This is what domestic violence is truly made of.
At $400 she must be really pissed...you might get a free poke outta the deal.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
That right there is a good reason to keep the gun safe combintion a secret . Somebody got a screamin deal .
Ouch that going to leave a bruise.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Hey that chits not funny! Thanks for bringing up the wonderful memories of my ex B-Bop a Pu Pu! LOL jk

I went on a long weekend dirt bike run with some buddies and just before I left I caught my ex in a fib. Wasn?t really a fib it was an out and out lie. She was covering up where she had been sneaking off too. Anyway, when I got home my neighbor was kind enough to ask me how much I made off the yard sale. Im like huh, what yard sale?? Ex was no where around so I started looking for things around the house. My guns, my bow, my hunting pack, gear and knives are gone! Gosh it's been nearly 20 years ago and I still get hot flashes of spit fire running through my veins when I'm reminded of it.


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