone next year.
Good to have you back Sage and glad you had a good hunt. You didn't mention the rest of the story about the "skeeters". They were the worst I ever experienced on a deer hunt. I fact they were so big that I killed a few of them and brought them back to camp and fryed up for dinner. I had to fight Sage off to get a skeeter thigh. Looking forward to hearing about the rest of the hunt.
I wonder if Joey is entertaining the idea of going into a partnership with Penny up there in Canby............just thinking out loud.:)

Welcome back guys! Can I join in the tag soup pitty party? No regrets here either. Didn't hit it as hard as I wanted to, but there was too much going on that was out of my control. Times like these make me aware of my priorities.
Oh No Larrbo, don't go!!! Good buds are hard to find!! Wear lots of orange, take the keys outa your truck, don't leave anything you don't want stolen out of your sight, make sure you know where the gas stations are because nobody will tell you if you ask, look for spit or worse in any food you might order, and hurry back!!

Better yet, don't go!!! :)

Nick, Colo, Nev, and Wyoming, nothing but great times, decent hunting, and lots of good people. Utah, no, not so good. When i'm hunting outa state i try to be pleasant and mind my manners but i've been treated outright rude by some of the locals there and have seen things out in the woods that flat scared me. Add that to the usual goings on and the general lack of respect for other peoples property that we read about so much in these pages and i know for sure that i'll pass through when i have to but i'll never again try to hunt any part of Utah.

I know that there are some great people from there. There seems to be quite a few nice Utah people in these pages and i mean no disrespect to them! Maybe it's just the few bad eggs a guy can run into, i don't know. They won't miss my not being there though, they can have it all to themselves as far as i care because that was the general attitude shown to me.

Sitting on a ridge right now with scope and binos. Have seen two bucks and seventy does today. Live from Utah.
+1 for me too! :)

Buddy report, Good friend and another local plumbing contractor is back in Wy with his son in law hunting muleys in 102. Wishing them well!

Also, remember the gal, Deedee, that killed the mountain lion that had killed her merino sheep(not goats)and returned to feed again? Well, she and my old hunting pard just returned from Wy 63 on their lope hunt. Contrary to some reports here in these pages, they found plenty of lopes and several good shooters. Deedee had the only buck tag in her party and she said that after three days of just looking, she couldn't hold off any longer, and took a great 14.5" heavy horned goat that green scores over B&C minimum. Great goat, congrats Deedee!

Deedee mentioned proudly that she took her Antelope at 360 yds with her Hill Country built Custom 25-06 based on a Pre-64 Action, custom barrel, and a very nice stick of wood! Again, few guys i know can/could keep up with that one!! :)

Larrbo Buddy, are you still alive out there?? How about a buck huntin report?

Joey, thanks for the pronghorn hunt report. She did good! You been teaching her how to shoot?

Don't forget! larrbo is in Utard. You may never see or hear from him again.:)

Dog, That would be Fantastic! Larrbo has taken a lot of bucks in his day. Some Record Book class Blackies and some real nice muleys...but alas, like me, a true Giant Muley has eluded him.

We are both past due for our turn but Larrbo has a much better chance at a really big boy being he still is and stays in good shape plus he has the funds to hunt the better hunts, and go on guided hunts if/when he wants to.

I'm pulling hard for you Larry! How about a report??

I'm on my way home now just east of Ely Nevada. I will file s hunt report tomorrow when I get home. Not going back to Utahville anytime soon.
Well I have 10 points for utah and you are makeing it sound like its gona be a ugly hunt,but I do only put in for the premium hunts thats got to be a little bit better.
This is referring to public lands hunting.

That is exactly what I would do if I had 10 points for deer in Utah, especially if your young enough to still have the legs and lungs. 5 more points should or could make a huge difference in the kind of hunt you will have in Utah. True today and it will be true in 5 years.

There are amazing units in Utah now for the top end point holders and there are lousy units for most of the rest of us.

Does that mean that there are not some great deer on every unit, it does not, every single unit will have a few great deer, however, only a very few units have a greater number of better deer.

Now then, there are large private ranches on every unit that allow outfitters to sell hunts and if your planning to hunt private land, after you draw your tag, with an outfitter, each ranch is good or lousy depending on how the ranch manages it's free ranging deer herd.

Others may argue otherwise, you'll have to decide based on your own research.

Thank You for checking in 2Lumpy. Very good advice!

My experience with Utah was only on over the counter General season hunts and they were years ago. Yes, i still carry some animosity that i wasn't allowed to have a normal great experience on our public lands in that state. As i said on another thread, i'm going to try hard to forget and forgive the multitude, those mountains were crawling with guys shooting at anything and everything, of inbred nonsocial groups of hunters that wouldn't even respond to my questions of where the nearest gas station was. I'm done bagging on Utah mostly because of the kindness that guys like 2Lumpy, Never_catch, Tageater, Foundation, Rugarm, Bobcatbess, Woodruff, and many more here, have shown to me.

I guess it's really too bad that i had to run across the guys that i did on my two trips there. As i said, they were lasting impressions but i'm going to try hard to just let it go!

I love Utah I hunt the southern Bucks every other year and have a great time (been burned by 5 day seasons though!) I have 11 buck points and 5 elk pts and drew the Pauns twice...(so far)!
all I hunt is public...
THE LOCALS ARE COOL and hard hunting mofo's.... the guys from Vagas are plicks!
Lots of young tang in Kanab!!(OUCH!!)
sorry you had a bad time!
Yep, I read your posts on the other thread sage. Figure you have your reasons for your opinions and based on your other comments over the years, I figure your opinions of Utahans are justified, based on your previous encounters.

