Whos kid is this?


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Mar-10-10 AT 08:44AM (MST)[p]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcqOgnQyXp4&feature=fvw

LMAO!!! This is the funniest shiz I have seen in a while!!

"I just want to do hood rat things with my friends!!" and "my friend he smokes with cigarettes".

This kid will be in "juvie" before he is 10 FO SHO!!!
Ah, that's just Latarian Milton, rising NASCAR candidate.

Reported to be on track to enter the Sprint cup Series as soon as he is as tall as Mark Martin.

He also must take the test to proove he knows which way is left.

At this time, sponsors are few, with Colt 45 stout malt and Jerri-Curl leading the way.

Keep an eye on this one boys, what he don't wreck on the track, he will steal from in the pits.
LOL!! Kid probably sits up at night waiting to rob the tooth fairy, santa, and the easter bunny too...at gunpoint of course...kuz that's like a video game and it's fun :)
LAST EDITED ON Mar-10-10 AT 09:18AM (MST)[p]Latarian strikes again. This kid has a future. With the Dallas Cowboys maybe.

Only in America. He "likes all the attention. Well duh!
Wow what a great honor roll kid.

Remember that old saying "I'm not mad at you I'm mad at your parents for not knocking you in the head and feeding you to the hogs" comes to mind.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
LAST EDITED ON Mar-11-10 AT 11:14AM (MST)[p]Hmmmph - this all happened about 2 years ago. Apparently he was going to appear on Judge Judy but they rescinded the offer after it got out that the show's producers contacted the grandmother and encouraged her to sue her daughter for letting him take the keys. Apparently Judge Judy didn't want to "foster" any litigation, yet she certainly would have exploited a troubled 7 yr old and his attention seeking grandmother.

So the big question is - who failed this kid?

Society for oppressing his race and creating a welfare state that denies and excuses any sense of personal responsibility?

His family who have a distorted sense of family values?

Or us for laughing at his tragedy and creating an environment which rewards his behavior with the attention he is obviously and desparately seeking?
LAST EDITED ON Mar-11-10 AT 11:38AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Mar-11-10 AT 11:35?AM (MST)

Good thoughts HummerJ, But its still funny!
HomerJ.....the big question is who failed YOU?

The world is a not always a nice place and sometimes a little humor goes a long way to making life just a little more fun.

Quite frankly, your assault on EVERY humorous post on this site, is becomming obnoxious.

If you feel that we are all a bunch of insensitive, illiterate rednecks, around here, why do you stay?

It should be clear by now, to anyone with a childs portion of intellect, that we won't change, in spite of your tirades and guilt trips.

Drag that steel rod out of your butt and get a grip.

By the way, did you hear how they knew how many black guys showed up for the "million man march"?.....After it was over, the clean up crew counted all the Colt 45 cans and divided by 6.
It is funny as all get out and sick/sad as all get out too. We ain't got a chance in the years to come....
WOW - GrandWizardKillerbee - I can't believe you actually went there, I knew you were bad but come on dude!! Guess you will probably be putting on the robes tonight. What a freaking loser.

Nickman - you see now why I reject this as humor?? BECAUSE IT IS NOT FUNNY!! -



Well now you have me up on my soap box so here it comes...

First off - to answer your question - NOBODY FAILED ME! As I have said before - I was taught to stand up for those who can't stand up for themselves and believe that it is both my responsibility and my right to do so. Sorry if I can't sit idly by and watch over 300 years of social injustice, oppresion, and racism in this country keep repeating itself in the name of "good natured humor". That is where you are greatly deceived - it is not "good natured" at all. Take a look at what GrandWizardKillerbee wrote - there is nothing but hate, vitriol and disrespect in his words and you are joining him. I have read and respected many of your posts and opinions on here for a long time and I guess I just thought you were better than that. I guess you really can't get to know a person by a few thousan d posts on the internet. My mistake, I will not misjudge you again in the future.

