Who's night is it?

My hell you'd think by the 4th time around a guy would start being a little picky and want to get a hot one in there?? I guess fugly's his thing...

I think I would be all for it! You could hunt/fish anytime you wanted. All you would have to do is ask the wife if she could watch the kids and if she says no, you just ask your other 3 wife's. Theres bound to be someone who can watch them!
I hate to admit it, but I have the inside scoop on this one. It is filmed here in Utah. I will be on the episode where one of the wives has a baby. I'm not a fan of polygamy, but they were very nice and entertaining people.
Wiz said,"Four wives means 4 times more headaches!"

Ok, i just can't help myself, or you could say;

"Four wives means 4 times more head!" :)

thats alot of Kotex!
sage bj's stop with the marrage is day 2! (from what I hear!).


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