Personally, I love it here. I've lived in Canada, Idaho, Nevada, California and Utah during the last 64 years. Found good and bad in them all but mostly good. I'm the kind of guy that can let the negative stuff slide and try to hang on the good stuff. Not that folks can't piss me off to the point that I will eventually bark or bite back but it generally takes a fair dump before I get pissy. Some folks can't let it slide as easy, we're not all made the same, thankfully.

I got no problem with how you respond to anyone nor how you feel toward us Utahans, it won't change my opinion of you in the least. Like I said, we all have our reasons for our opinions, most are justified.

Hope you still get a chance to bring home a good buck this fall.

LAST EDITED ON Oct-26-11 AT 10:11AM (MST)[p]Well, here's the deal on my Utah hunt. I play the point game every year putting in for 7 states. This year the only option available was to draw a General Southern Utah tag. This would be my only chance to hunt deer outside Califonia and was before I lined up a PLM tag in California. I also agree that Utah has some great hunting in the premium areas.
We pulled into camp on Friday and the first thing I noticed was that there were camps everywhere. I later found out that a road had washed out to another hunting area and most of those guys came over to hunt this area. I had hunted there 3 years ago and saw around 12 bucks a day but nothing bigger than 3x3's, but it was a place to hunt. We really had a hard time finding a place to hunt that wasn't getting pounded by blaze orange. But we still saw around 100 does a day and 4-5 bucks per day....but the bucks were a lot smaller than 3 years ago. With all the hunters in the field we decided to concentrate on long ridge that ran about 2 miles and scope across the canyon to find a buck. We found about 6 differnt bucks up there and it had a lot of cover and not many hunters.
I had come on the trip with my neighbor but another friend that I hunt a lot with brought 3 of his buddies, of which 2 had never shot a deer. It was evident that I would not see a 4x4 to shot at so I wanted to find a buck for them. Sunday night we found a couple of bucks on the ridge that I thought we could find in the morning and plan a hunt. We went back for dinner and layed it out for them and they were all in.
We went back to glass on Monday morning and it didn't take long to find the bucks. We checked the wind and sent the two up and around to get above where the bucks were located...it took about an hour for them to get up there. By the time they got in position the bucks had entered the brush and were out of sight. So I sent the other two up the bottom through a couple of draws to hopefully work the deer up to the top. It worked out good, one of them missed the larger buck at 130 yards and the other hunter shot his first buck at 70 yards. This was the first time either one of these guys had shot at a buck. That was the thing that really made the hunt for me, it brought back good memories of my first buck over 40 years ago.
Again I said I wouldn't go back in yesterdays post for a couple of reasons. First Utah sells way too many General tags and the bucks are getting hammered and are in low numbers. Anytime you have that many hunters in an area you will have many that are rude...I ran into a guy up on a ridge that started yelling a me and my buddy. We were on public land but he said we were tresspassing and to get off, it kind of ruins your day when stuff like this happens. Then on Monday morning we went back up the hill to glass across the canyon...there is a road that went half way up the mountain. When we came down off of the mountain a guy had parked his pickup and horse trailer on the road so nobody could get by it, we had to go drive up on a fairly steep bank on 3" tall sagebrush to get out. One big beef I have with hunters anywhere is clean up after yourself. The roads looked like a garbage truck had a leak and covered the area with beer cans, candy wrappers and general trash. The roads were very dusty and we would pull over our ranger to let a truck go by and they would blast by without slowing down....Thank You very much.

But I still had a great time back there with good friends and thats the important thing.
>This is referring to public lands
>That is exactly what I would
>do if I had 10
>points for deer in Utah,
>especially if your young enough
>to still have the legs
>and lungs. 5 more
>points should or could make
>a huge difference in the
>kind of hunt you will
>have in Utah. True
>today and it will be
>true in 5 years.
>There are amazing units in Utah
>now for the top end
>point holders and there are
>lousy units for most of
>the rest of us.
>Does that mean that there are
>not some great deer on
>every unit, it does not,
>every single unit will have
>a few great deer, however,
>only a very few units
>have a greater number of
>better deer.
>Now then, there are large private
>ranches on every unit that
>allow outfitters to sell hunts
>and if your planning to
>hunt private land, after you
>draw your tag, with an
>outfitter, each ranch is good
>or lousy depending on how
>the ranch manages it's free
>ranging deer herd.
>Others may argue otherwise, you'll have
>to decide based on your
>own research.

My dad and my brother and I all have 10 my dad wants to get out and use the points so we may put him in for books muzzy or paunsy manegment tag hes getting close to where he could get those tags.I am holding out for the paunsy archery tag I have allways wanted to hunt there and I think my best chance to see a decent buck will be on the archery hunt and I think I should draw it in the next 5 years or so.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-26-11 AT 09:22PM (MST)[p]Larrbo said, "...It worked out good, one of them missed the larger buck at 130 yards and the other hunter shot his first buck at 70 yards. This was the first time either one of these guys had shot at a buck. That was the thing that really made the hunt for me, it brought back good memories of my first buck over 40 years ago."

Way Cool Larrbo! Nothing like helping a guy or two getting on their first buck...excepting maybe helping family do it!

Very nice hunt report there buddy! Now it looks like we're down to your PLM tag. I'm up for it, hope you get a pig up there. As i said up higher, you deserve it, you're due!!

2Lumpy, i had forgot about that post. When you posted it, i looked three different times to make sure it was you because it just didn't sound like something that you would say or do. Anyway, you're a class act in my book! Thank You!!

My huntin bud took a monster yesterday in Utah,just just maybe that was what he saw dog.cowboy57

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