My original post never indicted any one individual or group of individuals or poster here on MM - YOU Nickman however CHOSE to take it personal. I merely asked 3 pertinent questions that society today perpetually asks in order to place a sense of blame on someone or some institution in order to excuse this type of behavior and attitude. The poor kid was 7 years old - he did not come up with the ideas he is spouting by himself - they were placed there by someone or something he should not have been exposed to. So where does a 7 yr old learn that crap?? Whose fault is it that he is even thinking that way at that age?? His words and thoughts represent a fundamental failure and lack of respect for people, life and the world. Somebody dropped the ball - FAILED TO TEACH THIS KID RESPECT!! So who was it?? Was it his father?? Where is he in this picture?? Was it his mother?? Doesn't look like she is all that responsible for her son and has abdicated her responsibilites as a mother to her own mother, evidence of a long line of poor life choices. Then look at the grandmother - she isn't doing him any favors either, teaching him that he can get attention from his mistakes - get famous go on Judge Judy and sue his own mother to pay for HIS mistake. Then you have the cops saying they need to "get the kid into the system". Then you have uneducated, inbred, backwoods, country bumpkin, no teeth, redneck, racist idiots like Killerbee who think he his part "ape" - something less than human and refuse to see him for what he is - A 7 YEAR OLD BOY WHO NEVER HAD A CHANCE.

And you wonder what is wrong with this country today...

If my questions touched made you feel guilty for harboring the racism you do, well then they served their purpose and I DO NOT APOLOGIZE and shame on us (notice how I included myself in the picture) for laughing at this kid's tragedy - and shame on the media and society for feeding his unhealthy narcissistic tendencies by continuing to air his naivety to his own detriment.
+1 Homie - I got to hand it to you, usually you perplex me with some of the stuff you say, but you are right this time - for the most part at least. (You could calm down just a little).

Likkerbee - NOT COOL.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Homer, I admit that I am a racist. Not to the point of hoods and crosses, but I despise ALL the minorities in this country that destroy EVERYTHING in their path, expect the rest of us to pay their way and then, lie, cheat and steal to get everything they want.....sounds like Congress, don't it?.....

I grew up with minorities all around me and TO THIS DAY, I don't know a single one of them who is not a productive member of society. We played and worked together as kids, went to school together and went in the service together.

What was different?......we all had respect for each other, our elders and ourselves. Not to mention, other peoples rights and property.

These modern day idiots....and the liberals that enable them, make me sick to my stomach. There is nothing I personnaly did to create their situation; and nothing I can do to protect myself, my family, my community or my Country from these azzholes.

THEY have made me a racist.

They don't speak English, in spite of the fact that they have lived in no other country. Their pants don't cover their azzs' and they don't know how to wear a ballcap.

I don't like them, I don't feel sorry for them and I don't care what happens to them. Period.

And as far as laughing at them, I didn't invent the COPS tv show. It has to be crystal clear to everyone, that there ain't a whole hellava lot of things more humorous than ignorant people under stress and I don't care what color they are.

Am I wrong? Probably, but I ain't going to change.

I'm old......you want to change the world, good for you, just do it without me.
That kid needs his behind whooped, and pretty damn hard. Shoulda had an ass whippin a long time ago.
Can't believe some people try to make problems like that all about racism an oppression, get real,, apply swift justice and show consequences for bad actions and this stuff will become non existant.

I too applaud your post but it is my belief that the answer to who let the kid down is straightforward:his own community.

Dr. King had a dream-that all would be equal and have the same opportunity.He saw that dream realized legally and was beginning to see it realized practically when he was tragically assassinated.

But then his followers perverted his dream and changed it for their own selfish gain.Instead of opportunity, the demand became preference.Then the blame game started.Compounding the tragedy,our government became an enabler to these demands by creating a system of rewards without work and even more rewards for having children without the means to raise them. Fathers are gone and heaven help us when the older generation holding the black community together by a thread is gone too. Listen to Bill Cosby as he speaks to his own community. He is spot on.

I am saddened by this situation but must admit I harbor no personal guilt as I believe none is warranted. Perhaps others disagree and that is certainly their right.
HomerJ, what you said is all true, and I think the vast majority of us understand that. But it's like sitting around with a box of tissues watching Oprah. It's good for a good cry but that's about it.

Personally I think nickman summed it up pretty well when he said:

"These modern day idiots....and the liberals that enable them, make me sick to my stomach. There is nothing I personnaly did to create their situation; and nothing I can do to protect myself, my family, my community or my Country from these azzholes."

When I laugh at stuff like this I'm actually shaking my head at how stupid this Country has become, from our education system, to our justice system, to the intentional tearing down of our traditional family values.

Why not laugh at it once in awhile?


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