Who's seen it.....



The subaru commercial, where the knucklehead is driving away from the city(with boyfriend in another subaru following). They get to this awesome little piece of land, except there are 4 other junk subaru's parked beneath the tree.

Does this bother anyone else.......the notion that its ok to drive your(whatever make of car) out to your special piece of the earth and just leave it with 4 other cars....turn a pristine piece of earth into a junkyard....


same reaction here. so much for "earthloving" hippies.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." -- Abraham Lincoln
I'd also forgotten about the wording they used...."Subaru Heaven" !!! Hey as long as your old junker is in a good resting spot...............

It bothered me for about .0000200301th of a second when I realized........IT'S JUST A COMMERCIAL!!!

You guys and gals need to get outside and do something.

Cancel tv maybe.

LAST EDITED ON May-29-08 AT 08:58PM (MST)[p]I was just trying to get the feel for whether anyone else saw the commercial the way i did Zig....i thought it odd they'd represent their company with that add.....

As for your reply...it too bothered me for about .0000200300.5 seconds til i realized its just Zigga....you should try getting inside and doing something, your frustration level will drop!

Obviously none of you nimrods have ever been to any Indian Reservations.....that is how they measure their wealth.

We will have to assume that it was some private property auto heaven somewhere.
>Obviously none of you nimrods have
>ever been to any Indian
>Reservations.....that is how they measure
>their wealth.
> We will have to assume
>that it was some private
>property auto heaven somewhere.

Or my Dad's house for that matter. He has a Ford heaven, Chevelle heaven, horse trailer heaven, camp trailer heaven all right there in his backyard!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
you are all more than welcome to abandon your vehicles on my property.......they are bringing $500 a car at the scrap yard.

fricken ECO terrorist!
probably could not even swing a good seal bashing club!

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