Who's Sheep Hunting In WY ?



17 NR points for area 4 , I think this is my year. this is as close to a sure thing as I've had so far. but, I'm not packing quite yet.

Anyone else feel lucky?

Stay thirsty my friends
I think I have a good chance this year, but I thought that last year too, so I'm not saying anymore till the drawing.
With 15 NR points I changed it up by applying for unit 8, 23 instead of trying to draw a random tag like I usually do...

Good luck everyone!

I thought about that unit, Horniac, but was afraid too many folks would see last year's draw odds and jump over and taint the odds. I see you're one of them. Good luck. I hope you draw and maybe I'll follow you into the unit next year if this year doesn't work out for me.
The G&F biologist said there might be a reduction in tags for that hunt area which would further injure the odds.
I wish I had 440's 2 extra points!
My name is in the hat but I'm not packing my bags yet! It might be a few more years before I have to.
Zeke you should consider area 1. if the NR quota cut had passed that's where I would have put in this year. a little tougher but a solid hunt. you should draw whenever you want to.

4 isn't what it used to be, but it has only 25% of the tags it used to as well. it may not be a cake walk but my outfitter says he thinks we can find as good or better ram in 4 as 3 which is where I've been trying for.

Now we wait.

Stay thirsty my friends
>Zeke you should consider area 1.
>if the NR quota cut
>had passed that's where I
>would have put in this
>year. a little tougher
>but a solid hunt.
>you should draw whenever you
>want to.

Based on my review of the draw stats, I don't think area 1 is a sure draw with 15 NR points this year. 140 NR applicants last year with 14 or less points. There is no way to tell how many of those 140 may have 15 points this year is there?

I am guessing all the tag drama has many people applying and jumping units this year. Even with top points, I wouldn't be packing any bags!
But Good Luck to you all.
I suspect there might be too many applicants in higher points pools that we might not see anyone draw with 15 points in any unit.

I HOPE I'M WRONG since my MM friend, Horniac, and I have the same points. (I wish 440 would lend me a point!)

Drawing a tag will all depends on which way the wind blows.

We'd be OK, over the course of a few years, if the NR quota isn't reduced! I'm almost too old to worry about a strenuous mountain hunt in 10+ years from now! I feel the need to hunt within 5... if possible.

It would be REALLY fun if all 3 of us popped a tag this year. Oh, the stories we'd tell!

Area 1 is a little harder to draw than I thought . last year 75% of the NR who put in with 15 drew, meaning probably all with 16 and a good number with 15 will this year.

All the attempts to mess with NR tags failed, so we're 2 years minimum from any changes. I don't see why that would make major changes in peoples strategy.

Things might get shook up but I doubt it. the trends have been pretty steady.

Stay thirsty my friends
I put in for unit 12 and plan to go unguided. Have friends in Wyoming and Idaho who will help out. Just need that tag. Put in the first year it was open to N.R. and I did not draw on a one tag for four applicants scenario. The next time that unit was available one of my daughters decided to get married in Sept.

Dean, who will be your outfitter in unit 4 if you are drawn? Just curious, I know that you did your homework. If this year is not my year I may try unit 19 next year. 56 years old but still in sheep shape
I'd be going with JJ. my wife had a late elk tag in the same area and he packed us in and did a great job. I've met Meade too and he's another guy I'd be more than happy to hunt with.

Most of the sheep outfitters do a good job. their biggest problem is the older clients they often get , when it takes almost 20 years to draw and most of us weren't kids when we started applying it's easy to do the math.

I'm 52 and in pretty decent shape myself, but I can tell I'm not getting any younger . I'd like to do this sooner than later.

Stay thirsty my friends
I am dreaming of hunting sheep this fall! I even imagined a full curl set of horns on my target and got ram fever and missed the whole thing ?, but I will be able to respond more accurately to your question come the first week of May!
19 resident points in area 5. 50% last year did not draw should be 90+% this year. Took good friends 73 year old dad and killed a nice 160 ram after missing 2 other rams first week. 6 weeks vacation, and have hunted this unit for years. Mules will get a workout and we will see what I can find. For those of you looking for an outfitter Meade is awesome. 7D ranch outfitting, known him for several years, did a late season elk hunt with him and a buddy. Quality from start to finish, don't think you can do better.

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